Published Blogs

The 2023 RealtyMogul Review: Is This Investment Platform Worth The Money?

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Are you searching for a new investment opportunity? Then, you may have come across RealtyMogul. You may wonder what it is and ask yourself, “is it worth my time and money?” To help you decide, we have prepared this RealtyMogul review. RealtyMogul is a real estate crowdfunding platform that allows investors to pool their money ... Read more

Turn Trash into Treasure: 20 Collectibles Hiding in Your Home

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Are you harboring a fortune in your attic? Maybe, maybe not. However, it is worth checking. You probably won’t find a rare baseball card worth millions, but there are plenty of lesser-known collectibles that can fetch a pretty penny on the market. Before rolling up your sleeves and digging through your things, here are 20...

Put Down that Dave Ramsey Book!

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Personal -

As financial grifters go, Dave Ramsey is one of the worst out there today. In this video from The Financial Diet (one of my favorite channels) she takes down Dave Ramsey and his terrible financial advice. You’ve probably heard tidbits of his advice like “paying off all debt” and “keeping a $1,000 emergency fund.” However, […]
The post Put Down that Dave Ramsey Book! appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Adidas Product Testing: Earn Free Adidas Shoes And Clothes

Posted By ChaChingQueen on Creative Lifestyle - Everyone loves free shoes, but how can you get them for free?  That’s a question we will answer in addition to all the details you need regarding the Adidas product testing program. Like any other company, Adidas’ product testing process started in 2015. They started pretty late. However, the number of requests they received was...
Cha Ching Queen -

10 Fun Activities Any Grandmother Can Do With Her Granddaughter

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Even with the generation gap between grandmas and granddaughters there are lots of things you can do together that you will both enjoy. Here are a few ideas to get you started!

Top 60 Best Stock Market Websites You Should Know About in 2023

Posted By hashtaginvesting on Finance - Our very own member @bauldwalk is a incredibly knowledgeable person when it comes to knowing resources and links about stock investing. Here is our top list of 60 resources that are vetted to give you value in your stock investsing journey. 

10 Frugal Insights for People Who Use Apps Like Door Dash and Uber Eats

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Delivery services such as Door Dash and Uber Eats present a convenient service, albeit high price tag. Added delivery fees, tips, service charges, and over-market prices for food all contribute to increased delivery service prices. Yet, these services continue rolling ... Read More

Do Pothos Like Coffee Grounds? Answered + Benefits & Dangers

Posted By Davin on Home - Drinking a cup of coffee in the morning is a popular way to start your day. Over 80%¹ of adults drink coffee daily! It boosts energy, raises alertness, and is a great way to get some beneficial antioxidants in your diet! If you’ve ever wondered if you could share this magic potion with your Pothos ... Read more

15 Best Odd Job Apps That Pay Up to $400 a Day

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - 15 Best Odd Job Apps That Pay Up to $400 a Day was written by Tyler Weaver and originally appeared on Hello Sensible. Tyler Weaver is a real estate investor and blogger at Relentless Finance. He has flipped over 50 homes and manages a real estate portfolio in the midwest. He strives to help others build […]

Birth Order and Relationships: Understanding the Connection and How to Use it

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - As an adult, you probably don’t think much about your birth order and relationships affected by it as it does not impact your everyday life. But whether you’re a firstborn, middle child, last-born, or an only child, it does play a significant role in making you who you are today. Birth order shows general tendencies... 
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The post Birth Order and Relationships: Understanding the Connection and How to Use it appeared first on The Dream Catcher.

Types Of Cichlids That Can Live Together – Popular Cichlids & Tank Mates

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - Fishkeeping is still popular, and Cichlids (Cichlidae) are desirable to many fish parents thanks to their colorful bodies and interesting temperaments. However, not all of them can cohabitate, and there are specific types of cichlids that can live together. Types of cichlids that can live together are cichlids from the same region. For example, African [...]
The post Types Of Cichlids That Can Live Together – Popular Cichlids & Tank Mates appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.

Boomers Are Spending More Than They Can Afford, Report Says

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - Report From 2022 Spending in Retirement Survey Finds Increase in Retirees Spending More Than They Can Afford Results from the 2022 Spending in Retirement Survey published by the Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) found that retirees are spending much higher ... Read More

Frugal Secrets That Will Save You Thousands (But Only If You Keep Them To Yourself)

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - I recently scrolled the internet’s front page when I saw this question, “What’s a frugal tip you’re afraid will be ruined by too many people?” Here are the top-voted responses. 1. Thrifting One user said, “Thrifting. Those stores are catching on, and it’s not as easy to find buried treasure anymore.’’ Another added, “Agree, I’m ... Read more

Understanding Enerhealth Botanical's Herbal Extraction Process

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  

There are many techniques for the extraction of herbs, including hemp. Here at Enerhealth Botanicals with several decades of extraction experience and positive customer outcomes, we follow a philosophy espoused by the ‘Eclectic School of Herbalism’ that was in existence from the mid 1800’s to 1940.  At their core they espoused the use of whole plants with little exposure to direct heat and of the formulation of herbal remedies based on historical knowledge about herbs and their actions as well as consumer feedback to effectiveness if specific formulas. Those processes implemented by those teachers in the school were furthered by, among others, Michael Moore. Our formulations were designed by a student of Michael’s, Linda Whitedove, and our hemp + herb formulations were created by a student of Moore’s and Linda’s, Diana Dummer. Thus, the tradition lives on here at Enerhealth Botanicals.
We have taken many of the processes for herbal extraction created by John Uri Lloyd in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s and have updated them to modern equipment and chemistry principles while maintaining the core of the eclectic’s approach. We don’t use any direct heat on our extraction processes and the majority, over 95%, of our herbs are extracted below 100 degrees Fahrenheit, which is normally considered ‘raw’. We extract in a menstruum of water and organic cane alcohol in various proportions depending on the herb being processed. Many roots require somewhat more intensive extraction temperatures but the results using our processes are impressive.

About five years ago we added an additional step in our herbal processing, Spagyric Method. This process takes the remaining herb after the liquid extraction and further refines the plant to extract the mineral salts. We then reintroduce these salts into the liquid extraction. Our third party lab analyzed the results and even though he initially stated that nothing would occur by reintroducing the salts, he had to change his opinion. It appears that adding the salts exploded the molecules into nano particles. The smaller the particle size the better your body can assimilate the compound and with the addition of the salts we believe that the bioavailability is even further enhanced.

Thus, our spagyric products have seen multiple customers reorder time and again from Enerhealth Botanicals after trying many alternatives that just didn’t work! We take pride in our processes and their effectiveness proven over two decades of many happy customers that were pleased with the results. One must realize that there is no ‘magic bullet’ out there for anything. When choosing the alternative herbal pathway to health, one must use these products several times a day over a longer period of time feel/see results. That is the nature of herbs.