Published Blogs Finance

10 Frugal Habits That Are a Total Waste

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Are you looking to save money in your household but unsure where to start? If so, this list of ten frugal habits is for you! We've all heard about taking small steps toward saving money and cutting back on unnecessary ... Read More

The 20 Things People Used To Cheap Out On, but Now They Swear by the Expensive Versions

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - When budgeting and saving money, trying to cut corners wherever possible is tempting. However, some items are worth investing in due to their better durability or quality compared to their cheaper counterparts. 20 Items That Are Worth the Upgrade One ... Read More

How Interest Rates Can Help and Hurt You [The Complete Guide]

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - Understanding interest rates are incredibly important because you will encounter them with nearly any financial tool you decide to use including loans, credit cards, savings accounts, and other investments.

You’re Not Lazy, You’re Just Not Motivated: 8 Ways To Overcome Procrastination

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - We’ve all been there before, where we choose to do something that we enjoy rather than a chore that isn’t as exciting. We all want to stop procrastinating and get it all done. Unfortunately, finding the motivation to do so doesn’t readily happen even with a tough-love approach. “How to stop procrastinating?“, you ask. Sometimes...

She Is Suing Them Because She Walked Her Neighbor’s Son Home From the Bus Stop Every Day So Now She Wants Them To Pay Up

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - OP posted seeking advice on what she should do after her neighbor sued her for $235,000 for helping walk her child from the bus stop to the house. The neighbor claims that she hasn’t been able to get a job. Pay ... Read More

John Krasinski Net Worth: 3 Lessons from His Path to Wealth

Posted By JustStartInvest on Finance - John Krasinski Net Worth 2021: $80 million. John Krasinski is most well known for his role as Jim Halpert on NBC’s hit sitcom The Office. The show aired from 2005 to 2013, and while this role may be what got John Krasinksi his start, it certainly wasn’t the only thing that contributed to his success […]

Skip the Debt, Not the Wealth: 15 High-Paying Skills You Can Master Without a University Degree

Posted By hashtaginvesting on Finance - Want to have a high-paying job but don’t have a college degree? You need the right skills for it, then!

How to Start Making Money With An Amazon FBA Business

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - This post is sponsored by Marketplace Superheroes.  The online marketplace is a crowded space. There are many options to make money. They include places like Poshmark, eBay, and Amazon FBA (Fulfillment by Amazon). Because of its name recognition and popularity, many people start with an Amazon FBA business. If that describes you, and you’re looking for guidance […]

Miss These, Miss Fortune: Discover 7 Small-Cap Stocks That Could Transform Your Wealth Overnight

Posted By hashtaginvesting on Finance - Small-cap stocks faced challenges with the broader market in 2022, but 2023 has been a turnaround year for them. While

19 Legitimate Work from Home Jobs

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - Working from home is becoming more and more popular. Many legitimate work-from-home jobs will allow you to work from the comfort of your own home. Finding a job that will enable you to work from home gives you more flexibility for things like childcare, travel, and disabilities.

10 Cases When Parents Should Have Thought Twice Naming Their Kids

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Choosing a name for a child is a significant decision that parents often spend months contemplating. Some look for names that honor family members or convey certain meanings, while others opt for unique and trendy names. However, sometimes parents make hasty decisions, influenced by popular culture or fleeting trends, that they come to regret later...