Published Blogs Property

Best Way to Organize Your Apartment for 2019

Posted By loculogic on Property - We’re just a little into the new year, and it’s around now that many find that their resolutions are a little harder to accomplish than originally imagined. If one of your resolutions this year was to get more organized, and you don’t think Marie Kondo will stop by your home anytime soon, here are a […]
The post Best Way to Organize Your Apartment for 2019 appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Webinar Recap: Discover Your Free Website and Marketing Tools

Posted By loculogic on Property - Access the webinar recording here: Tracking Maintenance on Your Rentals Managing a property is not for the faint of heart, and with so many tasks on your plate, marketing your rentals shouldn’t take all your time. That is why your Rentec Direct account provides you a free website that includes details and photos of all your […]
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10 Ways to Show Your Love To Your Tenants

Posted By loculogic on Property -   The flood of chocolate hearts, red roses and pastel candies on retail store shelves can only mean one thing: Valentine’s Day has arrived. And while most everyone gets into the loving spirit when met with cupid’s arrow, February 14th isn’t the only day to show those you love that you care. That same principle […]
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The Best Way to Collect Rent Payments Online

Posted By loculogic on Property - Accepting rent online is one of the most reliable ways to collect rent payments each month. With online rent payments, renters have the option to pay rent via a secure electronic funds transfer from their checking account (ACH) or with a credit or debit card.  Electronic payment options are becoming increasingly vital for businesses that […]
The post The Best Way to Collect Rent Payments Online appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Rentec Direct New Feature and Product Development Update

Posted By loculogic on Property - We think our clients are awesome and one of the values we love providing you is continuously improving the software so your job in rental management is easier. The Rentec Direct Development Team is tasked with creating, testing and rolling out major feature updates based feedback from clients like you. These major features and product […]
The post Rentec Direct New Feature and Product Development Update appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Spring Maintenance Tasks for Your Rental Property

Posted By loculogic on Property - While our favorite groundhog’s timing may have been incorrect, spring is finally a skip and a hop away. As the sun starts peeking through the clouds and thawing the last reminders of winter’s chill, it is likely your tenants will start to head outside to enjoy the fresh air once again. That means spring property […]
The post Spring Maintenance Tasks for Your Rental Property appeared first on Rentec Direct.

The Best Rental Listing Syndication Network from Rentec Direct

Posted By loculogic on Property - One of the best ways to end rental vacancy quickly is to advertise your property to as many people as possible.  Your chances of finding your next qualified tenant increase when you devote some time to creating a perfect rental ad that can be placed at key locations online. This idea is further supported by […]
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Heat Wave Preparation

Posted By loculogic on Property - Although tornadoes, hurricanes, and earthquakes cause more property damage, fatalities and illnesses due to a heat wave far outnumber other natural disasters. In the US alone, heat was the deadliest of all weather-related fatalities not only in 2018 but also across both a ten and thirty-year span. From the unexpected Alaska heat wave to the East […]
The post Heat Wave Preparation appeared first on Rentec Direct.

7 Online Tools for Managing Your Rental Properties Remotely

Posted By loculogic on Property - Now, more than ever, property managers and landlords can look to online solutions to manage their tenants and rental business.  Property management software providers are helping landlords and property managers connect with their tenants and provide safe solutions to pay their rent, find a place to live, and access important property-related information online. Manage your […]
The post 7 Online Tools for Managing Your Rental Properties Remotely appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Tips for Buying a Property With Existing Tenants

Posted By loculogic on Property - Each investment property comes with its own risks and rewards, and this is even truer when your property comes with rent-paying tenants, so you can start collecting rental income right away. However, there are ins-and-outs to buying a tenant-occupied rental, and every investor should know the potential roadblocks and benefits to inheriting tenants with your […]
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5 Tips for First-Time Renters: Infographic

Posted By loculogic on Property - Being a first-time renter is exciting, but it can come with a lot of questions. Learning the ropes doesn’t have to be intimidating, however. With some careful lease reading and a little know-how, even first-time renters will know how to be on their landlord’s good side for the lease term and beyond. This infographic has […]
The post 5 Tips for First-Time Renters: Infographic appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Webinar Recap: Orientation for New Rentec Direct Users

Posted By loculogic on Property - We recently hosted a useful webinar that provides an Orientation for New Rentec Users with your Director of Client Experience, Janell Kittleson and your Rentec Direct Success Team Lead, Kathryn. This webinar is perfect for our clients who are new to the program so you can learn all the ins and outs of your property […]
The post Webinar Recap: Orientation for New Rentec Direct Users appeared first on Rentec Direct.

