Published Blogs

Cardiorespiratory Fitness & Client Health

Posted By TrainFitness on Health - The comprehensive study by Lang et al. (2024) offers invaluable insights for fitness professionals, illustrating the substantial benefits of improved cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) on health outcomes. This article will discuss the implications of these findings, suggest practical applications, and provide a periodised training programme that personal trainers can adapt for...
The post Cardiorespiratory Fitness & Client Health appeared first on TRAINFITNESS.

15 Happiness Quotes for Those Really Bad Days

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - What Is Happiness? I’m sure this is something we’ve all questioned and wondered about throughout the years. Is happiness achieved with moments of laughter? Is it achieved with money? Maybe happiness is when you feel free and inspired. Or it might be having a Marvel and Lord of the Rings marathon one weekend. Happiness can...

16 Ways the Rich Build Fortunes While Taking It Easy

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - While the average American has to work at least 40 hours a week to survive, rich people generally know how to stay rich and become richer with little effort. It’s one thing to increase personal wealth by working hard; it’s another to increase wealth passively and literally let the money roll in.  The most impressive ... Read more

How to Wake Up Early: 13 Secret Tips for Night Owls

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - If you struggle to wake up early, you’re not alone. Many people find it difficult to adjust their sleep schedule and become early risers. This practice can hurt you because life generally rewards early risers, and there are many benefits to waking up early. What can you do to stop being a night owl and...

12 Cheap Items That Save Money While Living Alone

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Are you living alone and finding it tough to manage your expenses? Living solo doesn't have to mean spending more. With a little bit of smart shopping, you can save quite a bit! In this blog post, we'll share 12 cheap items to help make your solo living experience easier on the wallet. From kitchen ... Read more

Confession: I hate needing help

Posted By LaurelS on Education - Aversion to getting help is a hallmark of perfectionism. I have to admit, I
hate needing help, asking for help, and accepting help. This installment of
“Progress for Perfectionists” is a personal story about a time I caught
myself being unnecessarily, foolishly self-sufficient.

Retiring to Winter Haven: Pros, Cons & Costs in 2024

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - Having year-round access to the world’s best freshwater fishing or learning yoga on the tranquil waters of a lake may sound like the stuff of retirement fantasies. But scores of Americans retiring in their mid-40’s and 50’s to Winter Haven, Florida have turned this fantasy into reality. Perhaps unsurprisingly, Spyfu SEO data reveal that each […]

10 Ways To Save Money With A Grocery Delivery Service

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Grocery delivery service is becoming more popular. Enter your grocery list online, and the grocery delivery service will take care of the rest. Not only is it convenient, but it can also save you money. Why Choose Grocery Delivery? Grocery delivery services gained popularity through the pandemic. Many realized they loved the convenience and have...

13 States People Are Moving To The Most

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - In recent years, domestic migration patterns have painted a vivid picture of shifting preferences and economic opportunities across the United States. Certain states have emerged as trendy destinations, promising newcomers better job prospects, lower living costs, and more agreeable climates. This trend is reshaping these regions' demographic and economic landscapes, impacting everything from housing markets ... Read more

Ultimate Deep Cleaning Guide for Busy Moms

Posted By 3BoysandaDog on Pets - Discover the ultimate solution for busy moms seeking to efficiently refresh their homes with our comprehensive guide and deep cleaning house list. Dive into the art of deep cleaning with expert tips and strategies tailored to fit seamlessly into your busy schedule. Say goodbye to overwhelming cleaning tasks and hello to a sparkling, rejuvenated home …