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10 Best Cooking Tips For Busy People - How Many Have You Tried?

Posted By alwaysusebutter on Food and Beverages -
Do you struggle with time to cook dinner on busy nights? Me too! This is a common struggle for professionals, families and students alike. But there's help to be found! Follow these 10 easy tips to make cooking dinner every night of the week quick, easy, enjoyable - and TASTY! 1. Start halfway Cooking from...
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Hanoi vs Ho Chi Minh City: 16 Similarities & Differences

Posted By apieceoftravel on Travel - If you’re like me, you enjoy visiting a country’s capital. But if you’re short on vacation days or the travelers in your group have varying interests, Vietnam poses an interesting problem: Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City have both been Vietnam’s capital. So, what’s the difference between Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City? Hanoi has …
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Can Two Betta Fish Live Together? 8 Factors To Consider

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - Betta fish are indeed great pets to care for, so it’s natural for beginner aquarists to wonder if you can have multiple. Before you do that, though, you should ask the question, “Can two Betta fish live together?” Bettas are solitary and territorial creatures, as they only look for company when they need mates to [...]
The post Can Two Betta Fish Live Together? 8 Factors To Consider appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.

4 Reasons You Need a Green Powder in Your Diet

Posted By Enerhealth on Health -  Surely, you’ve seen the trending green powders everyone is obsessing over but are they really worth the hype? Keep reading to learn more about what green powders are and why you should be using one.
What are Green Powders?
Green powders are dietary supplements that can be mixed into water or other liquids like smoothies or juice. They are typically a green hue and are formulated to support your body’s immune system and energy levels while providing the recommended amount of nutrients for a healthy diet. Although it varies by brand, green powders are commonly vegan, non-GMO, organic, and generally contain anywhere from 20-40 different ingredients, each containing their own array of beneficial health properties, hence the name “superfood”.
Some Common Ingredients Found in a Variety of Green Powders Include:

Leafy greens
Fruits & vegetables
Nutritional extracts and herbs
Added sweeteners

Our green powder, Enerfood, is vegan, non-GMO, and organic containing 20 ingredients and no added fillers or sweeteners (unlike many green powders), blended to support health and vitality in everyday modern life. These nutrient dense ingredients are a great source of calcium, iron, vitamins and minerals with no added sugars or sweeteners. Whether you have a poor diet, or love the convenience of a powder, Enerfood is a great and fast way to meet daily recommended nutritional goals. Enerfood can be taken with water or other liquids, such as smoothies. Check out some of our simple and delicious recipes! You can even sprinkle it or add it into your food.
As far as nutritional content, every brand’s green powder differs. Enerfood green powder comes with 50 servings per container and the nutrients can be broken down in the following:
One tablespoon of Enerfood contains:

Calories: 25
Protein: 3g
Carbohydrates: 4g
Sugars: 1g
Fiber: 7% of your daily value
Calcium: 10% of your daily value
Vitamin A: 60% of your daily value
Vitamin B12: 80% of your daily value
Vitamin B6: 40% of your daily value

Why People Use Green Powders:
There are several reasons and ways to use a green powder. Many common uses for our green powder, Enerfood, include: 

To implement healthy dietary changes
As a pre or post work out drink
As a caffeine-free energy
To improve athletic performance and recovery
To aid in digestion and immunity

