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How To Grow Your Finances In Your 20s

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Getting your finances together in your 20s will make your 30s and 40s far easier. You can get ready for owning a home, buying a new car, or even have children.
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The Pandemic Psy-Op Has Brainwashed People Into Believing The Unbelievable.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - If you spend any time on conservative social media sites it's easy to get the impression that people are "waking up" to the covid pandemic nonsense and that victory over the globalist psychopaths is right around the corner. It's certainly true that greater numbers are aware of the scam today than in 2020. The so-called elites have overplayed their hand in many areas and their attempts to lock down the world in a disease-fearing digital prison have been exposed. But they're still winning, and that's a serious problem.It seems the majority have completely bought in to the pandemic psy-op and all the tyrannical accessories that come with it.During a recent trip to a grocery store, at least half the customers were wearing face masks, despite there being no mandates to do so. We're two and a half years into this madness and people still think they need masks? How much longer will they wear them? Forever? Aren't these people "vaccinated"? Don't they trust the vaccines to actually do something other than be a tool for virtue signaling?I went out to dinner with a triple vaxxed friend. In the small restaurant where people were close together, my friend didn't wear a mask. But after dinner we both stopped at the same large grocery store to buy ice cream. On the way into the store he put on a high-filtration N-95 face mask. The grocery store had less people in it than the restaurant, making my friend's behavior totally illogical. I asked why he put on the mask to go to the grocery store and he wouldn't explain it. He probably couldn't explain it. Brainwashing has that effect on people.I saw my neighbor holding a covid "quick test" that a drug store delivery driver had just brought. He said his brother had tested positive for covid so he was testing himself to be safe. I explained to him that viruses don't cause diseases. He replied, "Oh, I know that", yet he was still going to test himself to see if he'd been exposed to a virus that has never been isolated and proven to exist. Meanwhile another neighbor was standing on the sidewalk waiting for her Uber driver to arrive. She was wearing a mask.I spoke to my mother and she said her church has cancelled all services this week because almost everyone in the church has covid. The church congregation is mostly older people who are most likely vaccinated. My mother didn't understand when I tried to explain that the congregation probably has vaccine side effects rather than covid. Or maybe they just have allergies or one of the many respiratory conditions that senior citizens are prone to get. But I guess simple things like that aren't allowed in the psy-op. Every illness has to be covid. There is nothing else.My stepmother has been in the hospital for a couple of weeks. She's been unresponsive, unable to talk, walk, or eat. The doctors didn't know what was wrong with her but never suggested she was suffering from a vax reaction. She eventually got better but now they say she's tested positive for covid despite being triple jabbed. She has to stay in the hospital nine more days at a minimum unless the useless PCR test comes up positive once again and then she'll have to stay even longer. Strangely, my dad has been with her every day and his test came up negative. This is not the first time my triple jabbed stepmother has been told she had covid. She had flu symptoms a couple of times earlier but recovered as one does from the flu. My dad, fully on-board with the psy-op, repeated the words from the official cult script: "If she hadn't been vaccinated, it would have been worse."I bet you could tell similar stories about your family and friends. The pandemic psy-op has been so successful that intelligent and educated people are willing to believe the unbelievable. The endless propaganda from compromised news media sources, government officials, and bribed medical professionals has switched off the public's ability to do any critical thinking. What began as fear-based obedience is now just blind obedience. Rather than questioning what they see they wait until an authority figure tells them what it is they're seeing. The obedience is so intense, if they've been told the sky is pink and you try to correct them by saying the sky is really blue, they'll argue you down, unable to accept what is right before them. That's the power of the psy-op.If we don't learn how to break through it and free more minds, the world will soon become a very grim and joyless place to be, an open-air prison where the wealthiest psychopaths are the wardens.

