Published Blogs

How employers can help veterans become financially stable

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Though it’s historically been an under-leveraged segment of the workforce, savvy business leaders are increasingly recognizing the critical role that veteran talent can play in executing their talent …

What Support Can Small Businesses Count On During A Pandemic?

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Because of the coronavirus, the number of clients and revenues of many entrepreneurs dropped sharply, sometimes to zero. So let’s … What Support Can Small Businesses Count On During A Pandemic? Read More »

5 Solid Money and Life Tips for Near-Retirees

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - I think I qualify as a near-retiree. Frankly, I could afford to stop working now, if we were willing to give up our dream home and move back to our previous house (that we still own and are leasing out). But unless forced into it, why would we? So, what are my near-retiree plans? So...

Do Active Mutual Funds Really Doom Your Portfolio to Lagging?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Seven months ago, I quoted Warren Buffet’s famous advice: “ A low-cost fund is the most sensible equity investment for the great majority of investors. My mentor, Ben Graham, took this position many years ago, and everything I have seen since convinces me of its truth. ” I then wrote , “...

Top Finance Writers’ Money Tips for Your Peak Earning Years

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Are you entering or already in your peak earning years? If so, here are some great financial tips…. According to CNBC , college-educated, full-time workers reach peak earning around age 55, with median income about 87% higher than at age 22 for men, and 57% higher for women. At age ...

20 Mint Alternatives For 2022 [Free & Paid Money Apps]

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - These days, many are seeking out financial advisors, but how about those who can’t afford to have one? This is where budgeting tools come in, and Mint is one of them. Here are the Mint alternatives that can help you with your financial goals. It is hard to allocate finances like a household budget holder, … 20 Mint Alternatives For 2022 [Free & Paid Money Apps] Read More »