How Many Mystery Snails Per Gallon? Mystery Snails (Pomacea bridgessi) are a South American species of freshwater snails. Just like nerite snails, they clean the tank of algae. If you want to keep your freshwater tank as clean from algae as possible, you should have some mystery snails in your tank. The question is: how [...]
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Having trouble stocking a nano tank? Wondering how many fish can be in a 20-gallon tank? It’s common even for experienced fishkeepers to struggle when space is limited. There are just so many pet fish species to choose from! You can, theoretically, keep twenty 1-inch fish, or ten 2-inch fish, in a 20-gallon tank. This [...]
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Feeding a betta or goldfish is an easy matter. Both kinds of fish snap at whatever hits the surface of the water! What if you are out of betta food and only have goldfish food on hand? Can betta fish eat goldfish food? Bettas eat goldfish food when it’s offered. But goldfish foods aren’t very healthy [...]
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Even the most stunning aquarium can look unsightly when a slimy, oily film forms on the water surface. This can be a bit alarming the first time you notice it and you may have wondered how to remove film on top of the fish tank. Film on top of a fish tank is usually caused [...]
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Carnivorous Freshwater Aquarium Fish Carnivorous freshwater aquarium fish are both sought-after and avoided in the fishkeeping hobby. The aquarists who want them in their freshwater tanks are mostly fascinated by their predatory instincts and how their behavior has so much more intent and premeditation than peaceful fish. Less experienced fishkeepers tend to avoid getting freshwater [...]
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Looking for the best fish for a 10-gallon tank can easily become confusing. After all, there are just so many things you have to think about, from your preferred setup to your tank equipment. What you need is a comprehensive guide about keeping a 10-gallon tank – and that’s why we’re here. Fortunately, there are [...]
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Does your fish tank look a lot like pea soup? Green water is a common problem. But what causes green aquarium water in the first place? Green aquarium water is caused by blooms of algae. These microorganisms feed on light and suspended nutrients in your water. A sudden increase in either of these parameters is [...]
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How Often Do Cory Catfish Lay Eggs? Cory Catfish are among the most popular freshwater bottom dwellers in the world. There is a huge number of variations and colors, and aquarium owners simply love to keep them. In this article, we will talk about how often Cory Catfish lay eggs and how to encourage reproduction. [...]
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Introduction to bed bug removal Bed bugs are pesky little critters that can infest your home and ruin your sleep. They're also... -
One of the biggest questions many aquarists and many beginners have is related to ghost shrimp and betta. What they eat, can these two species live together, and what ideal tank conditions are. These are important questions for all of us, so we will try to give you the best possible answers. Without further ado, [...]
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Are Florida Carpenter Ants dangerous? That's a question that many homeowners in the Sunshine State have asked. Before jumping to... -
Our pets are incredibly important to us. So when something goes wrong, you need to understand what the worst-case scenario is and what the signs might be. If you love taking care of Bettas, you must know the most common Betta fish behaviors before death. You need to know the signs of your Betta dying. [...]
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As a homeowner, you may wonder if your homeowner's insurance covers termite damage. Unfortunately, the answer is not straightforward and... -
Love the aesthetic of heavily planted aquariums? They’re an absolute treat to look at, but they can be intimidating if it’s your first time caring for aquatic plants. This guide will show you how to clean live aquarium plants and how you can get rid of excess algae and snail infestations in a planted tank. [...]
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The German cockroach (Blattella germanica), sometimes known as the croton bug, is a species of tiny cockroach, typically measuring... -
Betta sororities are all the rage on social media lately. If you’re not sure what a Betta sorority is, it’s basically a group of female Bettas living together in one tank. So, why have they become trendy all of a sudden? Betta sororities have become popular for many reasons. Some people believe that Bettas are [...]
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As an expert in Wood Destroying Organisms, I recognize the importance of preserving a property's structural integrity by addressing... -
Fish poop all the time. Since it is always around, at least in small amounts, we learn to ignore it over time. But what does betta fish poop look like? Do bettas ever get constipated or bloated? And is there more to it than meets the eye? A betta fish’s poop is variable. Sometimes it [...]
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Fiddler Crab (Urca) Brief Overview Care Level: Easy Temperament: Peaceful Size: 2-3 Inches Fiddler Crab Diet: Omnivore The Fiddler Crab (genus: Urca), aka calling crab, is a semi-terrestrial marine crab belonging to the Ocypodidae family composed of small crabs living along sea beaches or the brackish inter-tidal mudflats, swamps, and lagoons. Nevertheless, they could also [...]
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Wondering how to prevent your fish from getting stuck to the filter? You can take advantage of what fellow aquarists have learned from their experiences with filter-related fatalities. How To Prevent Fish From Getting Stuck To Filters Here are some of the most popular preventive measures you can take. Install a foam pre-filter A pre-filter [...]
The post How To Prevent Fish From Getting Stuck To Filters – All You Need To Know appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.