Published Blogs News

10 Tips for Starting Your Own Computer Repair Shop

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Here are 10 tips on starting a computer repair shop. They still exist and it can be a lucrative business.
The post 10 Tips for Starting Your Own Computer Repair Shop appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Just a Reminder: Religious Freedom for Me but Not for Thee

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

It's Sunday, a time to relax and worship God, any god or anything you choose to worship. However, if MTG and her pals have her way, you'll have to worship God in the way they tell you to. Sounds perfectly American? Right?
The post Just a Reminder: Religious Freedom for Me but Not for Thee appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

5 Things Your Business Needs To Do In The New Year

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

I know we all aren't ready to start thinking about our business goals for 2023 but the reality is that it's helpful to get a head start. Here's 5 ways to get your business ready for 2023.
The post 5 Things Your Business Needs To Do In The New Year appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Scrapping Free NHS Parking - A Sick Joke!

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - During the midst of the pandemic in 2020, parking fees for NHS staff were scrapped in order to ease financial pressure from those who risk their lives to protect us. Today, on the 30th March 2022, the Government announced that as of Friday 1st April, NHS worker's free parking scheme is to be scrapped. What does this mean for commuting figures, and how can we help?

CRUSSIS A pure entry level ebike brand

Posted By EbikesDirectUK on Outdoor Sports - According to Crussis, “It all started in 2012, when we decided to prepare our first collection of electric wheels and to enter as a new brand on the Czech market. We succeeded in doing this and, under our own CRUSSIS brand, we first introduced our electric bike at the FOR BIKES trade fair in March 2013…” and the rest is history.

4 Simple Tips on Successfully Purchasing a New Family Vehicle

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Ready to dive into the heady car market? Here's a helpful guide on how to shop for a new car and get the best deal possible.
The post 4 Simple Tips on Successfully Purchasing a New Family Vehicle appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Evil Has A Face.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - It would be difficult to think of anyone more evil, more corrupt, more dishonest, more manipulative, or more traitorous than Nancy Pelosi. Every time I think she's reached the ultimate low, she gets out her shovel and starts digging in her disgusting lair to bring her closer to the pits of hell. May God have mercy on her soul and free her of the demons that possess her.

Why Are The Wealthy Globalists Cutting Down Trees?

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Trees absorb CO2. If the wealthy globalists are truly worried about rising CO2 levels, why are they cutting down thousands of acres of trees to make room for factories and other commercial developments? Why are bankers financing environmental destruction?The answer is as clear at the scraped land where forests used to grow: the globalists don't believe their own lies.

5 Considerations When Buying A Home

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

If you're looking to buy a house here soon here are some helpful ideas on how to buy a house and what to consider when you're buying a home.
The post 5 Considerations When Buying A Home appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The News Media Keeps Us Ignorant About Reality.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Humanity is literally in a war, fighting to remain free while wealthy globalists and their puppets in the government (federal, state, and local) work around the clock to turn the world into a giant, digitally controlled slave colony. We've never faced a threat as dangerous as this in recorded human history. Millions of people have united to defeat this threat, yet millions more have no idea we're in a war at all. How can this be? I decided to find out. Below is a chart showing several of the most important topics related to this war, along with columns showing eight of the most popular news sites online. There are four columns from liberal media sites and four columns from conservative media sites. I visited all of their websites on August 27, 2022 and counted how many articles each had on those important topics. The totals are from the main (first) pages only and don't include deep links. I wanted to view each site exactly as a typical reader might, and most readers don't go past the main page except to read specific articles found on the main page. And you might think that reviewing only a single date doesn't provide an accurate picture, but I feel that it does. I made the chart after reading weeks of news on all of these sites and realizing few of them ever report on these topics. Let's look at the results:While I expected to see a considerable amount of bias depending on which way a site leaned politically, in reality there wasn't much of that on the topics I reviewed. There was bias but it was focused on petty left/right differences and stories about Joe Biden's policies or anything and everything to do with Donald Trump. On the topics related to the imminent threats to our freedom, most of the sites had nothing to say at all. If you've talked to friends about the evil deeds of the global elites and the World Economic Forum and gotten no response but a blank stare, my chart shows why: there were no articles about them from any of the eight news sites I reviewed. Your friends look at you like you're crazy because the mainstream media never talks about the globalists or the WEF unless it's time for the annual G7 or Davos meetings, and even then the coverage is spun to make the meetings look like gatherings of compassionate leaders trying to make the world a better place. But nothing could further from the truth.Your friends are also likely ignorant about the large number of scientists who don't support the theory of man-made climate change. They've probably never seen the proof that chemtrails contain harmful chemicals that not only affect our weather but also damage our health. They probably accept the increasingly discredited theory that viruses cause diseases. The evidence is almost overwhelming that virology is a quack science, but you'd never learn that from a news industry largely financed by Pfizer and other pharmaceutical giants.But notice the one category that almost every news site focuses on: Distractions/Celebrity News/Fluff. These are the endless stories about Hollywood, athletes, musicians, tech gadgets, sex scandals, and other unimportant diversions that waste our time and take attention away from things that actually matter. CNN, CBS, and Fox News were all exceptionally heavy with such nonsense. Breitbart typically fills up their page with stories about unhinged liberal celebrities as well, Joy Behar being one of their favorite people, but on this particular day they showed some restraint. But still they had 14 useless articles and nothing at all about vaccine injuries and deaths, the global genocide, or the coming threat of CBDC/central bank digital currency. On topic after topic that directly affects our ability to remain free from fascist totalitarian control, the news media is silent. It appears that they are intentionally suppressing information the public needs to make informed decisions. The result is that the distracted and overwhelmed masses remain largely ignorant about what is going on all around them. Most don't have the time or energy to dig through research papers or to discover trustworthy alternative news sites. They consume and believe the most convenient sources of information presented to them, a habit that takes them down a path of misinformation and propaganda, or, as the chart shows, they're led down a path that shows them nothing at all.Get the fluoride out of your water and help keep this site online at the same time. It's a win for everyone.

Investing Is So Passé: Real Wealth Means Prepping For The Future

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

It is no secret that the world is crazy. The best thing we can do is prepare for an uncertain future by being prepared for several possibilities.
The post Investing Is So Passé: Real Wealth Means Prepping For The Future appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Need a Creative Technical Hobby? Try These Out

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

If you're looking for a new creative hobby, then we have just the ideas for you (and just in time for the holidays!)
The post Need a Creative Technical Hobby? Try These Out appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

4 Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Here are some of our best ideas for digital marketing in 2023. There are some things you can do to improve your marketing in the new year!
The post 4 Digital Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The Jones Act: A Logistics Nightmare

Posted By Thecameronjournal on News -

The Jones Act is an old law that doesn't make sense in our modern supply-chain environment, so why hasn't it ever been repealed?
The post The Jones Act: A Logistics Nightmare appeared first on The Cameron Journal.