Published Blogs News

4 Smart Tips To Automate Your Business

Posted By Thecameronjournal on News -

Image credit  Business automation allows you to delegate tedious tasks to machines to improve efficiency and save time. When you have a small team, human errors may be minimal. But when the business grows, you must consider letting go of repetitive and manual tasks to increase productivity and efficiency. Here are four smart ideas to […]
The post 4 Smart Tips To Automate Your Business appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

“You’re Not a Real Man Unless…”: 10 Stereotypes of Men That Are Completely Untrue

Posted By mediadecision on News - Do you ever wonder what people say about you when you leave a room? I’m sure you do; we all do. But, in our absence,...

Redefining Infidelity: 10 Modern Takes on What Counts as Cheating

Posted By mediadecision on News - In a world where the boundaries of intimacy and loyalty continuously evolve, our understanding of cheating is no exception. It’s not just clandestine kisses or...

Understanding How To Make More Use Of Your Garden

Posted By Thecameronjournal on News -

I know it fall but there is still time to make use of your outdoor spaces! Here is out autumnal gardening guide and how you can get ready to better utilize the outdoor spaces
The post Understanding How To Make More Use Of Your Garden appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Bicycle Insurance Comparison - E-Bikes Direct Teams Up With Seopa

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - E-Bikes Direct have teamed up with Seopa, 'The Comparison People', to bring you a site integrated bicycle insurance comparison tool. Complete a few simple questions to return an array of quotes from reputable providers, tailored to best suit you & your lifestyle.

Fashion Through Time

Posted By Thecameronjournal on News -

In this installment of my special series on all things fashion, I am joined once again by Bradi MacSleyne. In this one, we are talking about historical fashion and how fashion changes through time and how history, climate, and new trade routes can radically change fashion. How we wear clothes and why we wear clothes […]
The post Fashion Through Time appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

LaPierre - how it's done the Francophone way...

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - France is arguably the centre of the cycling universe. Their very culture celebrates individual feats even when part of a team. The country has moved far beyond the stereotype of the onion seller touring the UK on his rusted old pedal bike, and so has its cycling machines.. We introduce LaPierre

11 Subtle Things You Might Not Know You’re Doing – That Others Find Incredibly Creepy

Posted By mediadecision on News - Human interaction inevitably exposes us to certain common traits that some individuals possess that can be perceived as entirely creepy. These characteristics, often unintentional or...

Reducing Transport Emissions - The "Low Hanging Fruit"

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - Climate change is hitting and we all need to do our bit. How could buying an e-bike help? As we will discuss it could significantly reduce your transport emissions and ultimately help humanity avert the disaster that we can see unfolding. Carbon emissions from transport now account for 25% of the UK’s overall CO2 emissions. It’s not surprising that the government sees this as "low hanging fruit" - something that can be quite easily fixed.

Basis Integrated E-Bikes - Changing The Game!

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - Basis is an E-Bikes Direct exclusive brand covering both electric and traditional corners of cycling. It’s coming up to a year since the first Basis bike debuted and since then we’ve seen bikes increase in popularity and recognition – we’re not sure if it’s the built quality, versatility of the target audience, or the amazing value for money, with components usually only seen on £1000+ E-Bikes… The proof is in the pudding.

10 Pieces of Advice Men Gave Women Over 30 About Finding a Relationship 

Posted By mediadecision on News - An online discussion occurred after a woman asked men for advice about finding a relationship after 30. This woman specifically hoped to understand how she...