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What Eve Online Teaches Us About Economics

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Eve Online is an interesting experiment in economics and what can go wrong when things are too easy and there's bad central planning.
The post What Eve Online Teaches Us About Economics appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Become An Online Entrepreneur In 6 Simple Steps

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Growing a business online? Not to worry, here are some simple steps and ideas to help you get that online business idea moving and growing.
The post Become An Online Entrepreneur In 6 Simple Steps appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Dateline 9-1-39: Germany Invades Poland!

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

When Germany invaded Poland back in 1939, it made international news. This video has historic news reel footage of the day.
The post Dateline 9-1-39: Germany Invades Poland! appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Office Building Maintenance Tasks That Should Be On Your To-Do List

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Is your office looking a little dated and dingy since the pandemic? Here are some office maintenance tips to get your office back up and running.
The post Office Building Maintenance Tasks That Should Be On Your To-Do List appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Documentary Exposes The Greed And Bad Science Propping Up The Climate Change Hoax.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - It's hard to avoid all the propaganda being spread worldwide by the globalist-owned news sites about global warming and climate change. Day after day they scream about frightening weather-related catastrophes predicted for the planet. Politicians and NGO's* warn that CO2 is a dangerous pollutant causing temperatures to rise along with sea levels. The hysteria has gotten so extreme I suspect some people think the oceans could begin to boil at any minute. And all of this doom & gloom is caused by human activity, we're told, with the only solution being to permanently shut down everything that isn't powered by wind or solar.Is climate change a real threat, or are we being led down yet another dishonest, if not insane, path?The documentary "The Great Global Warming Swindle" answers that question. It features some of the top scientists from respected institutions who tell how the entire climate change narrative has achieved cult-like status, becoming bigger than life while ignoring reality. You'll learn how the huge amounts of money being thrown at this imaginary problem have turned it into a profit monster no one is willing to turn off. Most importantly, you'll learn the real science behind our climate and why you don't need to worry about the polar bears. Spoiler alert: they'll do fine without our help.['Hoax' image by Jeffrey Czum via][*NGO=Non-Governmental Organization]

Become A Better & Wiser Business Owner With These Tips

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Need some bright new tips to improve your business? Here are my best tips on being a better and wiser business owner.
The post Become A Better & Wiser Business Owner With These Tips appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

What Should I Do If Someone Is Injured On My Business Premises?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

If someone gets injured at your business you can take steps to help them recover and reduce your liability. We hope this never happens but any business owner must be prepared for this.
The post What Should I Do If Someone Is Injured On My Business Premises? appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Growing Up Surprises: 12 Adulthood Truths We Never Saw Coming

Posted By mediadecision on News - Adulthood, often painted with broad strokes of freedom and self-discovery, is also a maze of revelations, responsibilities, and unexpected twists. While we all have preconceived...

How To Support Your Employees Better

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

How well are you supporting your employees? The best way to fight the Great Resignation is to support your employees so that they can do their job even better.
The post How To Support Your Employees Better appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The Benefits Of Improving Morale In Your Workplace

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Improving workplace morale is good for your business and great for your employees. The best part is that you'll make more money, reduce employee turnover, and end up making more money.
The post The Benefits Of Improving Morale In Your Workplace appeared first on The Cameron Journal.