Published Blogs Finance

12 Ways Europe Is “Winning” Against the United States

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Europe and the United States are continents with distinct offerings and characteristics. While the U.S. has its own advantages, Europe also presents a range of useful aspects that can be beneficial in various ways. From efficient public transportation and accessible healthcare to rich cultural diversity and historical landmarks, Europe offers valuable experiences and amenities. 1....

12 Cities Are in Desperate Need of a Makeover

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - When we think of cities, we often conjure up images of breathtaking skylines, picturesque streets, and iconic landmarks that captivate our senses. However, there is a side to urban life that challenges our conventional notions of beauty. In the diverse tapestry of our world, there are cities that stand out for their unconventional aesthetics. These...

12 Subtle Ways to Reject Someone

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Navigating the realm of relationships can sometimes be tricky, especially when it comes to letting someone down gently. Sometimes, people find themselves in situations where they need to convey their lack of romantic interest without causing hurt feelings. These gentle approaches aim to maintain respect and empathy while clearly communicating that romantic feelings are not...

She Uninvited Her Dad To Her Wedding Because He Won’t Pay For A Non-Vegan Reception

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares a story of her father, who initially promised to pay for her wedding. However, he began a relationship with a woman who was very pro-vegan. As a result, the father’s promise to fund the wedding now adopted conditions. Is She Being Extreme? The original poster (OP) said she has nothing wrong...

12 Simple Words Most People Struggle To Spell

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Have you ever encountered words that seem to defy proper spelling? You’re not alone. Our language is full of words that consistently look like they’re spelled wrong, causing doubt and confusion. Whether it’s the deceptive arrangement of letters or the influence of foreign origins, these words will continue to challenge our spelling skills. 1. “Necessary”...

12 Things People Joke About That Aren’t Actually Funny

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - In today’s world, humor is all around us. People often use jokes to make each other laugh and lighten the mood. But there are some things that should never be the subject of jokes. These are topics that can hurt others and make them feel sad or upset. 1. Mental Health Issues Joking about mental...

12 Most Wasteful Habits Human People Have Trouble Stopping

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Human beings, in their daily lives, often engage in habits that unknowingly contribute to wastefulness. From excessive food waste to the use of disposable plastic, these practices take a toll on the environment and deplete valuable resources. The consequences of these wasteful habits are far-reaching, affecting ecosystems, climate, and future generations. 1. Excessive Food Waste...

15 “Boring” Things Rich People Do Are Still Valuable

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Everyone dreams of having enough disposable income to do the things that excite them. However, having a lot of disposable income can lead people to do something that may seem dull and unexciting to the average person. This article will explore some every day, less exciting activities many wealthy individuals engage in. 1. Investing Rich...

10 Best Value Investing YouTubers to Watch Immediately

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Are you interested in learning more about value investing and personal finance? With the rise of YouTube, more resources are available than ever to help you improve your financial literacy. We’ll introduce you to the best value investing YouTubers to help you become a more informed and successful investor. 1. Sven Carlin Sven Carlin is...

114 of the Best Would You Rather Questions for Kids that are Fun and Silly

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Whether you’re a parent trying to get to know your kid better, or you’re just looking for something to fill the time, or your long road trip, a classic game of “would you rather” is an excellent way to go. Not only does the would you rather game appeal to people of all ages (providing...

12 Books Everyone Should Read to Improve Their Lives

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Books have the power to change lives. They hold within their pages the wisdom, knowledge, and experiences of countless authors, ready to inspire and guide readers on their journey to self-improvement. Whether you’re seeking personal growth, motivation, or simply a fresh perspective, this curated list of essential books will help you unlock the doors to...

13 Wasteful Purchases People Spend Their Paycheck On

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Getting a raise is an exciting moment for anyone. It recognizes your hard work and dedication in the workplace, and it often comes with more money to do the things you want. But people make some common mistakes when they get a raise. Money can quickly be wasted if it isn’t managed properly, leaving people...

10 Times People Spent Money To Save Their Cash In Their Long Run

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Spending your money on some activities and stuff doesn’t always have to mean that you will lose it. On the contrary, following intelligent and wise steps can even get you into a position where spending also means saving. Here are a few helpful tips from an online frugal community. 1. Preventative Maintenance The number-one-voted response...

Mother-In-Law Announces Their Pregnancy Without Permission, Is She Wrong?

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares the story of her mother-in-law announcing their pregnancy on social media before they did. After fighting infertility for many years, she and her significant other were hoping that they’d be the ones to make this momentous announcement. Waiting For The Right Moment The original poster (OP) shares they had multiple miscarriages...

12 Basic Words People Can’t Seem to Spell Correctly

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Navigating the world of words can sometimes feel like stepping into a maze with hidden traps. Some words just don’t seem to play by the rules when it comes to spelling. Whether it’s the placement of letters or the tricky combinations of sounds, there’s a handful of words that consistently trip up even the most...

15 Moments Only Gen X Have Experienced

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - The Gen X generation includes people born from the mid-1960s to the late 1970s. The individuals born during that time had several unique experiences that set them apart from other generations, especially those that came after. In this article, we’ll explore 15 significant moments that shaped the lives of those born in this generation. Let’s...

Athletes Trust This Financial Advisor. He Can Help You, Too.

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Whether you’re a professional athlete or your career is on the sidelines, this financial advisor can help you enjoy life more with less money stress. If you’re looking to hire a financial advisor who knows the challenges of those who earn their money on the field, look no further than Ley...

He Told Her They Couldn’t Afford It, But She Still Spent Their Money Anyways

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user discovered his stay-at-home wife has been paying for ballet lessons for their two-year-old daughter without telling him. But he says they are in “financial difficulty” and calls the ballet lessons a “waste of money.” Beginning To Experience Financial Difficulty The original poster (OP) says their family is experiencing financial difficulty. Their rent...