The Emperor Has No Clothes.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - I didn't vote for Donald Trump in 2016 because I had an odd feeling that he would turn out to be a fraud. Even though I'd followed his career for years and had read a few of his books (which seemed to be mostly ghost written), there was something about him I couldn't put all my trust in. I felt like we were all being set up for a fall. After he was elected I began to feel better about him as I saw him trying his best while being relentlessly attacked by the Democratic Party and the Communists who were beginning to step out of the shadows after decades of pretending to be "progressives". So in 2020 I confidently voted for Trump, only to see the election stolen by the globalists and their deep state operatives. I supported and defended Trump as he challenged the election results, and hoped there was a path that would send him back to the White House. But his actions since leaving office have caused me to stop supporting him completely. The first thing that bothered me was his complete lack of support for the January 6 political prisoners held by the Biden regime in a grimy DC torture facility. Over a year has passed since the so-called "insurrection" occurred at a rally organized and promoted by Trump and many of the accused have still not had their day in court. The jailed complain about inhumane living conditions, abuse by the guards, and an inability to communicate with their families or attorneys. These are loyal Trump fans who sacrificed everything to support their President. In return, Trump has been silent and has done nothing to help free the prisoners or get them better treatment. It seems he has forgotten them, or else sees them as a liability to his future political and business ambitions.Then in an interview on, researcher and author Susan Bradford revealed that Donald Trump is actually a Trojan horse for the globalists. According to Bradford, "Trump had been groomed for the Presidency decades ago to serve as a populist candidate indebted, and ultimately controlled, by the Rothschilds, the dynasty bankrolling and driving a New World Order. Trump ceased being his own man in 1987 when he acquired a 93 percent stake in Resorts International, a casino whose principal investors were Tibor Rosenbaum, David Rockefeller, and Baron Edmond de Rothschild. Once indebted to the international criminal elite, he was essentially owned by them." Bradford also theorizes that Trump's "Save America" rallies are nothing but money making events designed to save the Trump brand and that he has no interest in another term as President. As bad as those things are, Trump's worst sin is his ongoing promotion of the dangerous and deadly covid vaccines. When the jabs first became available, Trump was understandably proud of his "Operation Warp Speed" achievement. But when the injury and death reports began coming in, he ignored them. He kept on pushing his vaccines (which technically aren't really vaccines by any traditional definition) while the body count climbed. Even after tens of thousands of people had died from the covid jabs and hundreds of thousands had been seriously injured, Trump continued to promote the vaccines during televised interviews and at his rallies. He allowed himself to become one of Pfizer's and Moderna's best spokesmen. After more than 30,000 people had died, many conservative podcasters and political commentators began appealing to Trump, asking him to please stop promoting the jabs and warn people of the potential dangers. He refused to do so. In fact, when Alex Jones asked Trump to cease and desist, Trump reportedly replied "I don't want to hear about this again from anybody. I think it's good, and that's it." I'll say what others are afraid to say: We're in the worst genocide in human history. The pandemic psy-op was created to frighten people into taking the so-called vaccines, which are in reality bio-weapons designed to depopulate the planet. By pushing this poison upon the public and refusing to warn us about its dangers, Donald Trump is complicit in the genocide. Whether that's out of ignorance or malice doesn't matter to the victims and their families. People have died needlessly, fulfilling goals the globalists have been writing and talking about for decades. It's beginning to look like the entire MAGA movement was created by Trump to distract us while the globalists advanced their agenda of creating a global open-air slave colony that is basically a high tech version of old fashioned feudalism. We'll own nothing, and the wealthy elites think we'll be happy with that.It's not too late for Trump to prove he's really on our side. He can speak up about the January 6 political prisoners. He can stop pushing toxic jabs upon his trusting followers. And he can publicly denounce the globalists and the World Economic Forum, The Great Reset, and Agenda 2030. And for extra points he can tell us what he knows about Jeffrey Epstein's child trafficking empire.The world is waiting.

A Comprehensive Guide on Managing Your Finances as an Entrepreneur

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Early business finances can be difficult to manage. Cash flow can be inconsistent and often you're still working. Here's a great way to manage your finances as an entrepreneur.
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Keeping Your Employees Safe At Work

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Here is out complete guide to keeping your employees safe at work. It is one of the most important and yet often over looked part of any business (yes even in offices!).
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Here’s How You Could Help Yourself when Making Long Term Investments

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

In these difficult times, it's important to keep perspective on the stock market and your investments.
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Why Signage Is Important For Your Small Business

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Is your branding poor? Do you have bad signage for your business? Whether its a logo or other signage, it's important to get it right the first time.
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How To Best Serve Clients When Working From Home

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Freelancing? Starting a business? Servicing your clients from home can be very different than having a physical office. However, that need not be a barrier.
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Biden Bombs The Children.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Joe Biden, President of the Banana Republic of America and illegal occupier of the White House, is using the shooting in Uvalde Texas as an excuse to further attack the US Constitution. Biden, who pretends to be the United States President, never lets a tragedy go to waste if he thinks it can further his lifelong career of corruption.No one is really surprised by this. But to see him faking compassion about the deaths of 19 children while ignoring the horrible suffering endured by babies being aborted in the most brutal fashion imaginable is something decent people can't stomach. And to add to his evil bloodlust, Biden continues to fund the war in Ukraine, causing the unnecessary deaths of children throughout the region. At every turn he announces steps to escalate the conflict rather than working with Vladimir Putin on a peace agreement. This is because Biden has horrible secrets in Ukraine, and he'd rather let kids die than have his wickedness exposed.On the entire planet I'm not sure there's a more vile, immoral, and indecent man than Joe Biden. Pray for the children, because Biden plans to kill thousands more.

4 Helpful Ways to Start Improving Your Business Premises Security

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Keeping your business secure is vital. Here are some helpful tips to make your business more secure and not suffer loss from theft.
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Ways to Make Energy Efficient Changes to Your Business

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

With rising energy costs, it's important to keep energy costs down in your business. Here's how to cut down your power bill with a few simple ideas.
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Radical Marxist Propagandists Spew Out The Same Lies.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Like the Borg drones on Star Trek, Marxist propagandists speak as if their thoughts come from a central hive mind. Once a false narrative is created it gets spread all over the news by a variety of characters all saying the exact same thing. It's an effective form of social manipulation that conservatives have been thankfully slow to exploit. Maybe that's because our side possesses better critical thinking skills than the left and would see through the fake messages of unity.But Marxist minds are weak and easily molded, a deficiency the political elites understand and use to their advantage, as the graphic above demonstrates.

New Flash Fiction: The Crazy Christian Music Lady

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

So when I used to run a record label I had a tawdry incident with an was interesting and here is the story.
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Top 3 American Cities to Visit Right Now

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Here are the top three American cities you should visit right now (my hometown of Seattle is on the list of course!)
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