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The 10 Most Bone-Chilling Horror Movies of All Times – Watch at Your Own Risk

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - I was recently scrolling down the internet when I saw an interesting thread titled, “The absolute most terrifying movie you’ve ever seen.” Here are some of the responses with the most upvotes. SPOORLOOS (aka THE VANISHING) (1988) SaulGudbro wrote, ”SPOORLOOS (aka THE VANISHING). Go into it blind. Do not read anything about it. I did that, and it really freaked me out and stuck with me for a long time.” Someone else supported the answer saying, “That film is so disturbing and strange. I loved it.” Hereditary One ... Read more

Cholesterol...The Good and Bad

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Is cholesterol really such a problem after all?
Based upon what your doctor and the media declare, you would think that cholesterol has been determined to be the biggest health issue in the developed world today. Many foods and food groups are now shunned and even blamed for the cholesterol epidemic. For me to say that there has been a major misunderstanding of the whole cholesterol question would be an understatement. Cholesterol has to be in the top three medical topics talked about today.Fats are now demonized and only recently have debates begun to surface about the difference between good and bad fats. We truly need to deepen our understanding of the difference between good fats and bad fats. A good rule of thumb is to stay away from hydrogenated oils and to get more Omega 3's from chia and flax seeds. Frankly, considering fats to be demons is harming your health. Cholesterol is in fact an essential portion of optimal health. Without it our brains do not function properly and even our cell membranes begin to deteriorate.Cholesterol is a soft, waxy substance present in all your cells and also in your blood. It is used to make vitamin D, cell membranes, hormones, and certain liver chemicals that aid in fat digestion. It is also essential for brain and neurological function. A vast majority of the cholesterol in your body is made in your liver. This is one reason why it is so important to protect, rebuild and also cleanse the liver. There are two main types, HDL and LDL. HDL cholesterol brings cholesterol from your arteries and cells to your liver to be reused and sent elsewhere where it is needed. We are told that our total cholesterol should ideally stay below 200 and that 300 is almost a certain sign of heart disease. As many of you have recently heard, in the last 6 years those numbers have become a downwardly moving target, with doctors now recommending statin or cholesterol lowering drugs to patients that were previously considered normal and risk free. Obviously this has become a major boon for the pharmaceutical companies that have seen record sales in this class of drugs that often come with particularly dangerous side effects.For us to be better informed we need to understand that both types of cholesterol are in fact fats and proteins combined. This is why they are called lipoproteins, lipo coming from lipid or fat. Cholesterol is a vehicle for carrying fats bound to proteins from cell to cell. In this bound for it moves better in the blood. We need to think of cholesterol as our friend rather than our enemy. No life form can exist without it. In fact many within the natural health community believe that abstaining from fats is one of the major reasons for the upsurge in brain and neurologically related disease forms such as MS, Parkinson's, Lou Gehrig's and other problems. Many now agree that this obsession with lowering cholesterol has become one of the biggest travesties in modern medical history, and is also responsible for many hormonal disorders, since without cholesterol our bodies cannot make essential hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Cholesterol is also converted in the skin into a precursor compound that the liver and kidneys then make into vitamin D. Adequate safe sun exposure is the optimal way to create optimal levels of vitamin D.Another misunderstanding is the role of cholesterol in inflammation with some past medical journals naming cholesterol as a culprit in arterial and venal inflammation. Inflammation is not bad by the way. It is the body's way of mobilizing the immune system to fight invading viruses and bacteria. When there is a wound the site becomes inflamed and immune cells rush there to fight the infection. Many people have weakened immune systems and benefit greatly from immune system boosters derived from potent herbs and often from medicinal mushrooms. Scars form to protect the wound and similarly such scars form in the arteries. They are a plaque like substance. Cholesterol then comes in as a repair agent, because it is necessary in the creation of cell membranes and thus for the repair of all cells, even those in the arteries. Whenever there are damaged cells in the body the liver will make more cholesterol to aid in the repair process.The main problem here is that many doctors still freak out when they see cholesterol circulating in the blood, believing it to be the precursor to heart disease, rather than realizing that it is in fact being sent by the liver to repair damage and inflammation. For certain, chronic inflammation can contribute to heart disease