Published Blogs

Childhood’s Illusion: 12 Disappointing Realities of Adulthood

Posted By KindaFrugal on Finance - As children, we discovered the simplest delights and discovered awe and excitement in the smallest things. As we age, we recognize that specific experiences and ... Read more

Meal Planning Ideas

Posted By 3BoysandaDog on Pets - Here at 3 Boys and a Dog, we’re all about great Meal Planning Ideas. The more we know what to plan for dinner and expect, the better we can get food on the table and stick to budgets. Everyone agrees that communicating about meals is a fun and simple way to be prepared and let …

12 Effective Ways To Get Over Your Loser Ex

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Breaking up with a loser ex can be tough, leaving you feeling hurt and defeated. But don’t worry, there are effective ways to move on and find happiness again. By implementing these techniques, you can rebuild your confidence, heal your heart, and create a fulfilling life that is free from the negative influence of your...

Enhancing WordPress Sites with Computer Vision Capabilities

Posted By Webnus on Blogging - WordPress is the world's most popular content management system (CMS), powering more than 32% of the internet. WordPress' popularity is due to its flexibility and ease of use, allowing users to build websites quickly and easily. This article will explain how computer vision can be integrated into WordPress sites as well as explore some uses for it in web development projects. We'll also discuss how you can use computer vision capabilities to enhance your own WordPress website's user experience. The Intersection of WordPress and Advanced Tech WordPress is a popular open-source content management system that allows users to create and maintain websites. It's used by millions of people all over the world, ranging from small businesses and bloggers to Fortune 500 companies. WordPress is flexible, powerful, and easy for anyone to use, it's ideal for creating a website! WordPress works with computer vision capabilities (which we'll cover in more detail later) by providing an API called Computer Vision that lets developers access data about visual content on sites using WordPress' built-in functionality or third-party plugins like WP Image Recognition. This enables developers to create tools that can help increase user engagement with their websites by extracting useful information from images or videos posted there, for example: identifying faces within photos; recognizing objects; classifying types of clothing worn in images/videos into categories such as male formal wear or female casual wear; finding faces matching specific criteria (e.g., “black man wearing glasses”). Computer Vision Computer vision is a branch of computer science that deals with the automated processing of images. It has many applications in web development, including object detection and recognition, image segmentation, gesture recognition and more. Computer vision can be used to enhance WordPress sites by adding features such as image cropping/resizing or creating thumbnails automatically. Some examples include: Benefits...
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8 Things First Time Moms Purchased That Were Completely Useless Once Baby Arrived

Posted By arnienicola on Personal - As any soon-to-be or new parent can attest, there is an overwhelming number of potential baby items to buy. With the proliferation of online stores, baby boutiques, and big-box stores, the choices are seemingly endless. Unfortunately, many of these items can be a waste of money and time, leading to parents feeling frustrated and overwhelmed....

Two Simple Ways to Save Your Retirement: Guardrails & Buckets

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - If you’re far from retirement (or “work optional” as I prefer to call it), using the good old 4-percent rule isn’t a bad guideline for how much you need to save. However, as you get closer to the finish line, like me, you’re better off upping your game a few notches. And it isn’t all that...

Free What’s Cooking Weekly Menu Planning Printable

Posted By 3BoysandaDog on Pets - You’ll love using this free Weekly Menu Planning Printable! It’s the best way to figure out your week of meals easily. It’s time to make meal planning ideas easy! If you like to only focus on just the week for meals, you’re in luck. This free printable will help you slow down and plan out …

Are You a Victim of Recency Bias? Understanding and Overcoming Its Impact on Your Investments

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Are you making investment decisions based on recent events? If so, you may be falling victim to recency bias. When it comes to investing, it’s easy to get caught up in the latest news and let it influence your investment choices. However, this cognitive bias can have serious consequences for y...

Feeling Stuck? How to Find a Career You Don’t Despise

Posted By trendsandtactics on Finance - If you start dreading your return to work on Monday before the weekend is over, it may be time to change careers and find a job you love.  Since the pandemic hit, workers have been reevaluating their work lives. For many, this means making a career change.  What does it take to change careers? Let’s ... Read more
The post Feeling Stuck? How to Find a Career You Don’t Despise appeared first on Trends and Tactics.

Baby Shower Ideas: The Ultimate Guide to Celebrating Mom and Baby

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Expecting a baby is a special time in a woman’s life. As the big day (birth) approaches, there’s so much excitement, especially for new moms. Baby showers are a fun way to celebrate the upcoming ...
The post Baby Shower Ideas: The Ultimate Guide to Celebrating Mom and Baby appeared first on Tons of Thanks.

When Does My Sentence End?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Personal -

When you walk out of prison, the justice system isn't done with you. In this video, we hear from justice reform advocates about how to make the system more fair.
The post When Does My Sentence End? appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The Athlete's Immune System: The Open Window Phenomenon and Its Implications

Posted By Wellyme on Health - Jan 17, 2024 - Health - Athletes, despite their peak physical form and healthy lifestyle habits, are not immune to infections. In fact, there's a specific period during an athlete's training...

How to Quit a Job and Transition Smoothly

Posted By fwo on Finance - Quitting a job is often more challenging than we think. It can be uncomfortable and awkward to tell anyone you work with that you’re resigning, regardless of the reason. However, it’s important to plan and to speak with your manager before you move on to your next role.  Is there anything else you should remember ... Read more

Master These 25 High-Income Skills Today for Explosive Earning Potential Tomorrow

Posted By trendsandtactics on Finance - Learning high-income skills is the cornerstone of a low-financial-stress life. Meaning more financial stability for your family, more access to opportunities, and ultimately more freedom. Today we’ll unpack the 25 most high-paying skills to learn, how to master them, and careers they work well with (including estimated salaries). Here are some high-income art skills to ... Read more
The post Master These 25 High-Income Skills Today for Explosive Earning Potential Tomorrow appeared first on Trends and Tactics.