Published Blogs

Three Strategies to Pay Off Credit Card Debt

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - You may well have heard of the Snowball Method and the Avalanche Method as strategies that can be used to pay off debt. With the Snowball method you aim to pay off your smallest debt first, and with the Avalanche Method you aim to pay off the debt with the highest interest rate first. If […]
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10 Influential Philosophers in History: How to Use Their Teachings

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - More than just a body of knowledge, philosophy is a compass we use to navigate our lives and sensitize our minds to the deeper truths beyond the surface of everyday life. At its essence, philosophy offers a prescription on how to live better. It gives us the perspective to seek meaningful and worthy pursuits that... 
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The post 10 Influential Philosophers in History: How to Use Their Teachings appeared first on The Dream Catcher.

Paying Yourself First – Save more Money & Grow Your Wealth

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - If you want to try another budget method, try paying yourself first! In this way, you will put aside first what you want to save. The leftover money, you can spend on whatever you want! Read more

These Three Common Beliefs About Money Don’t Make Sense

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Many of us hold beliefs about money that are so ingrained we rarely question them, and they can cost us a lot. Sometimes thousands, or even millions of dollars over a lifetime. Think before you buy into these common money beliefs. The “Sunk Cost” Fallacy This is the belief, present in almost all of us […]
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SEC Marketing Rule: Promoting Testimonials and Endorsements to Attract New Clients

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Once you’ve begun collecting testimonials and endorsements online, you’re all set to turn your reviews into a powerful source of new referrals. And without lifting a finger, the positive reviews you’re collecting online are already sending signals to search engines like Google that you’re trustworthy and deserving of increased visibility in search results. In this […]
The post SEC Marketing Rule: Promoting Testimonials and Endorsements to Attract New Clients appeared first on Wealthtender.