Published Blogs

5 Ways Credit Cards Can Actually Help You Get Debt-Free Faster

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Be crazy… like a fox! You know the old saying, “Fight fire with fire”? It kind of has a nice ring to it, right? Here’s a nice twist on it – using credit card issuers’ setups to claw back a bunch of money they charge you. Isn’t that poetic justice? But is it realistic? Can you ...

How To Say Thank You for Dinner Guide with 30 Authentic Example Messages

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Writing a thank-you note after attending a dinner or dinner party is a great way to say thanks for dinner. You can also thank someone who treated you to dinner at a restaurant.  You can ...
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She Walked Out of the Restaurant After She Was Asked To Pay For Everyone’s Dinner

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - A Reddit user wanted to know whether she was in the wrong for silently walking off the restaurant after her in-laws expected her to pay for everybody’s bill when they went out to dinner. Just Pay; You Have the Money! ... Read More

Writing a Thank You Note: 22 Expert Tips To Help Improve Your Notes

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Writing a thank-you note can feel like a challenge. I’ve helped millions of people write thank you messages through example thank you messages. Here are my top tips for writing meaningful thank-you note cards.  Make ...
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8 Clever Frugal Living Tips: Save Big on a Tiny Budget

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Stretching your money can be tricky, especially if you’re living paycheck-to-paycheck or have a lower income. Unfortunately, this is a reality for many people, but by following a few frugal tips, you may still live comfortably and afford the items you need. A report by LendingClub revealed that an astounding 63% of Americans live paycheck-to-paycheck as they ... Read more

Overcoming Your Money Fears – How to Meet Every Challenge with Confidence

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Learn the money fears that financial experts most often see women experience and their advice to overcome them. In the first piece of this two-part article, I covered “ The 10 Money Challenges and Two Advantages of Women over Men ” with the help of seven financial advisors. In this seco...

Stay-at-Home Mum Drives Hours to Her Sister’s Wedding After Husband Canceled Her Flight Ticket

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - A woman posted in the AITA subreddit, wanting to know whether she was the ***hole for finding alternative means to go to her sister’s wedding after her husband canceled her plane ticket. Childcare Has To Be Done by You and ... Read More

17 Tips to Stay Motivated as a Blogger

Posted By bbrian017 on Blogging - When you start out as a new blogger, you are always charged up, fully motivated with plenty of ideas and thoughts flowing through your system. You have several posts schedules, many outlines and drafts pending and there’s always so much to do. For months, you don’t have to worry about content as there’s something always … Continue reading "17 Tips to Stay Motivated as a Blogger"

Lazy or Helpful? Being Asked To Address a Thank You Card Envelope at a Shower

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Have you ever been asked to address an envelope when arriving at a bridal or baby shower? How did you feel about this? Sometimes the addressed envelopes are justified as they will be used in ...
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Is He Wrong for Criticizing His ‘Poor’ Friend’s Spending Habits When He Grew up Privileged

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - A Reddit user shares his story of being critical of his poor friend’s spending habits. Making Ends Meet The original poster (OP) explained that he and his friend have been buddies since middle school. OP said that he grew up ... Read More

20 Exciting, Legit Jobs That Pay Daily [Online & Offline]

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Can’t wait for a week or two or even a month before your next payday? In many situations, having your daily income in your hands as soon as you finish your work is ideal. You just need to look at the right places for jobs that pay daily.  Nowadays, a wide variety of daily jobs ... Read more

Even if You’re Not Wealthy, Estate Planning is Important. Learn How to Get Started

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - To ensure your wishes and goals are met at the end of your life, estate planning is vital. Though it can be an uncomfortable and tedious process, communicating your desires and creating a plan can give you the confidence to confirm that your estate will be taken care of according to your wishes. ...

Ikigai: What is it and How it Can Help You Find Purpose and Meaning in Life

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Finding purpose in life is something most of us want. But asking about your purpose can seem like too lofty an aspiration. Fortunately, there are models we can use to unravel our unique purposes, one of them being Ikigai. Ikigai is a Japanese word that represents the passions, talents, and professions that give meaning and... 
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Don’t Make These 5 Dumb Mistakes When Thanking Your Boss

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Expressing gratitude to your boss can be fantastic if done correctly. Most people, which includes bosses, are grateful when shown appreciation and recognition. However, you should avoid a few mistakes when thanking your boss. Mistake ...
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13 Journaling Ideas: Don’t Fear the Empty Page!

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - You have a brand new journal and excitedly open the first blank page. Suddenly, you realize you have nothing to write. Don’t worry. It happens to us all! All you need are some great journaling ideas. You might be surprised to know that there are different types of journaling, and there’s a writing prompt for ... Read more

How to retire in 10 Years while making less than $100,000 per year

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - The most popular article I’ve ever written was titled “ Want to retire in 10 years? Here is what you need to do ”. I don’t consider it my best work, not by a long shot. Given the amount of traffic this article continues to get, it is certainly a compelling headline. In this article, I’m going ...

5 Ways Business Professionals Can Benefit from Higher Education

Posted By ivanpw on Blogging - Higher education has long been a gateway to success for business professionals. With the constantly changing business landscape, individuals must remain updated with the latest knowledge and skills to stay… Read more »
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10 Best Frugal Tips for Skincare Addicts

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - Recently, someone in a frugal online community admitted to being a skincare addict trying to be more economical. They asked for money-saving tips that would help them while still affording them anti-aging skincare. Here was the community’s best advice. 1. ... Read More