Now that you have more of an understanding of what green powders are, this is four reasons why you should be implementing them into your diet.
1. You are not eating enough of the right vegetables.
Eating vegetables provides our body with vital nutrients to maintain health and wellness. American adults need four-five servings of fruits and vegetables per day. According to the CDC, only 1 in 10 Americans meet this goal. In addition, many Americans, eating fruits and vegetables are often limited in their access of nutrient dense foods and tend to eat vegetables with less health benefits like corn or bell peppers rather than something like spinach or kale. This can be due to location, time of year, price, lack of knowledge, taste, etc. Meaning, people may be eating their fruits and vegetables, but they may not be eating the ones that make the most difference for their overall health. Green powders like Enerfood, use specific ingredients, picked for their benefits, and backed by research, ensuring you get the top mix of your daily nutrients, and don’t miss out on the most needed superfoods.
2. Powders are better absorbent than vitamins or capsules.
There are approximately forty micronutrients that are essential for healthy metabolism and other vital functions. You must get those nutrients from your diet because your body is unable to make enough of them on its own. However, what we eat is different from what we digest. Even the healthiest diet has no value for our body if the nutrients cannot be absorbed and transported to the cells that need them, this is where green powder steps in. Depending on things like the soil or supply chain management, the nutrition density and biodiversity of our foods can become rather low, meaning less is being absorbed into our bodies. The same problem occurs with vitamins, pills, and capsules. Factors such as the size of the nutrient particles influence our absorption. Vitamins and capsules tend to have very large and dense particles, adding difficulty to the adsorption process. In addition, they usually have a wax like barrier surrounding the vitamin, making it harder for the body to absorb the nutrients within. Green powders like Enerfood, are finely ground into small particles making it easy for your body to absorb them into the bloodstream and cells. Also, there is no barriers with green powders, like there is with vitamins, adding to the simple absorption process.
3. Green Powders offer a caffeine-free, natural energy boost.
We all love that caffeine kick but it’s never worth the caffeine come down. Many green powders claim to provide a natural energy boost, such as Enerfood powder. Every cell in the human body relies on iron and many studies have linked low iron levels to feelings of decreased energy. Enerfood contains many ingredients high in iron such as spinach and spirulina. So, when consuming iron from a natural ingredient, it naturally makes your body feel more alert, awake, and energized. Spirulina has even been known to improve endurance and contribute to combatting muscle fatigue. Enerfood is also rich in Vitamin B-1 which helps the body generate energy from nutrients. Another reason, green powders often claim to provide energy is that they contain chlorophyll. For example, in Enerfood, we use a variety of different grasses including wheat grass. Wheat grass contains around 70% of chlorophyll which has been said to give off vibrant and uplifting energy. Because of this, Enerfood green powder makes a great caffeine free alternative to an energy drink or any type of pre or post workout beverage.
4. Green powders help to boost immunity.
One of the biggest reasons green powders have become so popular is for their ability to boost immunity. Most green powders contain large amounts of vitamins and minerals that are associated with maintaining a healthy immune system. Enerfood, for example, contains Vitamin A which has been known for its anti-inflammatory properties as well as high amounts of vitamin B-12 and B6 which are important in maintaining healthy immune function. Many adults tend to be vitamin deficient as well and could benefit from a higher intake of specific vitamins, many found in green powders like Enerfood.
There are so many benefits to be had from using green powders, however there are also a lot of different brands on the market, so find one that best fits your needs. Enerfood is a supplement made for everyone including people who eat vegan and gluten-free. With 50 servings in a 14.1oz sized bag, that is a little more than $1.00 per day for powder greens, compared to many other brands that are much higher. Give it a try today and see how much you benefit from implementing a green powder like Enerfood into your diet. 

Sell Unwanted Stuff Or Things You Make: Smart Ways To Make Money

Posted By ChaChingQueen on Creative Lifestyle - Do you want a way to make some extra money? Well, you’re in luck! There are many opportunities to make money by selling things. We researched 38 things to sell to make money. We have personal experience selling many of these items. First, we will cover selling unwanted items in your home. Then we offer...
Cha Ching Queen -

He Can’t Pay His Mortgage, But His Parents Want “$2,000 A Month” From Him

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares that her in-laws argue that her husband should send them $1,500 to $2,000 a month despite them struggling to pay their own mortgage. Her Husband Needed Financial Help Early On The original poster (OP) said her husband needed help paying for college. So, her fiance’s parents sold some stock and sold...

