Published Blogs Finance

16 Fantastic Things to Do in Limassol, Cyprus on Your Trip

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Limassol is the second-largest city in Cyprus (after the capital, Nicosia), with a population of 185,000. It's popular with tourists every year, with some staying there and others just popping in for a day trip. It hosts several events throughout the year, the most popular being the wine event in August. However, one of the ... Read more

You vs. Loneliness: Discover the Perfect 14 Activities For Loners

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - The internet is full of interesting things to discover. While scrolling, I came across a question that caught my attention: “For those who enjoy being alone, what activities do you find enjoyable?” If you’re looking for ideas on things to do yourself, this is a great opportunity to find inspiration. 1.  Concerts When you go to concerts alone, you can focus on the music and performance without distractions. You can move around, dance, and sing along without worrying about others. You might even meet new people who share ... Read more

17 Things Boomers Wish Could Make a Comeback

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Times change, and with each passing era, certain elements from the past fade away, becoming mere memories. Baby boomers, having experienced a world marked by significant technological advancements, often find themselves reminiscing about things that have become obsolete in today’s modern society. 1. Vinyl Records Boomers often recall the days when vinyl records were the...

Stay Average or Soar High: 15 Lucrative Side Gigs for Men to Boost Their Earnings

Posted By trendsandtactics on Finance - The job market is rough, with one-third of Americans currently working more than one job. Although it would be ideal to only work 9-5, the world of high-earning side hustles for men continues to grow, making it difficult to not explore the options. If you want to build your income rapidly, these are the best ... Read more
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From Dropout to Millionaire: Discover Eminem’s Mind-Blowing Net Worth!

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - With a career spanning over two decades, his impact on rap and hip-hop cannot be overstated. From his battles with addiction to his staggering Eminem net worth, there’s no shortage of topics to cover when delving into the life of this fascinating artist. Eminem, the rap legend, has been a force to reckon with in the music industry for over two decades. Born as Marshall Bruce Mathers III, Eminem began his music career in the underground rap scene of Detroit before gaining mainstream success in the late 1990s.  His ... Read more

The 10 Most Re-Visited Countries in the World: You Won’t Be Able to Resist!

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Experiencing new places and cultures, as well as learning about and adapting to others, is what makes travel so rewarding.  While it's true that seeing the world is thrilling, some locations have a peculiar pull that keeps visitors returning. Here, ... Read More

What Is Lifestyle Creep? Warning Signs and How To Protect Yourself

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - Lifestyle creep, often called “lifestyle inflation,” is a phenomenon many people unwittingly fall prey to as their income increases. It occurs when you gradually increase ... Read More

The 8 Best Vanguard Index Funds For Building a Long Term Portfolio

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Investing can always seem like a daunting task. There are so many options to invest in; which one is the best? Those is the thoughts that roll through our heads as we think about investing. It is hard. One thing ... Read More

14 Best and Fun Things to Do In Sacramento

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Are you after an unforgettable trip combining history, entertainment, and natural beauty? Then, pay attention to California's capital: Sacramento. Despite being less hyped than glitzy neighbors like Los Angeles and San Francisco, Sacramento is a hidden treasure waiting to be ... Read More

10 Widespread Scams We Pretend Aren’t Real

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Scam after scam hits us daily, and due to self-preservation, most people just continue accepting them. In a recent online post, the Internet community identifies which scams we can all agree are wrong, but people pretend otherwise. 1. The Subscription-based ... Read More

10 of the Most Dangerous Places in the World

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Are you tired of playing it safe, and have you been craving a thrill that takes you to some of our planet’s most dangerous places? These destinations are not for the faint-hearted; they come with significant life-threatening risks you should ... Read More

16 Best Black Friday Deals That You Need to Take Advantage of

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Get ready, bargain hunters! Black Friday is almost here, and it's the perfect time for some serious shopping. We've handpicked 16 of the best deals you don't want to miss. These aren't just your run-of-the-mill discounts but real steals that ... Read More

12 Cities That Surprised Us With Their Charm and Atmosphere

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Traveling to a new place can be challenging, especially when figuring out where to eat and stay. Knowing the ins and outs of a city is very important when being there, but there are some places where you feel safe ... Read More