Published Blogs Politics

Simple Tips To Help You Save On Your Utility Bills

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

When it comes to reducing your water and electricity bills, a few small changes can have a significant impact.
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Tips for Investing in Real Estate for the First Time

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Thinking about invest in real estate? Here are is our guide to investing in real estate for the first time.
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How the Interstate Broke America

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

I’ve been doing a good deal of research on the interstate system in the United States in preparation for a podcast that I am working on. In this video, we learn about how the interstate system might have connected the United States, it also divided the US and broke the American city. It has enabled […]
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COVID Vax Injuries & Deaths Continue To Climb.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - While the fake news media tries to distract you with scary stories on monkeypox, COVID vaccine injuries and deaths continue to climb with no apparent end in sight. The latest VAERS data available shows 28,141 deaths in the United States as of May 13, 2022. Worse, it's widely thought that VAERS only captures between 1% and 10% of the actual totals due to underreporting by healthcare professionals. And OpenVAERS has indicated there's a backlog of over 100,000 reports missing or yet to be processed. The totals:28,141 deaths. 157,125 hospitalizations. 129,059 urgent care visits. 192,535 doctor's office visits. 9,652 reports of anaphylaxis. 15,497 reports of Bell's Palsy. 4,642 miscarriages. 14,431 heart attacks. 40,553 cases of myocarditis / pericarditis. 52,299 permanently disabled. 6,643 reports of thrombocytopenia / low platelet. 41,584 severe allergic reactions. 13,783 outbreaks of shingles. 31,438 miscellaneous life threatening situations. And as the graph below shows, vaccine deaths skyrocketed beginning in 2020, the same year the COVID jabs were forced upon the public. The next time you hear a politician, news media reporter, or Big Pharma propagandist say that vaccines are safe and effective, refer them to this data and let them try to explain it. They'll no doubt try to dismiss it as misinformation even though the data comes from the CDC. But nothing they can say will bring back all the innocent lives snuffed out by a greedy and immoral pharmaceutical industry.[data and graphs provided by the OpenVaers project]

Train to be a Flight Attendant for Pan-Am

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Ever wondered what it was like to be a flight attendant on a 727 flying for Pan-am in the mid-1980s? I thought so! This video is what you would have watched at training!
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Revitalise And Reinvent Your Business Today

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

From time to time, every business needs to freshen things up a bit. Here's how to breathe some new life (and new growth!) into your business.
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Did Michael Burry Predict Today’s Selloff?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Michael Burry predicted that the stock market would continue a downward trend over the summer when it seemed like markets were still riding high. What does he really know?
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The Importance of Providing a Safe Working Environment

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Workplace safety is very important. There are plenty of reasons why you want to keep yourself and your employees safe.
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Cities Skylines Killed SimCity…How?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

As city building simulation games go, SimCity was once king of the hill. The entire Sims franchise has been a cultural phenomena. However, SimCity has gone by the wayside and now Cities Skylines, far newer and far more sophisticated, is now the reigning city building game. How did it happen? This video tells us how […]
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Eastern Oregon Wants to Join Idaho

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Eastern Oregon wants to leave the liberal part of their state and join Idaho. This could be part of a bigger trend in states with large, liberal cities and conservative, rural areas.
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