Published Blogs

The Halo Effect: How it Influences Our Relationships (and why it matters)

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - All of us judge people by their appearance. From hairstyle to posture, we look at everything to build a picture of them in our minds. By nature, we’re prone to taking people at face value. It’s convenient, and it’s an instinctive response to determine trustworthiness. First impressions count, but we must know that our judgments... 
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The post The Halo Effect: How it Influences Our Relationships (and why it matters) appeared first on The Dream Catcher.

Why Your Business Should Invest in the Best Equipment

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Keeping your business equipment up to date is vital to keep things running smoothly and to stay ahead of the competition.
The post Why Your Business Should Invest in the Best Equipment appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

How To Save For College For Foreign-Born Kids On H-1B Visa

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Research shows that immigrants value education greatly and are willing to do whatever it takes to help their kids attend the best schools. College tuition in the US is among the highest in the world. A lot of the foreign-born families I talk with have this as one of their top goals. To accompl...

The Pantry Storage Plan That Will Change Your Life

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - We have all seen pictures and videos of amazing kitchen pantries, spotlessly clean, perfectly organized visions of shiny canisters or decorative mason jars with stylish labels filled to the brim with all kinds of foodstuffs. These aspirational pantries are designed to inspire and motivate us, but we are often left feeling inadequate. Having a more organized...

How to Find Real Estate Deals: 9 Methods Every Successful Investor Knows

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Are you wondering, “How to find real estate deals?” Finding good deals is one of the most critical skills for any real estate investor who wants to buy real estate. This article will discuss tips for finding deals and getting started in real estate investing. Stay tuned for more helpful tips and the best real...

5 Ways to Maximize The Southwest Companion Pass

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Finding deals on flights is one of the best things to do. Finding buy one get one free flight tickets is even better. Buy one get one free? That is right. The Southwest Companion Pass gives people a buy one ... Read More

What Would a Cash Pay Healthcare System Look Like?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

In this thought experiment, we're going to think about what healthcare might look like without insurance companies.
The post What Would a Cash Pay Healthcare System Look Like? appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

What is a Charitable Remainder Trust?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Key Points: A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) is used to reduce taxes for wealthy families Assets in a CRT are irrevocable and give certain non-charitable beneficiaries access to a periodic income stream The remaining balance, after the income stream period, goes to charitable beneficiarie...

9 Essential Oils For Sleep & How You Can Make Full Use Of Them

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - More than one-third of adults in the United States don’t get the recommended sleeping hours every night. As the market for essential oils is growing speedily in the United States and across the globe, many people are now knowledgeable about essential oils for sleep. They are pretty eager to know if these essential oils are...

VGT vs QQQ: What is the Best Tech ETF?

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Are you looking for fantastic technology Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs)? Look no further than VGT vs QQQ. Vanguard’s Information Technology ETF (VGT) and Invesco’s QQQ ETF are the two best ETFs for technology, giving investors an excellent opportunity to slice ... Read More

Is Resume Writing a Profitable Business?

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - Is Resume Writing a Profitable Business? was written for Playlouder by a contributing author. Please note that contributing opinions are that of the author. They are not always in strict alignment with my own opinions. –Joe.   In recent years, there has been a huge shift toward remote work. Do you work from home? Are you […]

Want to Retire in Your 30s? Here’s How to Do It.

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Have you ever wondered how to retire early? The idea of retiring in your thirties is enticing, but the cost of living is so high today that it seems out of reach. I used to feel the same way. I wanted to live right and spend less, but it seemed like a pipe dream. Then, after a lot of hard work and ...