Published Blogs

Top 10 Ways To Make Money on TikTok

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - Top 10 Ways To Make Money on TikTok was written by Marjolein Dilven and originally appeared on Hello Sensible. Marjolein is the founder of Radical FIRE. She has a finance and economics background with a master’s in Finance. Radical FIRE is a personal finance blog that helps you live your dream life by making more […]

Her In-Laws Visit Her Just Weeks After She Gives Birth and DEMAND Dinner So She Serves Them Mac and Cheese

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - A Reddit user has shared how, just a few short weeks after her firstborn arrived, her in-laws unexpectedly greeted her on the porch after her husband had invited them over for dinner. She mustered up the energy to prepare mac ... Read More

Best 20 Gallon Fish Tank – Reviews & Top 5 Picks

Posted By FishKWisdom on Pets - When people ask me what tank size they should begin with I always suggest the 20 gallon fish tank. The size is big enough for you to keep more than a handful of fish. while still being small enough to be easily cleaned and inexpensive. But which 20 gallon tank is right for you? The [...]
The post Best 20 Gallon Fish Tank – Reviews & Top 5 Picks appeared first on Fishkeeping Wisdom.

She Was CHARGED for Food at the Wedding So She Left the Reception To Eat at a McDonald’s

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - Weddings have gotten out of control! A 25-year-old woman posted on the AITA subreddit, wanting to get people’s opinion on whether she was wrong for walking out of a wedding reception to eat at a Mcdonald’s after being presented with ... Read More

What To Expect During The Homebuying Process: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - So, you’re ready to buy a home; congratulations! However, you probably have a few questions going forward. Purchasing a property … What To Expect During The Homebuying Process: A Comprehensive Guide Read More »

Hypermiling – Saving Money on Gas by Driving Differently

Posted By cashblog on Make Money - Hypermiling is a method of increasing your car’s gas mileage by making skillful changes in the way you drive, allowing you to save gas and
The post Hypermiling – Saving Money on Gas by Driving Differently appeared first on CashBlog.

I Can’t Believe I Didn’t Know This Until Now: Embarrassing Things People Learned Way Too Late in Life

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - I recently scrolled the internet’s front page when I saw this question, “What’s something you learned “embarrassingly late” in life?” Here are the top-voted responses. 1. Croutons A Redditor said, “I was like, 22? Working at a restaurant making myself a salad, and I asked the chef for bumps and he stared at me for ... Read more

20 Natural Tips for Supporting Your Immune System

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - The immune system is a complex network of organs, cells and proteins that defends the body against infection, while protecting the body's own cells. If your immune system is weakened, your body has a harder and longer time protecting and healing itself from viruses, bacteria, and germs. It is important to maintain a healthy and strong immune system, especially in a post pandemic world.

Why Do You Have a Weak Immune System? 

There are many reasons why our immune system may buffer and some just may be stronger than others. Before looking at ways to strengthen your immune system, it may be helpful to understand why it is weak in the first place. 

According to a report by the American Psychological Association, long term stress weakens the responses of your immune system. In addition, things like not getting enough sleep or exercise or even simply washing your hands enough, can deter your immune health. 

There are also bigger causes of weak immune systems such as genetics and other medical disorders that may contribute. In fact there are more than 300 types of primary immunodeficiency disorders. These problems in the genetic code act as a blueprint for producing the cells of the body (DNA) that cause many of these immune system defects.

How Do You Know if You Have a Weak Immune System?
The best way to know if you have a weak immune system is getting checked by your healthcare provider. In addition, it is important to pay attention to signs and symptoms to know when you should go and get checked. 

One sign to look out for is how being sick affects your body. For example, it is very common to get sick with a cold but if you're frequently getting sick and you take longer than average to recover you may have a weak immune system. 

Luckily there are several ways humans can naturally build up their immune systems. We've collected our top 20 ways to help you kick your immune system into high gear. 

