Published Blogs Pets

How To Get Rid Of Snails In A Fish Tank – Most Effective Methods

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - Aquarium snails might seem charming at first. But when one becomes two and two becomes a hundred…Suddenly, you have a problem on your hands. How do we get rid of snails in a fish tank? Prevention is the best medicine for keeping snails away. Bleach dipping your plants and searching for adults is where you [...]
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Find the Letter Q is for Queen Worksheets

Posted By 3BoysandaDog on Pets - Find the Letter Q is for Queen Worksheets is a simple alphabet activity that helps the kids focus on the letter Q. Each page has easy directions that help them build their learning confidence. Perfect for alphabet learning! The queen theme is a great way to add visual appeal to this learning lesson. They’ll love …

How Many Fish Can Be In A 20-Gallon Tank? Best Fish & Stocking Ideas

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - Having trouble stocking a nano tank? Wondering how many fish can be in a 20-gallon tank? It’s common even for experienced fishkeepers to struggle when space is limited. There are just so many pet fish species to choose from! You can, theoretically, keep twenty 1-inch fish, or ten 2-inch fish, in a 20-gallon tank. This [...]
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12 Common Houseplants That Are Severely Toxic for Feline Friends

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - Nature is fantastic, beautiful, and dangerous. However, many people, especially those who live in the city with limited access to nature’s wonders, love bringing a bit of nature home. Whether it’s through lush green plants, cascading water features, or vibrant wildlife-inspired decor, these nature enthusiasts seek solace, tranquility, and a connection to the natural world....

13 Heart-Melting Bengal Kitten Photos

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - Step into the enchanting world of Bengal kittens, where their striking patterns and vibrant personalities take center stage. Prepare to be captivated by their mesmerizing beauty and lively nature as you embark on this visual journey through a series of captivating photographs. Each image provides a window into the realm of these exceptional feline beings,...

How Often Do Koi Fish Lay Eggs? Reproduction, Breeding, & Care

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - How often do koi fish lay eggs? What tank requirements do you need to meet to raise freshly hatched koi fry to adulthood? The answers to these questions aren’t just for future koi fish breeders. You can use this information to exponentially grow your koi population on a budget! A female koi fish will lay [...]
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Ragdoll Seal Mitted Cats: Check Out the Beautiful Transition

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - Ragdoll cats are renowned for their captivating coat colors and patterns, and one particularly stunning variation is the seal mitted Ragdoll. Let’s delve into the fascinating transition of seal mitted Ragdoll cats and explore the enchanting beauty that unfolds as they grow from kittens into beautiful adult cats, with their distinctive paws just the highlights...

Kuhli Loach Tank Mates – The 8 Other Species Your Tank Needs Today

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets -   Photo Credit: AJ Cann (Flickr) Kuhli Loach Tank Mates – The 8 Other Species Your Tank Needs Today Interested in knowing more about kuhli loach tank mates? This guide has you covered! Kuhli Loach (Pangio kuhlii) Brief Overview Care Level: Intermediate Temperament: Peaceful Size: 4 inches Kuhli Loach Diet: Omnivore Kuhli loaches (Pangio kuhlii) [...]
The post Kuhli Loach Tank Mates – The 8 Other Species Your Tank Needs Today appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.

Betta Fish Behaviors Before Death – 5 Most Common Signs

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - Our pets are incredibly important to us. So when something goes wrong, you need to understand what the worst-case scenario is and what the signs might be. If you love taking care of Bettas, you must know the most common Betta fish behaviors before death. You need to know the signs of your Betta dying. [...]
The post Betta Fish Behaviors Before Death – 5 Most Common Signs appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.