Published Blogs Medicine

Holistic Anxiety Relief Course

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Who is This eCourse For? Women Who Want Relief Now Whether you have been on this Anxiety Train for Way too long or you have just began. First of all welcome to the club, there is lots of support in this course for you. To help you feel less anxious, happier and more satisfied. This...

Reasons Why Get Paid To Travel Is Getting More Popular

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Traveling the world is a dream for many of us. The problem is that it’s so expensive, it seems out of reach. But what if you could get paid to travel? Instead of spending thousands of dollars on an international vacation, you can find ways for companies and brands to pay you to travel the...

The Ultimate List of Healthiest Foods- Nutrient Dense & Healing

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - There are several foods available that can be a complete diet for humans. It would help if you chose a diet rich in vitamins and minerals and low in sugars, starches, and bad fats. Try to eat a variety of food to get all the essential nutrients. These foods keep you safe from chronic diseases...

DIY Bug Spray: The Best Essential Oils for Bug Repellant

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - "Large doses of DEET (commonly found in bug sprays) are linked to skin blisters, seizures, and memory loss. In addition to, headaches, stiff joints, shortness of breath, and skin irritation.

Can Gluten Cause Migraines? The Surprising Truth

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Gluten is from a family of proteins that are usually found in wheat, barley, oats, or rye. It can also be found in some medications and toothpaste. There can be a variety of reasons to avoid gluten. One of the most common reasons to avoid gluten is because people have celiac disease. Celiac disease is...

Ten Simple (But Important) Things To Remember About International Travel Checklist.

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - If you’re thinking of traveling abroad anytime soon, then this is the article for you. We’ve compiled a list of things that everyone should consider before going on their next trip to another country. From making sure your passport is valid and up-to-date to pack some essential items in your carry-on bag – it’s all...

Alternatives to Benzodiazepines for Anxiety and Natural Treatments for Anxiety

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Benzodiazepines are a popular anxiety medication and for good reason. They can be very effective at reducing symptoms of anxiety in many people. However, they come with some serious side effects that could potentially outweigh the benefits when taken long-term. This article will discuss 8 Alternatives to Benzodiazepines for Anxiety and Natural Treatments for Anxiety...

14 Things That Matter When You Are Learning How To Get Out Of Debt Fast

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Getting out of debt with this method works like this: You make a list of your existing debt and sort them through the highest interest rates to the smallest. Pay off debt faster by setting aside extra money to pay off your debt on the highest interest rate. Make minimum payments on the rest of...

List of Emotions: A Guide to Better Understand Yourself and Others

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - What Are Emotions? According to traditional theory, “Emotions are feelings that are associated with the experience.” Since there are different experiences with a person, other emotions are associated with a person. Emotions are particular types of feelings that are influenced by some experience. Emotions are naturally the driving force that moves us in or against...

155 Uplifting Self-Care Quotes for Mental Health

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Self-care is one of the most important things you can do in your daily routine to maximize your inner peace, increase your confidence and productivity, and improve your relationships. Still, as with so many aspects of life, it can be easier said than done. Using positive quotes helps you remember to make caring for yourself...

10 Secrets You Will Not Want To Know About Traveling With Kids

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Traveling with kids can be challenging. So it’s important to know what to pack, how to make traveling more manageable, and how to avoid disappointments. With these top ten tips, traveling with your children will be a breeze. 1. Planning the Trip When traveling with kids, you need to take a bit more time planning...

What Is a Timeshare and What It Isn’t: Real Talk from a Happy Owner of 15

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - When the Federal Trade Commission has a section on their website answering “What is a Timeshare,” you know there is confusion out there!  That’s why I like to say that a Timeshare isn’t something you purchase on a whim, three margaritas deep, while on vacation. It’s a legal contract and long-term financial decision that you...

Ten Things Nobody Told You About Marriage Counseling

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - MAre you thinking about going for marriage counseling? You probably know what it entails, but what if there’s more? Would it help to know those things before deciding marriage counseling is right for you? We think YES. Let’s look at some of the basics of marriage counseling and ten things you probably don’t know about...

7 Ways to Improve Your Self-Confidence

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - Self-confidence is a feeling of believing in your capabilities, qualities, vision, and judgment. It is like food for the mind, body, psychological wellness, and overall health. You are not confident by birth or by instinct. Social and emotional factors play an important role in determining your confidence level. Also, the feeling is not constant. Instead,...

What I Wish Everyone Knew About How To Fall Asleep Fast

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - So many people are sleep-deprived, over-caffeinated, and burnt out. Insomnia or sleep deprivation contributes to MANY different health concerns, including an increased risk for cancer, heart disease, depression, anxiety, stroke, diabetes, etc.  According to the CDC, individuals receiving less than 8 hours of sleep per night increase their risk for severe health conditions by as...

The Ultimate Guide of Nutritional Deficiencies that Cause Anxiety

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - If your diet is a quick fast-food breakfast, vending machine lunch, and a tv dinner before bed, then your diet is probably lacking some essential vitamins and minerals. There is a long list of deficiencies that cause anxiety, so I broke it down for you, by the nutrient and some deficiency symptoms that can be...

High Functioning Sociopath- What Does it Mean?

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - A high functioning sociopath is someone who has qualities that are similar to those of a sociopath but behaves in an entirely different way. They live among the rest of society and can even have high-ranking jobs such as doctors or lawyers. The difference between high functioning sociopaths and average people is that they feel...

PTSD Test: How to Know if You Suffer From PTSD

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - In our world today, the chances of not experiencing traumatic events are very slim. If you haven’t directly witnessed shootings, acts of terrorism, robbery, physical or sexual assault, and other forms of violence, you may have heard or read about them – and that could be traumatizing. The best thing you can do for yourself...