Published Blogs Pets

Kittens Are the Best Medicine: Here’s Proof!

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - Get ready to experience an explosion of cuteness that will warm your heart and tickle your funny bone. These captivating kitten photos are a celebration of life’s simple joys – from playful antics that will leave you chuckling to serene moments that radiate tranquility. Join us on a journey through the world of fluffy paws...

Can Two Betta Fish Live Together? 8 Factors To Consider

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - Betta fish are indeed great pets to care for, so it’s natural for beginner aquarists to wonder if you can have multiple. Before you do that, though, you should ask the question, “Can two Betta fish live together?” Bettas are solitary and territorial creatures, as they only look for company when they need mates to [...]
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How To Make A Terrarium In A Fish Tank – Easy Steps & Methods

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - An aquarium terrarium can look stunning, but putting one together can be complicated. If you’re wondering how to make a terrarium in a fish tank, there are many components you’ll need to achieve that picture-perfect design. Potting soil, gravel, live plants, rocks, sphagnum moss, driftwood, decorations, and a spray bottle are everything you need to [...]
The post How To Make A Terrarium In A Fish Tank – Easy Steps & Methods appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.

79 Fall Activities for the Whole Family this Autumn (Pets Included)

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - Fall is a wonderful time of the year. Whether you’re enjoying a cool-off from the hot summer, soaking in all the colors of nature, or just starting to get prepped ahead of the holiday season. It’s also the perfect time of the year to tick off some tasks and plan some fun things to do....

The 12 Signs Your Cat Is Trying to Tell You That You’re Sick

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - You’ve probably marveled at your cat’s mysterious and sometimes quirky behavior. But did you know that beyond their playful antics, meows, and soothing purrs, cats can also be adept at identifying potential health concerns? Here are twelve intriguing ways cats assist in identifying health woes –their own and those that might be affecting their human...

Betta Fish Poop & Constipation – Treatments, Prevention, & More

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - Fish poop all the time. Since it is always around, at least in small amounts, we learn to ignore it over time. But what does betta fish poop look like? Do bettas ever get constipated or bloated? And is there more to it than meets the eye? A betta fish’s poop is variable. Sometimes it [...]
The post Betta Fish Poop & Constipation – Treatments, Prevention, & More appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.

Activated Carbon In An Aquarium – How Much, Benefits, & Uses

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - Using activated carbon in an aquarium can be helpful, but if you’ve never used this material before, you may have wondered what it does and how it can benefit your fish. Activated carbon is a super porous and absorbent substance that can remove toxins in your aquarium water, including foul odors, discoloration, and chlorine. It [...]
The post Activated Carbon In An Aquarium – How Much, Benefits, & Uses appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.

How To Soften Aquarium Water – 5 Safe & Effective Methods

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - How does hard water play a role in fishkeeping? Is it worth looking into how to soften aquarium water? You can soften aquarium water by reducing the concentration of dissolved calcium and magnesium. This process involves either deionization, chemical filtration, or peat moss/driftwood water softening. We’ll get into the most efficient ways to soften aquarium [...]
The post How To Soften Aquarium Water – 5 Safe & Effective Methods appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.

From Kittens to Seniors: Exploring the Astonishing Color Variations in Ragdoll Cats as They Mature and Age

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - Ragdoll cats, indeed, hold a special place among the world’s most stunning and fluffy feline companions. One of the fascinating aspects of Ragdolls is how their appearance evolves throughout their lives, showcasing remarkable color transformations with graceful elegance. As kittens, Ragdolls are born with relatively lighter and less defined color patterns. As they grow and...

Kittens: The Reason Why Life Is Good!

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - Buckle up for an enchanting journey into the world of whiskers, paws, and boundless charm. These captivating kitten snapshots are an ode to the carefree spirit and genuine wonder that kittens bring into our lives. Join us as we unveil a series of moments that capture the essence of innocence, curiosity, and feline charisma that...