Published Blogs

12 Physical Sensations That Women Voted Are the Absolute Best

Posted By mediadecision on News - Welcome to a wild and wonderful journey through the realm of satisfying feelings! Recently, someone polled an online women’s forum asking, “What physical sensations feel...

The Dark Side of Aging: 10 Things That Will Drive You Crazy as You Grow Older

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - I recently saw this question online, “What are you starting to dislike more as you get older?” What did you use to do until you started to dislike it? Are you thinking of something you are glad you aren’t doing anymore since you were young? Here are the top-voted responses.  1. A Rearranged Grocery Store The most upvoted comment on this topic; is when they rearrange the grocery store. Many people agreed, and some shared their experience, for example, “The grocery store near me recently rearranged, and suddenly ... Read more

She Gives Extravagant Gifts But Expects A Token Of Gratitude In Return

Posted By arnienicola on Personal - A woman feels hurt after her nieces and nephews accepted her generous gifts without showing appreciation. Is Is it right to expect appreciation for gifts that you willingly gave to others? Generous Gifts “I recently sent $1,500 to my sister (f45) so that her daughter (f14) could go on a class trip to Washington DC...

11 Seriously Unattractive Things Women Do – According to Men

Posted By mediadecision on News - Everyone has unique preferences and deal-breakers in relationships. However, certain things women do are absolute deal-breakers for most men. According to an online men’s forum,...

10 “Lazy” Habits That Actually Make People Look Like The Smartest Person In The Room

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Bill Gates once said, “I choose a lazy person to do a hard job. Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” Gates admires a person’s ability to delegate tasks, someone who “works on the business” versus “in the business.” So, a Reddit user asked the community what real-life examples make...

Blogging Budget – Top 8 Tips to Do a Full Calculation before you start your Blog

Posted By bbrian017 on Blogging - As a new blogger, wanting to get started with your blogging life, the last thing you want to hear is to stop and plan. However, just like anything else in life, the more you think and plan, the less you will lose and spend. Blogging is a career, a way of life, a means to … Continue reading "Blogging Budget – Top 8 Tips to Do a Full Calculation before you start your Blog"

16 Fun Things You Can Do on a Saturday

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Here are some fun things to do on a Saturday, whether you have the day off or only a few hours after work. Check for Local Events If you want to do something outside of ...
The post 16 Fun Things You Can Do on a Saturday appeared first on Tons of Thanks.

12 Worst Things People Should NOT Say At A Funeral

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Funerals are solemn occasions where family and friends gather to mourn the loss of a loved one. During these emotionally charged moments, it’s essential to choose our words with care and sensitivity. Unfortunately, there are certain phrases that can unintentionally hurt or upset those who are grieving. 1. “They Had It Coming.” Losing a loved...

14 Favorite Banana Desserts

Posted By pjunktion on DIY - Craving something sweet? Try one of these yummy banana desserts. Pick one to make today, and your family will thank you! Now you are really craving a sweet, right? Thanks for being here, Kathy
The post 14 Favorite Banana Desserts appeared first on Petticoat Junktion.

Earth Throne Portable Toilet Seat Makes Sitting & Standing Easier for Seniors

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - The Earth Throne portable toilet seat securely adds 4 inches of lift to make sitting down and standing up easier for elderly users, while its lightweight foam cushion provides comfortable support and its no-tools removable design enables use at home or when traveling.

Resentment And Rejection: Teenager Feels Unwanted After She Reveals Her Feelings

Posted By arnienicola on Personal - A woman shares the struggles that her niece is going through as a result of her mom remarrying. The Backstory Sera was only 7 when her world was shattered by the sudden death of her beloved father. Since then, the now 16-year-old girl has faced another major challenge: adjusting to a blended family that she...

The Best List of Jobs for People With Social Anxiety!

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Social Anxiety Social phobia or social anxiety is referred to as intimidation of public places, social interactions, and social situations. This anxiety stems from intimidation of being evaluated or judged by the people around. Social anxiety is rated as the third largest phobia in the world among other mental health problems. Irrational fear and worrying...

12 Unusual Cat Behaviors to Look Out For – and What They Mean!

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - Cats can behave in all manner of interesting ways. A lot of what they do, we expect from them, and we can understand the meaning. But some cat behaviors are a little odd and can confuse owners. Keep an eye out for these behaviors from any cats you know so that you know how to...

Sunday Humor: 15 Funny Sunday Memes To Make You Smile

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Sundays are for church, relaxing, fun days, or dreading Mondays. Here are some funny memes that celebrate Sundays. And yes, there will be some puns! Sunday Fun Day Sunday fun day is here. Yes! Lazy ...
The post Sunday Humor: 15 Funny Sunday Memes To Make You Smile appeared first on Tons of Thanks.

Whiskey and Intermittent Fasting: Why You Should Break Your Fast with a Shot of Whiskey

Posted By dddkth on Health - Whiskey and Intermittent Fasting. Savor the smoothness of whiskey during your fasting window. Learn how to enjoy a guilt-free drink that won't compromise your intermittent fasting results.