and there are now tests to determine inflammatory levels in the blood. The test is known as a C reactive protein test. Basically if your number is above 3 milligrams (mg), you have a high level of inflammation. Boosting your immune system with immune system boosters is very important here. A level of 1 mg is considered normal.Unfortunately the obsession with lowering cholesterol may be preventing the body from repairing itself and thus contributing to more deaths rather than saving folks. We need to let cholesterol do its job within the picture of a healthy lifestyle that helps prevent damage in the first place. When we have low levels of cholesterol, we are more prone to disorders in the nervous system, from depression, mood disorders and MS to Parkinson's and even suicide because the nervous system has a high need for cholesterol in its cell membranes. It needs more insulation because it is responsible for sending electrical signals from the brain, through the nerves to the rest of the body. Cholesterol also assists in the metabolism of various important brain chemicals. It is by no mean the only compound needed for a healthy nervous system. Good levels of B complex are also essential and these can be found in whole grains and certain supplements.So let's reexamine this whole picture. Our doctors are telling us to keep our cholesterol under 200 or so, while I believe that keeping it slightly above 200 would be better. Who benefitted from recommendations for lower cholesterol levels? Big Pharma, to achieve such low levels, is recommending that doctors give their patients not just one, but often a cocktail of cholesterol lowering statin drugs. Who pays? The patients. Who benefits? Big Pharma.The push to dramatically lower cholesterol has been around for a while. However in 2004, a government run entity for cholesterol education,, began advising people with or at risk of heart disease to make a concerted effort to lower their LDL cholesterol to what amounts to very low levels. Prior to that new statement a reading of 130-milligrams for LDL cholesterol was deemed acceptable. They are now recommending less than 100. To achieve such low readings doctors are having to prescribe cocktails of different cholesterol-lowering drugs, most of which have notable side effects, and all of this with little real evidence to substantiate such a practice. Even leading scientists recognize the lack of scientific evidence that supports such low targets. The unfortunate truth is that all but one of the doctors on the panel making these recommendations had been well remunerated by the very companies that manufacture the proposed statin drugs. The revised guidelines dramatically increased the market for these companies.In 99.9% of people taking these medications, there is no good evidence to suggest that it benefits them. It very well may hurt them. The way Statin drugs work is by inhibiting an enzyme in your liver that is used to make cholesterol. Statin drugs also deplete your body of CoQ10, which is beneficial for your heart and muscles and which assists in energy production. Without it you are almost guaranteed to experience fatigue, muscle weakness, and at some point heart failure. I still find it hard to understand why anyone would take a drug whose side affects range from kidney and liver damage to memory loss, higher cancer risk and poor immune function.Smoke and mirrors are the rule of thumb for big Pharma when it comes to making money. False advertising is also a big part of that strategy, where data is manipulated and misrepresented to convince the public and doctors of the wisdom that lies in taking their prescription drugs, when that wisdom is about as far from wise as humanly possible. One of the most widely prescribed drugs, Lipitor, for example, only prevents one more heart attack per hundred people than sugar pills and yet their ad boasts a 36% reduction in heart attacks. Big Pharma claims that statins have a beneficial effect on inflammation in your body, and can thus reduce your risk of strokes or heart attacks.The good news is that while inflammation is the principle thing to be concerned about, you can naturally lower inflammation and thus avoid all of the side effects of statins. We can trace the cholesterol and animal fat fear mongering back to the 50's when top researchers formulated lipid theories that linked fat consumption to heart disease. Unfortunately their theory was swallowed, hook line and sinker. From then on we the public have been told to stop eating butter, red meat, animal fats, eggs, dairy etc.... The research was, as is often the case, manipulated to favor a certain outcome. This very same story has deprived people of essential fats and lead to a gross overconsumption of carbohydrates, most of which are refined and this itself has lead to a dramatic increase in diabetes and many other health problems. When you don't get enough fat in your diet, you crave, because you are hungry. The problem with the foods people switched to is that they lack nutritional value, especially in the realm of fats and when folks reach for processed foods with high fructose corn syrup and hydrogenated oils, they have climbed on a health destroying roller coaster, since all of these foods cause the very inflammation that causes the problem in the first place.
We need to return to a diet that gives us optimal n

