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Weird Cat Breeds: 7 Strange and Wonderful Felines plus more Kitty Breeds

Posted By TheDiscerningCat on all - Weird Cat Breeds: Keen to get yourself a curious type of kitty? Here are 7 weird but wonderful cat breeds that have lots to offer future owners

How Often do Cats Pee? What You Need to Know

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1286 days ago on all - How Often do Cats Pee? and how often should they pee? And what should you be looking out for with their pee? My post covers the key things you need to know for a happy and healthy cat when it comes to pee

Why Does my Cat Sleep on My Leg? 10 Reasons Why

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1292 days ago on all - Why Does My Cat Sleep on my Legs? Have you ever wondered why your favourite feline loves to get cosy on your calves? Here are 10 reasons why your cat my love having a snooze on your legs

Why Does My Cat Eat My Hair? 9 Reasons Why

Posted By TheDiscerningCat 1300 days ago on all - Why Does My Cat Eat My Hair? Does your cat like to nibble on your fur? There are several reasons why your feline may enjoy your hair - and several ways to stop this behaviour if you don't enjoy it