Published Blogs

Tips to Create an Emergency Fund (That Actually Helps in an Emergency)

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - You’ve probably heard that you should have an emergency fund. Maybe you even have one already. But would it actually help in an emergency? Not just a minor emergency, but a serious one? The answer, for many people, is no. Depending on the size of your emergency fund and various other factors,...

VFIAX Vs. VOO: Index Fund Or ETF – Which Is Better?

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - VFIAX vs. VOO are two very popular funds by Vanguard. When compared like for like, both assets have notable similarities, but a few differences distinguish one from the other.  If you are looking for long-term investment options, VFIAX vs. VOO are very good options because they are likely to appreciate several years down the line.  ... Read more

What is Lean FIRE? The Frugal Way to Retire

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - With so much news about the FIRE movement, you have to wonder which way is best for you. Many people have mentioned Barista FIRE or even regular FIRE. The two that are not always talked about are Fat FIRE and ... Read More

The Complete Beginners Guide to Travel Hacking

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - With all the talk of a pending recession, saving some money on your next vacation is likely even more top of mind than usual.  Luckily, there’s a solution out there to help you save money while still enjoying your next vacation! The answer is called travel hacking.  Travel hacking is just a fancy term that […]

3 Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions To Help Your Finances

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Working on your financial health should be a year-round exercise. To make a real difference to your balance sheet, you … 3 Sustainable New Year’s Resolutions To Help Your Finances Read More »

Is This the Year You Start Your Freelance Business?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Freelancing is becoming an increasingly obvious way to bring in a little (or a lot of) extra money. Most of us have the basic tools we need to work remotely. And technology has made freelancing a lot easier than it once was. There are countless sites and apps dedicated to putting potential freelanc...

Hobbies That Make Money: 25 Examples You Can Start Now

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - Do you have a hobby? Hobbies are activities we enjoy doing when we have spare time. These activities help us develop skills and talent, make friends with similar interests, reduce stress, and provide an extra stream of income. Many of us begin a hobby for fun and enjoyment, not necessarily for profit. However, many hobbies […]

How Much Money Do You Really Need to Save for Retirement?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Simple Rules, False Comfort – How Much Do You Really Need? We all love simple rules, don’t we? They help us feel more control in a complex world where we have so little control over our circumstances. Go to college, get a degree, get a job, work hard for several decades, then retir...

VEU Vs. VXUS: A Comparison Of Two ETFs

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - What is a good investment strategy? If you want to diversify your investments, what assets should you consider? Let’s check VEU vs. VXUS and see which one is a better fit for your investment needs. There are certain advantages of Vanguard funds that make them attractive to investors. One of these is that they usually ... Read more

Keeping Up With The Joneses: The Bad Habit That Costs You Money

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - Have you ever heard the phrase “Keeping up with the Joneses” before? And no, not the 2016 comedy movie following Zach Galifanakis and Isla Fischer, a suburban couple who suspect their new neighbors are secret agents. This article goes beyond other comedy films like The Joneses, There’s Something About Mary and the Avengers. Keeping up […]