Want to be a Millionaire? Invest in These 3 Vanguard ETFs for a Comfortable Retirement

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Vanguard has been revolutionary in the creation of low-cost funds for investors. They were the first to create the index fund and then started to develop low-cost ETFs to compete with companies like Blackrock, which owns iShares ETFs.  As you ... Read More

Pothos Growing Small Leaves? How to Fix in 6 Simple Steps

Posted By Davin on Home - In the wild, pothos plants display incredible, large heart-shaped leaves. Unfortunately, indoors, these plants produce smaller leaves. But you can still do a few things to encourage big leaf growth.  Want to increase your footprint? Then, check out this guide on how to fix small leaves on pothos plants.  What Causes Small Pothos Leaves? Small ... Read more

How People Responded to This Military Man Forced Into a Retirement Ceremony!

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - Retirement parties occur in the military, professions, clubs, etc. Still, not everyone desires a celebration. Some people do not like parties, and others can’t wait ... Read More

9 Tips for Creating Digital Products Online

Posted By bbrian017 on Blogging - Digital products have always been the most favorite thing for online marketers. You can create a digital product and send it to your customers when they pay for it. Your customers will receive the product as a download link in their email and you will have the money in the bank right away. Imagine shopping … Continue reading "9 Tips for Creating Digital Products Online"

10 Fun Novel Ways To Get Cool Things for Cheap

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - Retail therapy is responsible for most people’s joys and pleasures. Though fun, it can sometimes be straining on your wallet. What if I told you there’s a way to reinvent your inventory cheaply? According to one frugal online community, these ... Read More

Playa del Carmen to Tulum: 6 Travel Options Explained

Posted By apieceoftravel on Travel - During my Yucatan Peninsula trotting, I became besties with the route from Playa del Carmen to Tulum. It wasn’t intentional. But alas, here I am writing an article on what will likely be more than you ever thought you needed to know about how to get from Playa del Carmen to Tulum. Without further ado, …
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How Long Can Guppies Go Without Food? Diet Explained

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - How Long Can Guppies Go Without Food? Guppies are some of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish in the fishkeeping hobby, and for a good reason! They are low-maintenance bursts of fun and exciting color in any tank. How long can guppies go without food? Two whole weeks! Guppy fish are foragers with big appetites, [...]
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Why We Get Sick During Winter and How to Prevent It

