Published Blogs

9 Best Micro Investing Apps: Start Investing With Less Money

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - If you are new with investing or considering getting started, it can be a bit intimidating to know where to begin. This is especially true if you do not have much money to start investing, but you still have options to ensure you are building a future nest egg for yourself. Thanks to technology and […]

How Many Bank Accounts Should You Have? [The Simple Guide]

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - As you build your emergency fund and savings, a question you might ask yourself is, “How many bank accounts should I have?” However, for most people having one bank account is a common option and there is no thought in really expanding to other accounts.  Personally, it never crossed my mind when I was first […]

These eco-friendly home repairs will also save you money

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging - Converting a house into an environmentally friendly structure does not necessarily require installing an elaborate solar array on the roof or adding space-age construction materials — …

7 Best Real Estate Books For Investing You Should Read

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - One of the more popular Google searches today has to do with achieving financial freedom. Since real estate investing is often part of achieving financial freedom, it’s not uncommon for people to search for the best real estate books. I’ll give you my list in this post.  When I turned 40, we reached a debt-free status, […]

Best Investing Strategies For Beginners And Beyond To Consider

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - When you start investing your money, there are a few decisions you need to be thinking about.  Most of which are very personal choices like your financial goals, the amount you can afford to invest, what you will invest in, and understanding investing strategies.  Usually, the fairly common question for most new investors is about […]