Published Blogs Medicine

When to Start Tummy Time: Essential Tips for Success!

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - This article points to everything you want to know about tummy time when to start tummy time and almost everything that circles around it. What is Tummy Time? Before knowing when to start tummy time, you might want to know what actually is tummy time. For mommys-to-be and new mothers, it is a term referring...

The Best Advice to Figuring Out When Do Babies Roll Over

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - If you ask the question, when do babies roll over, you’ve come to the right blog. They usually start rolling at the age of four months. Babies might also rollover from the tummy to their back. As they reach six months, the babies will roll over in either direction. It is quite common for them...

What Are Cognitive Distortions & How Do They Shape Our World?

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - The human brain is an incredible organ. Not only does it allow us to think and reason, but it also houses our memories and emotions. It’s responsible for everything we do, say, and feel. And yet, even though the brain is so powerful, it’s often swayed by inaccurate thoughts and beliefs. These inaccurate thoughts are...

How to Make Rose Water at Home Benefits & Diy Recipes

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - While most people recognize the beauty in an expensive bouquet of beautiful roses, they have much more potential than sitting around our home in vases. Rosewater has seemingly unlimited uses and learning how to make it at home will give your wilted roses a new purpose and save you money! Making your DIY rose water...

Best Tips to Avoid a Dehydration Headache

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - It is never a pleasant experience when it seems like Thor’s hammer is making a dent in your brain. You can’t effectively continue your day because the pain will weigh you down.  What could be happening?  If you’ve not drank water in a while, you may be experiencing a dehydration headache. While you can do...

NAC For Anxiety: The Greatest Findings EVER

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - This article will help to understand what NAC is and what the benefits of NAC for anxiety are. Furthermore, the benefits of NAC would be explored with reference to research articles. This article will also enable us to understand the types of anxiety for using NAC. Foods that are enriched with NAC will also be...

10 Journal Prompts for Anxiety: Get Relief Now

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Writing is a mental health therapy that has been proven to relieve anxiety and mental stress. In this article, you will find 10 journal prompts that have been designed for people who suffer from mental illnesses such as anxiety. Whether you’re an experienced journaler or just starting out, these tips will help you improve your...

Self-Discipline: Follow These Amazing Life-Changing Steps

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Developing self-discipline isn’t easy. Procrastination is the enemy of self-discipline. Here’s a perfect example:“I’m going to start the keto diet tomorrow because I want to lose 20 lbs for my wedding. I’m trying to be more disciplined about how I eat.” Does that sound familiar? Most of us like to talk about how we’re going...

How to Budget Money 101 (You Know You Need To)

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine -  Budgeting. The nine-letter word in personal finance either excites you or conjures up images of torture. Regardless of whether you’re excited, terrified, or lost somewhere in between, there’s something we can all agree on here. It’s that budgeting exists for one simple reason—because it works. But exactly How to Budget Money so you can reach...

Best Bottled Water: BPA-Free, High Electrolytes & Heavy Metal Free

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - BPA is a synthetic estrogen in many plastics and resins used to make food and beverage containers, including baby bottles, water bottles, and cans. It has been linked with various health concerns, including cancer, heart disease, diabetes, and reproductive problems. While the FDA has determined that BPA is safe at low levels, some companies have...

19+ Stimulating Car Games for Kids to Stay Busy On a Road Trip

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - A long car ride may not be the most exciting activity, but they’re especially challenging for kids to sit through. Kids need stimulation and entertainment to keep them from going wild. This list of car games for kids is the perfect tool to keep their minds busy while they wait. Whether you’re going on a...

A Quick Guide to Meal Prep Like A Pro

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Meal prepping is all the rage these days, and for good reason! Meal preps can help you save money, help with eating healthy, and help you have more control over your food. But where do you start? This article will give you all the information to start meal prepping like a pro! We’ll cover everything...

When Do Babies Crawl? Honest Knowledge for New Parents

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - According to science, about half of the babies begin to crawl as they reach their 8th month of life. However, there are some babies that might start crawling before they reach six months of age, and other babies may not start crawling until they reach 11 months to answer the question of when do babies...

How to Love Yourself & Others the Right Way: From a Therapist

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - High self-esteem is related to success, healthy relationships, and overall life satisfaction. Low self-esteem can contribute to depression, anxiety, substance use & substance abuse, and suicidal thoughts. Learning how to love yourself can help you develop stronger self-esteem and a more positive outlook. To clarify, this does not mean being in love with yourself and...

Emotions Wheel Brilliant Ways To Use Them

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Children also experience complex emotions as adults do. They feel a myriad of emotions ranging from frustration to excitability, nervousness to sadness, jealousy to worrisome, embarrassment to anger, and whatnot. However, unlike adults, we see that young children don’t have the total capacity to communicate their emotions with others. Instead, there are different ways other...

Dumbbell Exercises: 12 of the Best You Can Do at Home

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - For years, there has been a debate over free-weight King between the barbell and the dumbbell. However, it would be criminal to sleep on the dumbbell’s benefits and versatility for free-weight exercises. If the aim is to build muscle mass, facilitate fat loss, or increase body strength, dumbbell exercises check every box while improving cardiovascular...

Relaxation Techniques for Anxiety, Depression & Mental Clarity

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Muscle relaxation techniques helped parents with children suffering from Lukemia to feel less anxious and stressed (Pouraboli et al., 2019). There are a variety of relaxation techniques that are used during exposure techniques or to help someone calm down after emotional flooding or even crying. This is not to say that crying is bad, but...

The Reasons We Love Grounding Techniques for Stress & Anxiety

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Stress and anxiety are notorious for causing or worsening depression, chronic pain, insomnia, social isolation, substance abuse, etc. The effects of anxiety are far-reaching, and one has to be proactive to stop it in its tracks before it does any damage. One effective way to eliminate stress before it consumes you is by performing grounding...