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He Wants a DNA Test To Prove the Kids Are His, but They Were Born Before He Met His Girlfriend
Posted By adimesaved on Finance
20 Virtual Event Ideas Your Team will Actually Enjoy | Roundup
Posted By MasonHipp on Technology
10 Cool Frugal Hacks Saving People Big Money
Posted By adimesaved on Finance
The 4 Best Pink Air Fryers
Posted By alwaysusebutter on Food and Beverages
If you want to combine easy cooking with your love of pink, then this guide is for you. Here I present the four best pink air fryers on the market, to help you on your way to easy cooking, in style. KOOC Pink 4.5-Quart Air Fryer ($129.99) This version has an LED touch screen, customizable...
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Is My Mystery Snail Male Or Female? How To Tell The Difference
Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets
The post Is My Mystery Snail Male Or Female? How To Tell The Difference appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.
The Magic of Mushrooms
Posted By Enerhealth on Health
Still not convinced of their magic… read on to learn about the specific benefits of each of the eight mushrooms we use to produce our organic mushroom infused coffee and cocoa.
The Types of Mushrooms We Use at Enerhealth:
Ganoderma lucidum (Reishi)
The Reishi mushroom, has also been known as, “the queen of mushrooms” due to its body and mind balancing properties. Reishi mushrooms contain triterpenes which promote hormonebalance and lower cortisol levels, ensuring a deeper sleep and relaxed mind. They are also a fantastic natural immune booster.
Cordyceps Sinensis
Cordyceps mushrooms are nature’s natural energy booster. They are an adaptogen, meaning they help combat stress by stabilizing and maintaining balance within the body. As well as helping to maintain energy and stamina. Cordyceps are an athlete's dream as they boost performance and speed up recovery.
Shiitake mushrooms gained their popularity in the culinary world, but still boast a variety of health benefits that have been used in many parts of the world like China. They contain all eight essential amino acids typically found in meat, making it an excellent substitute for meat in a vegan or vegetarian diet. Shiitake mushrooms also have a rich profile of vitamin B, fiber, essential minerals, and compounds that have been used to nurture and maintain healthy skin and stronger bones.
Grifola Frondosa (Maitake)
Maitake mushrooms contain abundant amounts of potassium, calcium, and magnesium. As well as, fibers, vitamins like vitamin B2, D, etc. and amino acids. It also has a high amount of ergothioneine, an amino acid and antioxidant that helps slow cellular damage and improve skin health.
Agaricus Blazei
The Agaricus Blazei contain various beneficial polysaccharides structured as beta-glucans said to fight physical and emotional stress and stimulate the immune system. They also contain compounds found in almonds like benzaldehyde, benzoate, and benzyl alcohol, giving them an almond like smell.
Lion’s Mane
Lion’s Mane… it’s the mushroom that’s good for your brain! This mushroom is nootropic used to enhance cognitive performance, concentration, and creativity by activating the nervous system. It has also been believed to improve mood and overall brain health.
The Chaga mushroom is truly magical, containing one of the highest sources of antioxidants in nature, this mushroom does wonders for supporting and regulating immunity. The antioxidants also help inflammation and are believed to improve gut health. Chaga has also been known to aid in sustained energy throughout the day.
Coriolus Versicolor (Turkey Tail)
Commonly called the “Turkey Tail”, this mushroom has been shown to aid in digestion and help strengthen your immune system.
One-Pan Wonders: Quick and Easy Breakfast Casseroles to Simplify Your Mornings
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Her Snoopy Mother-In-Law Is Calling Her a Liar After She Planted a FAKE Positive Pregnancy Test in the Garbage
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What Can You Feed Fish Other Than Fish Food? Here Are Alternatives
Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets
The post What Can You Feed Fish Other Than Fish Food? Here Are Alternatives appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.
How to Protect yourself from Allergies this Spring
Posted By Enerhealth on Health
While seasonal allergies and colds share similar symptoms, they have very different causes. According to the Mayo Clinic, Seasonal allergies are immune system responses triggered by exposure to allergens, while colds are caused by viruses.
Common Types of Spring Allergies:
Spring is here…and so are the seasonal allergies. As the flowers bloom to fruition, they bring along the allergens with them. Some of the most common types of spring allergens include tree, weed and grass pollen. The pollen is released and small pieces can be easily carried by the wind and insects.
Another common springtime allergy includes molds and mildew spores. Mold thrives in wet places like fallen leaves, grass and rain. It also thrives in warmer places such as the indoors in bathrooms, kitchens and basements. Not to mention, mold can grow on plants that have grown during the winter.
Bites from bugs like mosquitos, bees, wasps, and fleas become more common in the spring time due to the warm weather.
Symptom Check:
Allergy symptoms are very similar to the symptoms of a common cold yet they vary based on location and severity. Spring allergens can trigger symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose, coughing, congestion and itchy, watery eyes.
How to Manage Seasonal Allergies:
Avoid coming into contact with outside allergens: Controlling your exposure to allergens is one of the best ways to manage your allergies. Using an allergy forecaster can be very helpful as certain weather conditions can increase the severity of allergies. Avoid dry and windy days, as pollen is increased.
Check the pollen count outside by using an allergy forecast
Keep windows and doors closed
Stay indoor when pollen counts are high, dry and windy days, as there is likely in an increase of pollen in the air
Wear protective clothing when outside
Keep up your hygiene: While it is impossible to completely avoid all allergens, there are many steps you can take when it comes to your personal hygiene that can protect you from allergies.
Bathe, shower, change clothes after being outdoors
Avoid touching your face eyes and nose
Wash bedding in hot water weekly
Use zippered allergen impermeable pillow and mattress covers
Keep your air clean: Help reduce the amount of pollen coming into your home by keeping the air clean with air conditioning and dehumidifiers.
Keep indoor humidity below 50%
Use air conditioning instead of fresh air
Use a dehumidifier to keep indoor air dry
Relieve your allergy symptoms: When the allergies do kick in, consider trying natural herbal supplements to lessen the severity of the allergy attack. If your allergy symptoms significantly hinder your daily life, seek consultation from a doctor or allergist for additional help.
Take natural herbs from Enerhealth Botanicals
Echinosha Elderberry Syrup- A combination of nature's incredible bounty, that can give your immune system a super boost and calm down respiratory passage ways and work to eliminate excessive phlegm.
Nettles Decongesting- Nettle’s herb helps the body deal with the effects of allergens; it works by modulating the body’s inflammatory pathways to support upper respiratory health. This herb also promotes detoxification and healthy blood.
Honey & Propolis Throat Spray- With resinous propolis and soothing honey, Honey & Propolis Throat Spray coats the throat for long-lasting relief and helps settle coughs.
Echinacea Blend- Echinacea is one of the most popular and widely recognized herbs to support a healthy immune system. All species of echinacea contain phenolic compounds, which work in combination to produce immune-enhancing substances. Phenols have antioxidant properties, which have been shown to support overall wellness.
2. Consult with doctor
Things To Do In Springfield, MO: A Family’s Guide to the Best Attractions
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33+ Top Gifts For Seniors With Limited Mobility
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