Hawaii Portrait Photography – What Our Clients Have to Say

Posted By karmahill on Photography - Maui Couples Portraits Ali & Brandon Oahu Wedding Photography Calista & Eunice Maui Senior Portraits Winnie & James Maui Wedding Photography Mulligan Family Maui Family Portraits Amy & William Maui Wedding Photography Nini & Stephen Maui Wedding Photography Foldy Family Maui Family Portraits Kerameh & Dan Oahu Wedding Photography Taylor & Taylor Maui Wedding Photography […]The post Hawaii Portrait Photography – What Our Clients Have to Say appeared first on Karma Hill Photography.

Enerhealth Recipes

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Enerhealth Botanical's Recipes


Below is a list of recipes, some submitted by customers, using our products! Try out these recipes and share your own creations by tagging us on social media @enerhealth_botanicals or emailing us at [email protected]
Enerfood Smoothie Recipes
Enerfood can be taken in a variety of ways.  Some people take it straight, some people make a smoothie. Whatever the method, the important thing is getting it into your body. Below is a list of recipes, some submitted by customers, that can help make Enerfood taste delicious. 

Banana-Berry Enerfood Smoothie

(Most Popular Trade Show Recipe)

1 TBS Enerfood

1TBS Coconut Milk Powder

1/2 Cup Apple Juice
1/2 Cup Water
1/2 Cup Banana
1/2 Cup Strawberries (fresh or frozen)


Blend and Enjoy!  


Blueberry Apple Enerfood Smoothie

(370 total calories)

1 TBS Enerfood (25 cals)
1 cup 100% apple Juice (110 cals)
1/2 cup Ocean Spray Cranberry/Blueberry 100% Juice (70 cals)
1 cup frozen blueberries (70 cals)
1 small banana (95 cals)


Blend all ingredients together until smooth.

Recipe Tip:

If you prefer to use fresh fruit over frozen fruit, add a small amount of ice to keep the consistency.


Tropical Enerfood Smoothie 

(393 total calories)

1 TBS Enerfood (25 cals)
1 cup 100% apple Juice (110 cals)
1/2 cup Ocean Spray Cranberry/Blueberry 100% Juice (70 cals)
1/2 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen(35 cals)
1/2 cup strawberries, fresh or frozen (23 cals)
1/4 cup fresh pineapple chunks (35 cals)
1 small banana (95 cals)


Blend all ingredients together until smooth.

Recipe Tip:

If you prefer to use fresh fruit over frozen fruit, add a small amount of ice to keep the consistency.


Berry-Nectar Enerfood Smoothie 

(395 total calories) 

1 TBS Enerfood (25 cals)
1 cup 100% apple Juice (110 cals)
1/2 cup Ocean Spray Cranberry/Blueberry 100% Juice (70 cals)
1/2 cup blueberries, fresh or frozen(35 cals)
1 nectarine, quartered (or frozen equivalent) (60 cals)
1 small banana (95 cals)


Blend all ingredients together until smooth.

Recipe Tip:

If you prefer to use fresh fruit over frozen fruit, add a small amount of ice to keep the consistency.


Strawberry Coconut Enerfood Smoothie  


1 Cup water
1 scoop Enerfood Powder

Fruit of choice- Strawberries, banana, blueberries
1 scoop of ice
1-2 Tb Coconut Milk Powder for sweetness (optional)


Add all the ingredients into a blender.
Blend on high power for 1 minute or until desired smoothness
Sip! Adjust to taste if needed and enjoy!


Cocoa Mojo Recipes 
Cocoa Mojo Super Chocolate Chip Cookies 


1 Cup Organic Spelt Flour
1 Cup Organic Oat Flour
1/2 Cup Cocoa Mojo

3/4 Teaspoon Baking Soda
1/4 Teaspoon Organic Cinnamon
1 Teaspoon Double-Strength Vanilla
3 Tablespoons of Almond Milk
1/2 Cup Agave Syrup
2/3 Cup Coconut Oil (Room Temp)
1 Cup Grain-Sweetened Chocolate Chips


Preheat oven to 350°F
Do NOT grease cookie sheet (use a stainless steel cookie sheet). You can put parchment paper on it if you like.
Combine all ingredients in the order given in a glass or stainless steel bowl (do not use plastic).
Mix until well blended.  Then place cookie dough in refrigerator for 15 minutes.  (It should partly solidify).
Spoon refrigerated dough, about 1 tablespoon size onto cookie sheet leaving enough room between spoonfuls, as the cookies will spread.
Replace cookie dough in refrigerator to wait for next batch.
Bake for 12 minutes - remove from oven but leave on cookie sheet for 2 minutes.
Remove from cookie sheet and place on cooling rack.
Then enjoy these delicious, healthy, and super chocolate chip COCOA MOJO cookies!

Makes about 2 dozen cookies.

Cocoa Mojo Frappuccino

Adult “Wake Me Up” Version

4 oz. Brewed NutriCafé Coffee (Immune or Performance)
4 oz. Unsweetened Almond Milk
 2 Tablespoons Cocoa Mojo

2 Tablespoons Coconut Milk Powder

Stevia (according to your taste)
1-2 Cups Crushed Ice (depending on how thick you like it)


Throw it all in a high-powered blender for about 30-45 seconds. 

