Published Blogs

Stay at Home Mom Schedule: Crafting a Productive Daily Routine

Posted By practigalblog on Travel - Creating a structured schedule while being a stay-at-home mom can transform your life and your family. It goes beyond just managing the daily chaos; it’s about carving out time for all the things that need to get done while also ensuring space for your well-being. Establishing a routine helps give your children a sense of...

Top 10 Richest Actors in the World

Posted By practigalblog on Travel - Are you curious who the world’s wealthiest actors are? You could be in for a surprise with this list, especially on who took the top spot as the richest actor in the world. Actors’ popularity translates to earnings not only from their movies and shows but also from other non-acting gigs. It means box-office pull...

Benefits of Prepping Meals Ahead of Time

Posted By 3BoysandaDog on Pets - Finding time to cook healthy meals can be challenging in today’s fast-paced world. However, by prepping meals ahead of time, you can simplify your daily cooking routine and enjoy numerous benefits. Cooking ahead involves preparing 2-3 meals and freezing them for future consumption. For highly motivated people, it even extends to cooking for an entire …

12 Meals That Traumatized People When They Were Growing Up

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Growing up, mealtimes often bring back cherished memories of delicious dishes and comforting flavors. However, for some, the memories associated with certain meals are far from pleasant. There are meals that have left lasting traumas, forever imprinted on the taste buds and minds of individuals. 1. Liver and Onions Many people shudder at the mere...

10 Best Frugal Hacks for New Yorkers

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Life in New York is brimming with excitement, culture, plenty of traffic, and, unfortunately, sky-high prices. Boasting one of the highest living costs in the United States, sometimes it can feel impossible to save a few dollars. Luckily, New Yorkers ... Read More

Cue Eyeroll: Guy Refers to Himself as “Alpha Male” and the Reactions Are Savage

Posted By mediadecision on News - People describe themselves every day. Human beings rarely put themselves down, but what happens when someone makes a mystifying pronouncement about themselves, which is somewhat...

7 Best Ways You Can Use Excess RMD Money

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - So, you’ve been diligent and maybe even a little frugal. You’ve squirreled away money in IRAs, a 401k or two, perhaps a 403b… Hopefully, enough to enjoy a well-deserved, comfortable retirement. To reward you, Uncle Sam (and possibly your state taxing agency) gave you tax deductions to mak...

Fiance Unwilling to Wear Her Engagement Ring Until She Does This

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shares he bought his fiance her “dream ring.” But she won’t wear it until she can give him an engagement present of equivalent value. She says it isn’t “fair” that men traditionally pay for their partner’s engagement ring. His Finance Is Independent And Wants Equality The original poster (OP) said his fiance...

How to Create a Success Mindset to Win in the New Year

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - A success mindset is more than just positive thinking or wishful dreaming. It is a mindset deeply rooted in belief and expectation. Whether you aspire to excel in your career, improve your relationships, or enhance your personal growth, cultivating a success mindset can give you the power to make it a reality. If you’re determined... 
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The post How to Create a Success Mindset to Win in the New Year appeared first on The Dream Catcher.

15 Desperate Measures to Drastically Reduce Grocery Expenses and Tighten Your Budget

Posted By hashtaginvesting on Finance - Groceries are one of the most essential types of shopping. Though most people treat them like any other chore during

11 Surprising Benefits You Gain from Reading Books

Posted By fwo on Finance - Did you know reading has real benefits for mental and physical health?  Reading is a joy, but it’s often neglected. It benefits our mental and physical health, making it an act of not only relaxation but also self-care. Reading to children promotes their cognitive and emotional development, but the benefits of reading extend to adults, ... Read more

Is Property-Casualty Insurers A Good Career Path? [10 Top Jobs]

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Regardless of your interest in insurance, becoming an insurance agent can provide you with a wide range of job prospects, … Is Property-Casualty Insurers A Good Career Path? [10 Top Jobs] Read More »

House Hunting in 2023? Don’t Miss the Unseen Golden Opportunities Experts are Whispering About!

Posted By trendsandtactics on Finance - Buying a house is one of the biggest decisions you will ever make in your life. Not only is it a large financial investment, but it’s also a huge emotional one.  So, what is the cheapest month to buy a house?  While there are many factors to consider, with the market constantly changing, these tips ... Read more
The post House Hunting in 2023? Don’t Miss the Unseen Golden Opportunities Experts are Whispering About! appeared first on Trends and Tactics.

Are Body Armor Drinks Healthy? – A Natural Mom Review

Posted By motherhoodtruth on Creative Lifestyle - Today's health-savvy shoppers are always scanning the shelves for drinks that do more than quench thirst. Body Armor beverages catch the eye of natural-minded parents everywhere with promises of a vitamin-rich, electrolyte-loaded, and naturally flavored hydration boost. With claims like that and loose regulations and definitions, it makes you pause to wonder if they're really...

10 American Experiences That Every Tourist Should Have

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - The U.S. is a massive place, and many tourists need to realize how big of a place it is. Each state and region has its pros and cons, and you cannot judge the whole country by different areas, but be ... Read More