Published Blogs

The Best Speed Painting Videos on Youtube

Posted By PartnersinFire on Creative Lifestyle - If you’re a visual addict like me, then I’ll bet you know exactly what this title is talking about. But if you’re new to ASMR for your eyeballs, well, welcome to a little thing I like to call: art. Heh. But no, seriously, a lot of times what I enjoy about something is watching the …
The Best Speed Painting Videos on Youtube Read More »
The post The Best Speed Painting Videos on Youtube appeared first on Partners in Fire.

Why We Should Start Demanding Sabbatical Leave

Posted By PartnersinFire on Creative Lifestyle - If you could take six months to a year off your job and return with the same pay and benefits, would you? What if your company paid you to take this time off? Would you do it then? Sabbatical leave sounds like a great deal.  I think that if more companies offered sabbatical leave, they’d …
Why We Should Start Demanding Sabbatical Leave Read More »
The post Why We Should Start Demanding Sabbatical Leave appeared first on Partners in Fire.

Taxes on a Million Dollars of Earned Income

Posted By physicianonfire on Finance - How much would the taxes on a million dollars be? We calculate it based on earning that sum over 10 years, 4 years, and one year. The answer can be under $100,000 or over $360,000 depending on how long it takes you to earn $1,000,000.