Healthy “I’m Already Awake” Version


8 oz. Unsweetened Almond Milk
1 Handful of Spinach
2 Tablespoons Cocoa Mojo

2 Tablespoons Coconut Milk Powder

Stevia (according to your taste)
1-2 Cups crushed Ice (depending on how thick you like it)


Throw it all in a high-powered blender for about 30-45 seconds. 



1 Cup Milk
1 Medium Frozen Banana cut into about 6 pieces
1 Capful of Vanilla Extract  
1 Tablespoon of Coconut oil  
1 Tablespoon of Cocoa Mojo (Add more if you want a stronger chocolate taste) 


Place all ingredients in a blender.  Blend until smooth - this will be very thick.  If you want it thinner add a little bit more milk.   



1 Cup Unbleached White Flour
1/2 Cup Whole Wheat Flour
1 Cup Coconut Palm Sugar
1/3 Cup Cocoa Mojo

1/8 Teaspoon Sea Salt 
1 Teaspoon Baking Soda 
1 Teaspoon Baking Powder 
1 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar 
1 Tablespoon Cocoa Powder 
1/3 Cup Coconut Oil (must be room temperature!) 
1 Cup Coconut Milk (must be room temperature!)


Preheat oven to 350°F
Generously grease one round 8-inch baking pan with coconut spread (do not flour).
Combine all ingredients in the order given in a glass bowl (do not use plastic).
Mix until well blended.
Pour mixture into baking pan. 
Bake for 25 minutes.

Cocoa Mojo Chia Pudding

For one serving:
(all measurements approximate)

1 cup almond milk
2 Tbs organic chia seed
1-2 tsp Cocoa Mojo

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
3-4 drops Medicine Flower* Vanilla extract


Put all ingredients in a bowl, stir together. Cover.
Re-stir after about 45 minutes to blend the chia "clumps".
Refrigerate for at least a few hours.
Stir again before serving.
Sometimes I add hemp hearts just before eating it. (Optional)

Healthy Non-Gluten Cocoa Mojo Cookie


2 cups of well cooked quinoa, cooled (rinsed 4 times prior to cooking)
1/3 cup nut butter  
4 tbs maple syrup or brown sugar.
1/4 tsp salt
1 cup old fashioned organic rolled oats
1/3 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup chocolate chips
1/3 cup Cocoa Mojo

1/2 cup buttermilk or nut milk
1 egg, slightly beaten
1/2 tsp soda 

Note: egg can be substituted by using 1 Tablespoon chia seeds soaked in 2 Tablespoons water for 10 minutes.


Mix together quinoa, nut butter, maple syrup, salt, rolled oats, coconut, and chocolate chips.
Whisk Cocoa Mojo and soda together. Add egg and stir in buttermilk.  
Next, stir the liquid mixture  into dry ingredients.
If too dry, add a bit more liquid. Batter should be very thick.
Place on baking sheet using small ice cream scoop.
Bake at 350 degrees for about 20 minutes

Five-Minute Chocolate Frosting


2 cups Cocoa Mojo

2 cups Coconut Milk Powder

1/2 tsp. sea salt
About 2/3 cup (add slowly to achieve desired consistency) of your favorite nut or seed milk, even Rice Dream from a box


Blend in a high-speed blender until creamy.
Let it sit on a counter at room temperature for about 30 minutes, so it gets a bit firmer 
Spread on your treats and enjoy!



2 cups almonds
water to soak almonds & 4 cups for blending
6 dates pitted
6 tablespoons Enerhealth Cocoa Mojo

4 tablespoons Enerhealth Coconut Milk Powder

milk bag or cheese cloth

1)  Soak almonds overnight or 8 hrs.
2)  In a high-speed large blender add soaked almonds, 4 cups water, dates, mojo, and coconut milk.
3)  Blend on high until smooth and turned into liquid about 2 min.
4)  Run liquid through milk bag or cheese cloth squeezing out all liquids.
5)  Poor over ice and serve:)  Refrigerate leftovers. 
Morning MOJO! 


2 tbsp of Cocoa Mojo

1 tbsp Coconut Milk Powder

1 tbsp Dry Milk or Powdered Milk
1 tbsp Palm Sugar
A pinch of Cinnamon


 I put all the ingredients in a thermos in the morning and at work I add hot water, shake well and it's Hot Cocoa Time!



