Published Blogs Finance

How To Start Investing

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - Learning how to start investing is intimidating. At least, it was for us. We got our first jobs when we were 16 years old. One of us worked at a car dealership cleaning cars to prepare them for resale, and the other worked as a grocery store cashier. Eventually we picked up 2nd jobs over […]The post How To Start Investing appeared first on The Finance Twins.

How To Negotiate A Car Lease To Get the Best Deal

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - Buying or leasing a car should be fun and exciting, but in reality it’s a huge headache. What is a fair price? How do I negotiate a car lease? Am I going to get bamboozled? Just last month I underwent this daunting task myself and leased a new 2018 Mazda CX-5. I want to share […]The post How To Negotiate A Car Lease To Get the Best Deal appeared first on The Finance Twins.

What Is Compound Interest?

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - Professional sports is full of stories about young adults becoming millionaires overnight. Sadly, many also seem to go broke overnight. But one player is doing his part to teach his teammates about how to manage their money. Today’s lesson: compound interest. In the clip below, you can see NFL player Carl Nassib explaining the power […]The post What Is Compound Interest? appeared first on The Finance Twins.

Healthy Habits – Being Unhealthy is Expensive

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - Building healthy habits can seem daunting, but being unhealthy is more costly than people realize. It’s no surprise that healthcare is the largest sector of the economy and the #1 employer in the U.S. But sadly, medical bills alone are enough to cripple any well-planned and executed retirement plan. Building healthy habits just seems so […]The post Healthy Habits – Being Unhealthy is Expensive appeared first on The Finance Twins.

The Personal Finance Lessons I Learned On Wall Street

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - As our regulars know, Camilo began his career on Wall Street at J.P. Morgan, one of the premier investment banking franchises in the world. Today he shares the personal finance  lessons he learned during his stint on Wall Street. As a fresh-eyed 22 year old entering the world of investment banking, I knew I would […]The post The Personal Finance Lessons I Learned On Wall Street appeared first on The Finance Twins.

Should I Refinance My Student Loans

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - Please note: This post contains affiliate links. “Hey Finance Twins, I have $45,000 in student loans with high interest, should I refinance my student loans?” We get this email all the time. All. The. Time. So if you aren’t sure if you should refinance your student loans, you aren’t alone. In fact, most people with […]The post Should I Refinance My Student Loans appeared first on The Finance Twins.

Being Poor In The Ivy League And Lessons Learned

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - The Finance Twins is run by identical twins, Camilo and Francisco Maldonado. While The Twins collaboratively work on most articles, this one was written by Camilo. Being an identical twin, I got used to standing out a little more than the average person. An ordinary walk around the grocery store with my mom and siblings […]The post Being Poor In The Ivy League And Lessons Learned appeared first on The Finance Twins.

8 Money Mistakes We’ve Made

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - It’s easy to look at the way other people spend money and pass judgement. “Wow, I can’t believe they spent that much on a meal”, you might say to yourself. And it’s honestly something everyone has done at one point in time. And while it’s easy to judge other people for their habits, it’s a […]The post 8 Money Mistakes We’ve Made appeared first on The Finance Twins.

10 Personal Finance Lessons From Alexander Hamilton

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - How does a bastard, orphan, son of a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten Spot in the Caribbean by Providence, impoverished, in squalor Grow up to be a hero and a scholar? Alexander Hamilton’s story is nothing short of remarkable. His rise to the top was so swift it became […]The post 10 Personal Finance Lessons From Alexander Hamilton appeared first on The Finance Twins.

5 Personal Finance Lessons I Learned In Medical School

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - The Finance Twins is run by identical twins, Camilo and Francisco Maldonado. While The Twins collaboratively work on most articles, this one was written by Francisco. One of my first memories was asking my twin brother, Camilo, to play doctor with me. His job would be to fake an illness. Mine was to mend his […]The post 5 Personal Finance Lessons I Learned In Medical School appeared first on The Finance Twins.

What Is Considered An Excellent Credit Score

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - Some teens spend their eighteenth birthday buying lottery tickets, going out on the town, or buying packs of smokes. But not us. No, we went to our after-school jobs so that we could make some spending money and help pay some of the bills at home. One of us worked at Circuit City (a now-defunct […]The post What Is Considered An Excellent Credit Score appeared first on The Finance Twins.

The Sandwich Generation: The Group You Didn’t Realize You Belonged To

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - What Is The Sandwich Generation The Sandwich Generation refers to the group of adults who care for their parents while supporting children of their own. This is a concept that most people are familiar with, but don’t realize actually has a formal name. If you are here, there’s a decent chance you are a member […]The post The Sandwich Generation: The Group You Didn’t Realize You Belonged To appeared first on The Finance Twins.

Is It Better To Rent Or Buy

Posted By thefinancetwins on Finance - Both of us have always rented because we’ve basically been in school our whole lives. But it seems like we spend more and more time on Zillow looking at homes every year. So naturally we always ask ourselves is it better to rent or buy a home. When it comes to buying vs. renting a […]The post Is It Better To Rent Or Buy appeared first on The Finance Twins.