Published Blogs News

8 Successful Money-Making Tips For Small Businesses

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Small businesses have many resources that they might not have thought about in terms of bringing in additional revenue. Here are some ideas to boost revenue in your small business.
The post 8 Successful Money-Making Tips For Small Businesses appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Kardashian to Pay for Crypto Gaffe

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Kim Kardashian is paying out 1.4 million to settle an SEC investigation into her crypto promotional activities on her popular Instagram account.
The post Kardashian to Pay for Crypto Gaffe appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Biden's Attack On Gig Workers Is Really An Attack On Freedom.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - White House resident Joe Biden just announced plans to regulate gig work and other types of contractor jobs. Biden wants to create new regulations that would strictly define what a contractor is and push most into traditional employment positions.

The MSM Finally Gets Christian Nationalism

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Christian Nationalism is on the rise, and it is finally being recognized by the mainstream media like this video from NBC News.
The post The MSM Finally Gets Christian Nationalism appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

New Flash Fiction: The Crazy Christian Music Lady

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

So when I used to run a record label I had a tawdry incident with an was interesting and here is the story.
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America: Rental Nation

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

America's renters are on the brink. If prices don't come down soon or wages increase, many people will become part of the working houseless; those who have a job but simply can't afford housing.
The post America: Rental Nation appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

10 Tips for Starting Your Own Computer Repair Shop

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Here are 10 tips on starting a computer repair shop. They still exist and it can be a lucrative business.
The post 10 Tips for Starting Your Own Computer Repair Shop appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

How to Start a Blog on Your Business Website

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Having a blog on your business website is a vital way to rank on google as well as reach out to your customers.
The post How to Start a Blog on Your Business Website appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Freedom Is Taken Away One Piece At A Time.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - "Sometimes your freedom is not taken away at gunpoint but instead it is done one piece of paper at a time, one seemingly meaningless rule at a time, one small silencing at a time." -- Aramando Valladares, Cuban prisoner for 22 years.

Benefits of Building Your Own Workspace

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

If you're working from home or creating your own office, we have some helpful tips and tricks to make your workspace the best it can be.
The post Benefits of Building Your Own Workspace appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Can We Have an Honest Conversation about Dating While Autistic?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Dating is already hard enough in our modern environment. Dating while autistic is even harder but there is very little sympathy for guys out there.
The post Can We Have an Honest Conversation about Dating While Autistic? appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Using Technology for Customer Engagement

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Let's talk customers! The life blood of any business, keeping your customers happy and engaging with them is the best way to grow sales over time. Here's how to engage with your customers better.
The post Using Technology for Customer Engagement appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Hosting An Event? Here’s How To Ensure It’s Safe And Sucsessful

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

In person events are back! Here's how to throw your most successful event and make sure all your guests walk away having had a great time.
The post Hosting An Event? Here’s How To Ensure It’s Safe And Sucsessful appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The Housing Crisis Is About To Explode.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - [Homeless encampment in Oakland, California.]All over the United States, poor and middle class people are becoming homeless due to skyrocketing rental rates, a lack of houses available to buy, and rising property taxes that force homeowners to surrender their properties. Hardworking people who have maintained stable households for decades are now facing the threat of living on the street, and once forced into that dangerous situation, cities respond by tearing down homeless encampments and tossing the last shreds of the victim's property into piles that are sent to landfills. No one seems to care.If you think it can't happen to you, you might want to think again. In every state rents are rising, often doubling or tripling while wages remain unchanged. Buyers looking for affordable houses are finding that large investment firms are snatching them up in bulk, often paying significantly more than the houses are worth and then turning them into expensive rentals.  And even people who currently hold a mortgage are seeing their property taxes increasing by such large amounts they have trouble paying them, putting their homes at risk of being seized by government revenue departments. Add in rising energy and food costs and we have a crisis that's about to explode.The American dream seems to be dying, and it looks like a planned demolition. In this documentary, filmmakers Aaron and Melissa Dykes of Truthstream Media show you the problem up close, explaining how we got here and how bad things will get if don't find a solution fast.Click the center arrow to watch the video:[Epic water filters give you safer water when you're on the go. Your purchase helps support this blog!]

Caring for Your Aging Parents: Going Into It With Your Eyes Open

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Caring for aging parents is something that faces many Americans. Here's how to do your best for your parents as they age.
The post Caring for Your Aging Parents: Going Into It With Your Eyes Open appeared first on The Cameron Journal.