Published Blogs News

Why Your Business Should Invest in the Best Equipment

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Keeping your business equipment up to date is vital to keep things running smoothly and to stay ahead of the competition.
The post Why Your Business Should Invest in the Best Equipment appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

How I Fell out of Love with Overwatch

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Overwatch was one of the best games I've ever played. It was fun, I met great people, and I spent hours playing it. However, I've fallen out of love with it.
The post How I Fell out of Love with Overwatch appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Seattle Criminals Used to Really be Underfoot

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Seattle's criminals loved to work underground; it was an easy way to smash, grab, and disappear. In this video, we get to hear all about it.
The post Seattle Criminals Used to Really be Underfoot appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Key Features To Check When Choosing A New Sustainable Home

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

If you're looking at making your home more sustainable here are a few ideas on how to make the transition as smooth as possible.
The post Key Features To Check When Choosing A New Sustainable Home appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

China has opened police stations in the US and Canada…Why is No One Talking About This?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

China wants to keep track of its citizens better and is now taking the show on the road with spy shops.
The post China has opened police stations in the US and Canada…Why is No One Talking About This? appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Soft White Underbelly: Gangster

Posted By Thecameronjournal on News -

Soft White Underbelly is back with another interesting interview with a former LA street gangster who is trying to find a new life outside of crime.
The post Soft White Underbelly: Gangster appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Questioning Authority and Your Own Thoughts

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

I know a few people will be questioning why I am posting something from Darkhorse Podcast. Bret Weinstein and his brother are famous for starting what many people call the Intellectual Dark Web. Bret has promoted the lab-leak theory regard Covid and was one of the first people to promote the use of Ivermectin as […]
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What To Consider Before Converting Your Home Into A Rental Property

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Rental housing can be a great investment but make sure that you're really prepared to open your rental housing business.
The post What To Consider Before Converting Your Home Into A Rental Property appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

PragerU Is Making…Children’s Content?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

PragerU is back with all-new kids content and using clever animation and good voice acting to push their conservative agenda.
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Blood in the Water: The Story of Attica

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Blood in the Water is a haunting book about the Attica prison riot. I explore the story and the book in this review.
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Multiple Sides: Interview with a Cross Dresser

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Some might find an interview with a crossdresser a little too far but I would encourage you to give this video a try.
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Are You A Free Person Or Are You A Slave?

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Are you really free or are your actions controlled by others? This short quiz will help you determine what's really going on with your life.Does your government require you to wear a face mask even though scientific studies have proven masks don't protect you or others from diseases, and in fact may create health risks of their own?Are you required to display a digital ID or vaccine passport before entering government buildings or public transit facilities? Are you barred from entering private businesses unless you have a digital ID or vaccine passport because the businesses are forced to comply with government mandates to avoid massive fines? Has any government agency demanded that you submit to a biometric scan in order to receive services or benefits? Are you under constant surveillance by government-owned security cameras whenever you leave your home? Do your neighbors have internet connected cameras that the police have access to whenever they request it, even without a warrant? Are any of these cameras connected to artificial intelligence facial recognition software?Are you required to get a license or permit before you go fishing or hunting for food? Are you charged sales tax on food?Do you have to get a government agency's permission before buying certain products, such as handguns and ammunition? Are you barred from buying or possessing certain items because a few politicians have decided they don't think you should have those items? Have those same politicians outlawed the manufacturing of certain items such as alcohol and marijuana because they can't tax them?Are you paying property taxes despite the fact that such taxes are unconstitutional?Can your property be seized by the government for not paying unconstitutional property taxes or other government fines, fees, and taxes?Can the IRS use deadly force to enter your home or business to seize your documents or property for the purpose of collecting unconstitutional income taxes?Are you forbidden to do whatever you wish to do with your own land (other than activities that are a critical risk to the lives of your neighbors)? Are you required to comply with zoning laws, get construction permits, and build what the government demands rather than what you want to build?Can the government require you to take any medications, including vaccines, without your permission? Is that permission obtained by threats of force or threats to your freedom?If you answered "yes" to any question above, you're not as free as you might think you are. If you answered "yes" to several questions, it's time to accept that you're a slave and have no control over your own existence. You're a source of revenue for a corrupt government controlled by international bankers and other wealthy elites.If you're not happy with that, change how you think and change what you do. Freedom has to demanded. You're not going to get it any other way.

Minor And Major Ways To Lower Your Business’s Utility Bills

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

With the rising cost of energy these days, its important to reduce electricity expenses around your business. Here's how.
The post Minor And Major Ways To Lower Your Business’s Utility Bills appeared first on The Cameron Journal.