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - There are many factors that affect how we get sick, when we get sick, how badly we get sick, and for how long. Some of these factors we have a say in, and some not so much.
Colds are caused by bacteria and viruses, however each year when the temperature outside drops, there is a surge in respiratory infections. We often associate these symptoms with the weather around us, such as being in cold rain with no jacket, but this may not be the case. According to Dr. William Schaffner, an infectious disease expert at the Vanderbilt University of Tennessee, “Respiratory infections are transferred more readily in the winter”. This is for a few reasons, none of them being cold rain or wet clothes.
Number One: Viruses and bacteria thrive in cold conditions. The lack of humidity and moisture in the air evaporates faster, allowing the virus to remain in the air for a significantly longer time than if it was in humidity.
Number Two: We tend to spend a lot more time indoors in the winter season, inevitably prolonging our face-to face contact, as well as our germ exposure.
The best way to reduce your risk of getting sick is by strengthening your immune system. Things like washing your hands with soapy water, getting good amounts of sleep, staying hydrated, eating a good diet, and adding immune boosting herbs to your daily regimen, are all things that will help boost immunity.
Below we’ve compiled a list of our most recommended herbs to help prepare your immune system for the “cold” season as well as some of our best products containing those herbs. These products help to prevent sickness by boosting immunity but can also be used to help alleviate cold symptoms for those times you do catch a bug!
Top Herbs/ Products for Flu Season: 
1. Echinacea
Echinacea is one of the most popular and widely recognized herbs to support a healthy immune system. All species of echinacea contain phenolic compounds, which work in combination to produce immune-enhancing substances. Phenols have antioxidant properties, which have been shown to support overall wellness. Echinacea may even prevent infection by revving up your immune system, as Echinacea may increase the bodies ability to fight germs.
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Echinacea:
-Echinacea Blend Herbal Extract: A combination of three types of Echinacea in one blend.
-Echinosha Syrup with Elderberry: All the benefits of Echinacea with the soothing power and sweet taste of Elderberry.
-Honey ‘N Propolis Throat Spray: Coat your throat with long lasting relief and a yummy honey taste.
2. Elderberry
Many people consider the Elderberry plant to be one of the most powerful for preventing and treating colds. Elderberry fruit and flowers have been used for centuries in folk medicine, commonly made into syrups or lozenges to relieve coughs. Some researchers even claim Elderberry syrups can help shorten the duration of some illnesses and make them less severe.
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Elderberry:
Elderberry Extract: An extract to keep you feeling balanced and provide positive effects to the immune system.
Echinosha Syrup with Elderberry: All the benefits of Echinacea with the soothing power and sweet taste of Elderberry in a convenient syrup.
3. Mullein Leaf
The Mullein plant has been around for thousands of years and has a reputation as a respiratory remedy. The most commonly used part of the plant is the leaf and it's been used historically to help treat cough, congestion and pain. The velvety leaves are soothing to the respiratory tract and mucous membranes and said to promote healthy lungs.  
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Mullein Leaf:
-Mullein Leaf Extract: All the benefits of Mullein Leaf in one bottle
-Lung Renewal: A cleansing formula targeting the lungs and respiratory system
-Bronchial Strength: Supports bronchial passageways and lung health
4. Yerba Mansa Root
Yerba Mansa Root is an herb used commonly for treating cold symptoms, it has been used historically by the Southwest and Native Americans for a variety of ailments, specifically referring to systems in the body that have become stagnant, interrupting the flow of fluids in our body. This herb is very popular for dealing with thick phlegm and reducing mucus. In addition to supporting our natural immune responses, this herb can break up congestion allowing our body to recover quicker.
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Yerba Mansa Root:
-Nettles Decongestant: Designed to clear our congestion and promote a proper inflammatory response.
-Echinosha Herbal Extract: A combination of potent herbs for supporting immune health.
-Lung Renewal: A cleansing formula targeting the lungs and respiratory system.
5. Osha root
Many traditional and holistic health communities consider Osha to be a plant medicine panacea, it has been used for centuries by Native Americans and thought to be a useful agent in combatting respiratory conditions. Osha root contains several antioxidants and antimicrobial properties that may reduce inflammation and protect lungs from viruses and infections. It has even been used as a decongestant to help treat the flu and common cold. When taken regularly, this root can do wonders for strengthening immunity and battling respiratory ailments.

 Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Osha Root:

-Echinosha Herbal Extract: A combination of potent herbs for supporting immune health.
-Cough Calming Blend: A combination of expectorant herbs designed to calm a cough fast and effectively.
-Honey ‘N Propolis Throat Spray: Coat your throat with long lasting relief and a yummy honey taste.
6. Astragalus Root
Astragalus Root has been a highly valued herb used primarily in Chinese and other Asian cultures for a very long time due to its value in supporting a healthy immune system and its many rejuvenation properties. Astragalus Root is an adaptogen, meaning it helps the body react to and recover from mental and physical stress by supporting normal adrenal function. Regular intake of this herb can be a wonderful preventive measure for maintaining overall health and building stronger immunity in times of sickness.
Top Recommended Products for Flu Season Containing Astragalus Root:
 -Astragalus Root Extract: All the benefits of the Astragalus Root bottled up for your convenience.
-Daily Immune Complex Herbal Extract: All the benefits of Astragalus Root combined with a blend of immune supporting mushrooms.
Ready to stock up on some herbal products? Buy now and save 10% on select herbs for a limited time! 
Lung Renewal
Nettles Decongestant
Daily Immune Complex Herbal Extract
Echinosha Syrup with Elderberry
Echinacea Blend Herbal Extract
Honey ‘N Propolis Throat Spray