Published Blogs Politics

What Eve Online Teaches Us About Economics

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Eve Online is an interesting experiment in economics and what can go wrong when things are too easy and there's bad central planning.
The post What Eve Online Teaches Us About Economics appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Why I’m in Favor of Voter ID

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Bear with me here, voter ID laws can save everyone's right to vote if we create a federal system of voter ID that gets the power of voter registration out of the states.
The post Why I’m in Favor of Voter ID appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Best advice: Live Well on Less

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Some tips on saving money for people who rent and don't own a home or generally don't have middle class problems. Here's some ways to save money for the rest of us.
The post Best advice: Live Well on Less appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Facebook is now Meta, Joe Biden Jets to Europe, and the Pandemic is easing

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics - This week on The Cameron Journal Podcast we’re looking at the week’s news including the latest on the pandemic, the latest with the Build Back Better Agenda, as well as, Biden’s trip to Europe and the COP26 climate summit. Welcome to the Cameron Journal Podcast! Get the podcast delivered to your favorite podcast app.
The post Facebook is now Meta, Joe Biden Jets to Europe, and the Pandemic is easing appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Big Trouble in Mental Healthville

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Cameron explains his new mental health diagnosis and his life and past as an autistic person. It's a deep, personal dive into a new world.
The post Big Trouble in Mental Healthville appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Of Course the US Has Two Highway Fonts

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

This is one of those things that you see in the world but don’t notice until someone points it out to you. At least that’s how these things work with me. I had noticed that there were “old” interstate signs and “new” interstate signs but I hadn’t really clocked everything to do with how and […]
The post Of Course the US Has Two Highway Fonts appeared first on The Cameron Journal.