What Design Choices Matter Most to Potential Tenants?

Posted By loculogic on Property - Designing a rental property can be tough. For one thing, it’s not your home, so you don’t want to invest a ton of money into a dream space that you rent out to others. After all, tenants might not treat the property as well as they would their own since they only plan to be […]
The post What Design Choices Matter Most to Potential Tenants? appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Rentec Direct Publishes Rental Trends Report for April 2020

Posted By loculogic on Property - Full Press Release Available on PRWEB Rentec Direct Publishes Rental Trends Report for April 2020 Property management software company releases data revealing the impact of COVID-19 on rent payments APRIL 14, 2020 GRANTS PASS, ORE. – Rentec Direct, the highest-rated property management software solution, recently published a rental trends report revealing the impact of COVID-19 on rent […]
The post Rentec Direct Publishes Rental Trends Report for April 2020 appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Webinar Recap: Is it Time to Upgrade to Rentec Pro or PM?

Posted By loculogic on Property - We recently hosted a webinar for Rentec Basic clients examining the benefits of upgrading to Rentec Pro or PM. The webinar included valuable information from your Director of Client Experience, Janell Kittleson, and Kevin Swiger from your Rentec Direct Success Team. This webinar is perfect for our clients who have a Rentec Basic account and […]
The post Webinar Recap: Is it Time to Upgrade to Rentec Pro or PM? appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Rentec Direct Product Development Update: Made Live in June 2019

Posted By loculogic on Property - Here at Rentec Direct, we know we have the best customers out there, and that’s why we strive to consistently add value to your software and make your job easier.  Your Development Team works hard on those most-requested feature updates and major rollouts, but it’s equally important to address smaller issues and software updates. The […]
The post Rentec Direct Product Development Update: Made Live in June 2019 appeared first on Rentec Direct.

Should I Renew My Lease Agreement with My Tenant?

Posted By loculogic on Property - As a landlord, you always want to have a tenant in every unit. But is it better to have a bad tenant than no tenant at all? When a lease ends you have the option to renew or not to renew the rental agreement. It’s ideal to keep a good tenant, but if you’re not […]
The post Should I Renew My Lease Agreement with My Tenant? appeared first on Rentec Direct.

How to Create Powerful Content for Your Property Management Blog

Posted By loculogic on Property - When you’re managing the content for your property management business, your blog is one of the most important aspects you’ll want to be thinking about. For a lot of your potential clients, this will be the first impression of your business and will define whether they become clients. When it comes to content, there’s a […]
The post How to Create Powerful Content for Your Property Management Blog appeared first on Rentec Direct.

7 Tips For Property Managers to Create Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

Posted By loculogic on Property - When used correctly, email marketing can be an incredibly effective tool for reaching new clients, communicating with existing ones and promoting your business. It also makes it easier for property managers to communicate with a large number of people with very little effort and expense. Here are some tips to get the most out of […]
The post 7 Tips For Property Managers to Create Effective Email Marketing Campaigns appeared first on Rentec Direct.

10 Ways to Modernize Your Outdated Rental Property

Posted By loculogic on Property - With renters paying more for housing last year than they ever have before—that’s around $504 billion, for the curious—now’s high time to be a landlord. Renting is on the rise due to a wide range of factors, from the ever-climbing cost of home ownership to the fact that younger people want more flexibility in terms […]
The post 10 Ways to Modernize Your Outdated Rental Property appeared first on Rentec Direct.