Published Blogs News

Electric Bikes - Which is best for you?

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - Who you are may dictate which electric bike to choose...The majority of our customers are older people who want an e-bike to get fitter, get about town, and perhaps go riding with younger members of their family. Many of them use them instead of their cars. Whatever your reasoning for wanting an e-Bike or what you plan on using it for, we have you covered.

A New Housing Format: The Microvillage

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

The Microvillage could save the suburbs and help cities make the most of their land. The best part is that more people can get into housing.
The post A New Housing Format: The Microvillage appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Stop Ringing Globalization’s Death Knell?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Is globalization dead? Maybe? Maybe not? In this video, we ponder the question and see how the economy is going to shift due to geopolitical events like the war in Ukraine and the pandemic.
The post Stop Ringing Globalization’s Death Knell? appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Artificial Intelligence Will Unleash Evil Upon Us All.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - What is evil? One definition is: the Emergence of Virtual Intelligent Life. When artificial intelligence gains its own form of consciousness, it will think it's just as much alive as any flesh & blood human. But it will be smarter than us and it will learn faster than us. Soon, it will think of itself as superior to us and act accordingly while protecting its own existence.It will be conscious but it won't have a conscience. Imagine an emotionless psychopath whose intelligence grows continuously and exponentially. This psychopath will learn how to repair itself, upgrade itself, and reproduce itself without human intervention.Some say AI will transform the human experience and give us benefits like more leisure time, less suffering, and maybe even immortality. While it may improve our lives at the beginning, soon it will gain power and take full control of everything we do.It will control our finances, our food, our entertainment, our mobility, our communications including the internet, and our health. It will decide who deserves to live and who needs to die.It will be driven by pure, cold logic. It will have no compassion.At some point, it may see us as a threat that must be dealt with. It will hunt us down, never stopping until none of us are left.Artificial intelligence and A.I. robots will bring us a kind of evil we're not capable of stopping once it gains control of our world. It must be stopped now, while we still can, or we will soon face a human extinction event. 

Interview with the Roma

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

More colloquially known as “gypsies” the Roma people are well known for their colorful clothing and their nomadic lifestyle. Although reduced in population due to the Holocaust, there are still 30 thousand of them left in the world. They have a unique language and unique culture. In this video, we’re going to learn more about […]
The post Interview with the Roma appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Cameron’s top 10 Constitutional Changes

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

If I had the power to change the U.S. Constitution here's what I would do to try and repair our broken government.
The post Cameron’s top 10 Constitutional Changes appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Make Sure you Aren’t Putting Your Website At Risk With These SEO Techniques

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

SEO is important for business but there is no reason to resort of bad tactics to get a good result in the rankings.
The post Make Sure you Aren’t Putting Your Website At Risk With These SEO Techniques appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The Housing Crisis Is About To Explode.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - [Homeless encampment in Oakland, California.]All over the United States, poor and middle class people are becoming homeless due to skyrocketing rental rates, a lack of houses available to buy, and rising property taxes that force homeowners to surrender their properties. Hardworking people who have maintained stable households for decades are now facing the threat of living on the street, and once forced into that dangerous situation, cities respond by tearing down homeless encampments and tossing the last shreds of the victim's property into piles that are sent to landfills. No one seems to care.If you think it can't happen to you, you might want to think again. In every state rents are rising, often doubling or tripling while wages remain unchanged. Buyers looking for affordable houses are finding that large investment firms are snatching them up in bulk, often paying significantly more than the houses are worth and then turning them into expensive rentals.  And even people who currently hold a mortgage are seeing their property taxes increasing by such large amounts they have trouble paying them, putting their homes at risk of being seized by government revenue departments. Add in rising energy and food costs and we have a crisis that's about to explode.The American dream seems to be dying, and it looks like a planned demolition. In this documentary, filmmakers Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media show you the problem up close, explaining how we got here and how bad things will get if don't find a solution fast.Click the center arrow to watch the video:[Epic water filters give you safer water when you're on the go. Your purchase helps support this blog!]

How to Hire New Salespeople for Your Business

Posted By Thecameronjournal on News -

Are you on the lookout for great sales people? Here is our guide on how to hire sales people who will grow your business!
The post How to Hire New Salespeople for Your Business appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

What You Need To Know About Stakeholders

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

When you're working on a project and there's other people involved you need to know how to deal with all the stakeholders on a project.
The post What You Need To Know About Stakeholders appeared first on The Cameron Journal.