Published Blogs

12 Easy To Follow Steps For Financial Freedom

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Do you ever feel stuck in a rut, working the same job every day for what seems like pennies? You're not alone. Millions of people are struggling to make ends meet, but you don't have to be one of them. ... Read More

Home Improvement Loans: Get the Funds You Need to Make Your Dream Home a Reality

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - This post will discuss everything you need to know about home improvement loans: what they are, how they work, and who is eligible. We'll also provide tips on getting the best rate on your loan. The information here is valuable to all home improvers, no matter which phase of the home improvement journey you are up to

Making the Most of an End-of-Summer Break

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

The summer is coming to a close, if you're planning on going on a quick trip to wrap up your summer here's some ideas on what to take with you.
The post Making the Most of an End-of-Summer Break appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Different Types of Microgreens: Perfect Starter Varieties + Tips

Posted By Davin on Home - In this article, different types of microgreens will be highlighted. These will give you a foundation to expand, as there are numerous other varieties. Remember that the germination and harvest days statistics are based on growing temperatures between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Use these averages as a starting point and modify them for your ... Read more

The News Media Keeps Us Ignorant About Reality.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Humanity is literally in a war, fighting to remain free while wealthy globalists and their puppets in the government (federal, state, and local) work around the clock to turn the world into a giant, digitally controlled slave colony. We've never faced a threat as dangerous as this in recorded human history. Millions of people have united to defeat this threat, yet millions more have no idea we're in a war at all. How can this be? I decided to find out. Below is a chart showing several of the most important topics related to this war, along with columns showing eight of the most popular news sites online. There are four columns from liberal media sites and four columns from conservative media sites. I visited all of their websites on August 27, 2022 and counted how many articles each had on those important topics. The totals are from the main (first) pages only and don't include deep links. I wanted to view each site exactly as a typical reader might, and most readers don't go past the main page except to read specific articles found on the main page. And you might think that reviewing only a single date doesn't provide an accurate picture, but I feel that it does. I made the chart after reading weeks of news on all of these sites and realizing few of them ever report on these topics. Let's look at the results:While I expected to see a considerable amount of bias depending on which way a site leaned politically, in reality there wasn't much of that on the topics I reviewed. There was bias but it was focused on petty left/right differences and stories about Joe Biden's policies or anything and everything to do with Donald Trump. On the topics related to the imminent threats to our freedom, most of the sites had nothing to say at all. If you've talked to friends about the evil deeds of the global elites and the World Economic Forum and gotten no response but a blank stare, my chart shows why: there were no articles about them from any of the eight news sites I reviewed. Your friends look at you like you're crazy because the mainstream media never talks about the globalists or the WEF unless it's time for the annual G7 or Davos meetings, and even then the coverage is spun to make the meetings look like gatherings of compassionate leaders trying to make the world a better place. But nothing could further from the truth.Your friends are also likely ignorant about the large number of scientists who don't support the theory of man-made climate change. They've probably never seen the proof that chemtrails contain harmful chemicals that not only affect our weather but also damage our health. They probably accept the increasingly discredited theory that viruses cause diseases. The evidence is almost overwhelming that virology is a quack science, but you'd never learn that from a news industry largely financed by Pfizer and other pharmaceutical giants.But notice the one category that almost every news site focuses on: Distractions/Celebrity News/Fluff. These are the endless stories about Hollywood, athletes, musicians, tech gadgets, sex scandals, and other unimportant diversions that waste our time and take attention away from things that actually matter. CNN, CBS, and Fox News were all exceptionally heavy with such nonsense. Breitbart typically fills up their page with stories about unhinged liberal celebrities as well, Joy Behar being one of their favorite people, but on this particular day they showed some restraint. But still they had 14 useless articles and nothing at all about vaccine injuries and deaths, the global genocide, or the coming threat of CBDC/central bank digital currency. On topic after topic that directly affects our ability to remain free from fascist totalitarian control, the news media is silent. It appears that they are intentionally suppressing information the public needs to make informed decisions. The result is that the distracted and overwhelmed masses remain largely ignorant about what is going on all around them. Most don't have the time or energy to dig through research papers or to discover trustworthy alternative news sites. They consume and believe the most convenient sources of information presented to them, a habit that takes them down a path of misinformation and propaganda, or, as the chart shows, they're led down a path that shows them nothing at all.Get the fluoride out of your water and help keep this site online at the same time. It's a win for everyone.

How Attachment Styles Help Your Relationship Fail or Succeed

Posted By holisticmomma on Medicine - According to attachment theory, how we attach to our primary caregivers as infants and toddlers profoundly impacts our adult relationships. There are four main attachment styles: secure, anxious-preoccupied, dismissive-avoidant, and fearful-avoidant. Each one has a different effect on how we behave in our romantic relationships. Some people may be more likely to stay in unhealthy...

Best Gas Price Hacks to Save Money

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Remember when everyone thought 2022 would be the best year yet? Hardly anyone thought the economy might fall apart. However, here we are and inflation has sent prices soaring for everything, including gas.  According to AAA, the national average price ... Read More

The 3 Best Stocks to Buy to Fight Inflation

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - It’s probably not possible to entirely inflation-proof your stock portfolio. However, you can fight inflation with a more diversified portfolio. Below we discuss some of the best stocks to buy for that purpose.

Everything You Need To Pursue A Career In Product Management

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

If you're looking at a career in product management there are a few things you should know.
The post Everything You Need To Pursue A Career In Product Management appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

10 Common Q&A’s: Grow Microgreens Like a Pro

Posted By Davin on Home - You might be having some trouble growing your microgreens- or just want to know more so you don’t mess anything up. Here are ten of the most common microgreen questions and the solutions. 1.) What if my microgreens become limp after harvesting? Microgreens must be handled carefully after harvesting due to their delicate nature. Never ... Read more

7 Mistakes Successful Retirees Know To Avoid

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Today, workers have a more challenging path to a successful retirement. In the past, a person worked for about 30 years and earned a pension that paid a percentage of their salary. When combined with Social Security, many retirees had enough income for a comfortable retirement. However, less than one-third of workers today have access...

What small business workers really want from their employers

Posted By MediaFeed on Blogging -

Nearly half of small business owners maintain that hiring skilled workers is getting harder, according to 2022 QuickBooks data. Another 39% say it’s difficult to retain the …

How To Avoid Your Company Getting Into Financial Trouble

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Business finances are probably the hardest thing to get right. Here's a guide on how to keep your business finances in order and make sure that you don't go under from mismanagement.
The post How To Avoid Your Company Getting Into Financial Trouble appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Why The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Ended, And Available Alternatives

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - PPP loans became a fresh breath of air for small and middle-sized businesses struggling with money. The unique type of … Why The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) Ended, And Available Alternatives Read More »