2 cups almonds
water to soak almonds & 4 cups for blending
6 dates pitted
6 tablespoons Enerhealth Cocoa Mojo

4 tablespoons Enerhealth Coconut Milk Powder

milk bag or cheese cloth

1)  Soak almonds overnight or 8 hrs.
2)  In a high speed large blender add soaked almonds, 4 cups water, dates, mojo, and coconut milk.
3)  Blend on high until smooth and turned into liquid about 2 min.
4)  Run liquid through milk bag or cheese cloth squeezing out all liquids.
5)  Poor over ice and serve:)  Refrigerate leftovers. 

10 Frugal Living Tips That Will Make Your Friends Jealous

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - Are you searching for legitimate ways to save money by embracing a frugal lifestyle? You’ve got company. After someone surveyed a frugal online community, these ... Read More
10 Frugal Living Tips That Will Make Your Friends Jealous

Ain’t No Sunshine – Cutting Expenses

Posted By lynx on Finance - When Scott got laid off near the end of 2013, we were in trouble. He made about 60% of our income. He was able to collect unemployment for 6 months, ...
Read MoreAin’t No Sunshine – Cutting Expenses
The post Ain’t No Sunshine – Cutting Expenses appeared first on Foolish to Frugal.

Spelled Right, Wrong Word: 12 Thank You Messages Ruined by 1 Wrong Letter

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - With English, it can be easy to use the wrong word accidentally. And sometimes, the wrong word is another word that is spelled correctly. While some Grammar checkers will catch it, most spellcheckers won’t. I’ve ...
The post Spelled Right, Wrong Word: 12 Thank You Messages Ruined by 1 Wrong Letter appeared first on Tons of Thanks.

How Much Tax Preparers Earn in Each State

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Tax season is upon us, and while it’s certainly a stressful time for all Americans, tax preparers are in the busiest part of their year. It’s a difficult job requiring top-notch organization, attention to detail, and familiarity with computer programs. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 83,000 tax preparers nationwide earn a median salary of $46,290. Median wages vary significantly by state, so if you’re considering pursuing tax preparation as a career, you should also consider where you want to live. Stacker used Bureau of Labor Statistics ... Read more

Four Things to Consider Before Starting a Charitable Organization

Posted By Thecameronjournal on News -

Are you thinking about starting a non-profit? Here is our guide to what you need to know as you embark on your journey to helping people or your favorite cause!
The post Four Things to Consider Before Starting a Charitable Organization appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

30 Thoughtful Sympathy Gift Ideas for the Loss of Mother

Posted By motherhoodtruth on Creative Lifestyle - When someone you love is going through the pain of losing a mother, it can be hard to know what words might express your sympathy. But finding an appropriate gift to show how much you care may also be as important in conveying your condolences and understanding. Giving a heartfelt memento to serve as a … 30 Thoughtful Sympathy Gift Ideas for the Loss of Mother Read More »

Eureka Entertainment Set to Release RUSSIAN RAID on Blu-ray March 2021

Posted By BlazingMinds on Entertainment - As you may have seen from the title of the post we have some release news in from Eureka Entertainment today as they are set to release the high-octane action-thriller, RUSSIAN RAID, available DIGITALLY and on Blu-ray from 22 March 2021. Inspired by Gareth Evans’ 2011 martial-arts hit THE RAID, the hotly anticipated MMA thriller RUSSIAN RAID is a rapid-fire […]
The post Eureka Entertainment Set to Release RUSSIAN RAID on Blu-ray March 2021 appeared first on Blazing Minds by Karen Woodham

7 Mistakes Successful Retirees Know To Avoid

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Today, workers have a more challenging path to a successful retirement. In the past, a person worked for about 30 years and earned a pension that paid a percentage of their salary. When combined with Social Security, many retirees had enough income for a comfortable retirement. However, less than one-third of workers today have access...

Scoring Colored Contacts That Match Your Eyes And Wallet

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Colored contacts have become a transformative accessory in fashion and self-expression. Celebrities like Nina Dobrev, Priyanka Chopra, and Selena Gomez … Scoring Colored Contacts That Match Your Eyes And Wallet Read More »

15 Best Robinhood Alternatives To Consider For Your Investment

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Have you heard of Robinhood? It is a controversial online trading platform that has been losing its investors and is now on the lookout for the best Robinhood alternatives. Available on desktop and mobile, Robinhood was launched in 2013 as a beginner-friendly trading platform. You can trade stocks, real estate investment trusts (REITs), ETFs (exchange-traded funds), cryptocurrencies, and options without any commission charges.  Sounds good on paper, but then, a series of unfortunate events happened. This article will look into this promising platform’s story and the alternatives that ... Read more