20 Natural Tips For Supporting Your Immune System 

Keep well hydrated. When you are dehydrated, your cells do not function as well, your circulation becomes more sluggish and your blood pressure tends to rise.
Eat raw fruits and veggies daily, preferably half of your food intake. Try to make as many of those fruits and vegetables bright and colorful. Colorful fruits and vegetables have a high antioxidant content. Antioxidants help to assist your immune system and prevent you from getting sick.
Avoid all dairy, especially during an outbreak but also when congested. Raw dairy is much better but also best avoided when congested. 
Avoid processed meats and any meat from animals raised with hormones and antibiotics. These antibiotic residues weaken our guts by killing off beneficial gut flora. We should replace and maintain normal gut flora by making probiotics an essential part of our daily regimen.
Avoid all processed foods. This includes artificial sweeteners, hydrogenated oils, refined carbohydrates, high fructose corn syrup, food colorings, MSG etc. These deplete your immune system and make you susceptible to illness. 
Take apple cider vinegar in water daily. (1 tbsp in 4oz water) and or the juice of ½ a lemon in 4oz water.
Take a high quality greens formula daily. Eat more greens in your diet such as kale, collards, beet greens etc…
Use only extra virgin coconut oil to cook with. Use cold pressed olive or flax seed oil on salads. Especially avoid all hydrogenated and denatured fats, which upset your hormonal balance. This in turn causes stress and weakens your immune system.
Take a high quality Vitamin D supplement during winter months or if you do not get sufficient sun exposure. When the sun is out, try to expose as much of your body as you can to the sun between the hours of 10 am and 2 pm. Try to get at least 15 minutes of sun exposure. Sun exposure should vary depending upon your skin pigment. The lighter the skin the less sun exposure.
Get daily exercise and maintain an upright posture. Upright posture helps maintain optimal respiratory and lymphatic function.
Avoid public places during any outbreak.
Wash your hands thoroughly with natural vegetable based soap. Avoid using antibacterial soaps, which kill the good bacteria on your skin. Washing off dirt and perspiration is all you need to do where hand washing is concerned. Use the same practice on your body.
Eliminate fluoride from your water supply with a good water filtration system. Also filter chlorine out of the water you use to shower with. Both chlorine and fluoride depress your immune system.
Use only natural, non-chemical personal care products such as shampoos, soaps, creams etc. If you would not put it in your mouth, do not put it on your skin.
Wear natural fiber clothing.  This in itself has an effect on your body’s electro-magnetic field. Synthetic clothing weakens that field. A weakened magnetic field lowers immune activity.
Keep your living space free from clutter. Keep your kitchen and bathroom surfaces clean. Use grapefruit seed extract to disinfect, mixed with water. Use 7 to 10 drops for a quart spray bottle. This is also a great gargle (2 drops to 2 oz warm water) for sore throats.
Use essential oils. In times of an outbreak use a quart spray bottle with the following essential oils in it; eucalyptus, pine, grapefruit, orange and lemon. Use 12-15 drops of each oil.
Watch your emotions. Keep your stress levels low with deep breathing, good communication and a healthy lifestyle. Stress weakens the immune system.
Take immune building herbs such as astragulus, ashwagandha, echinacea, osha root, shatavari, siberian ginseng, reishi, maitake, cordyceps, agaricus, shitake and coriolus. These herbs and mushrooms all work to help prevent you from getting sick.
Adopt a healthy sleep regimen. Lack of sleep weakens your immune system and in many studies has been repeatedly demonstrated to have effects ranging from immune system suppression to increased blood pressure and poor sugar metabolism.

She Didn’t Tell Her Dad That He Is Not Getting The Million Dollar Inheritance, But He’s Expecting It To Pay For His Retirement And Debts

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares that her grandparents are no longer planning to give her a dad most of the inheritance.  Her Dad’s Been Banking On The Inheritance The original poster (OP) said her grandparents are incredibly wealthy, and her father believes their estate’s worth is in the millions.  For this reason, OP’s dad has depended...

Tips and Tricks to Help You Eat Healthy All Week Long

Posted By ChaChingQueen on Creative Lifestyle - When your schedule is very full, it is not easy to make meals you’d like to. It can be all too easy to fall into the non-healthy zone. Often, you look for a quick meal when you’re hungry and don’t have the mental energy to come up with something for dinner, let alone make it....
Cha Ching Queen -

Best Reading Glasses for Seniors & the Elderly That Are Helpful & Stylish

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - It can be overwhelming trying to find the perfect pair of reading glasses, especially when you're a senior. It's like looking for a needle in a haystack – there are so many options! But don't worry – we've got your back.

Top 21 TikTok Traders Accounts For Stock Investing and Stock Market Advice

Posted By hashtaginvesting on Finance - Most people look at TikTok as a place where users sing songs, choreograph new movements, or try to be funny. Some people also promote their products and others go all out with crazy impersonations to garner attention. However, there is a growing community of financial influencers on this social media app who promote financial literacy and investing to their followers.Remember, TikTok videos are short and they last for 60 seconds on the outside. That is a challenge that these TikTokers have accepted and excelled at. You have finance professionals, actors and teachers who are talking about finance and investing on the platform and they are doing a fine job of it. Here are 11 of them for you to take a look at:

12 Frugal Habits That Will Revolutionize The Way You Live

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - A frugal lifestyle can be one of the best decisions you make. It allows you to save money, reduce stress and live a simpler, more meaningful life. Frugality is about making wise spending choices and being mindful of how your ... Read More

10 Worst Plants to Grow: These Will Test Your Patience & Sanity

Posted By Davin on Home - Have you had terrible luck attempting to care for a plant? You’ve got company. After someone asked Reddit, “What is the worst plant you’ve ever had the displeasure of trying to raise?” These are the top-voted answers for the worst plants to grow.  1. Rhaphidophora Tetrasperma Rhaphidophora tetrasperma, also known as mini monstera, is the ... Read more

16 Easy Crafts to Make and Sell: Unlock Your Creative Potential

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - 16 Easy Crafts to Make and Sell: Unlock Your Creative Potential was written by Farah Zeb and originally appeared on Hello Sensible. Farah, a mother of five and a voice in the parenting sphere, draws on her economics background and personal experience as the head writer of BecauseMomSays and Mamaoffive. She offers support, guidance, and realistic […]