Published Blogs

Ten Ways How to Boost Your Professional Growth

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - Ten Ways How to Boost Your Professional Growth was written for Playlouder by a contributing author. Please note that contributing opinions are that of the author. They are not always in strict alignment with my own opinions. –Joe. To succeed in the modern business world, standing out from the competition is imperative. One strategy to […]

He Thought It Was Odd He Was Invited to His Niece’s Wedding but After Driving for 600 Miles He Found Out Why

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - A Reddit user shared a story about how he was invited to his niece’s rehearsal dinner 600 miles away, which he thought was a bit weird, but he was about to find out why he was invited. Mom Needs a ... Read More

Mother Refused To Allow Her Daughter To Do After School Detention Despite the Principal Saying She Is “Making Excuses”

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - A Reddit user has shared her story of when she refused to allow her high school daughter to stay for after-school detention for using bad ... Read More

How To Replace Furniture Hardware | Knobs | Pulls | And Paint Furniture

Posted By pjunktion on DIY - In this article, we will replace furniture hardware knobs and pulls where the center-to-center measurement of the old hardware differs from the new hardware. To put that in regular language….you can’t screw the new knobs to the furniture because the screw holes are not the right distance apart. I will show you how to take...
The post How To Replace Furniture Hardware | Knobs | Pulls | And Paint Furniture appeared first on Petticoat Junktion.

Hearing Clearly: How the BenQ treVolo U Speaker Improves Audio for Seniors

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - The BenQ treVolo U Bluetooth speaker optimizes audio quality for seniors with technologies like a specialized microphone, human voice enhancement engine, and built-in hearing test for audio customization. By boosting sound clarity and comprehension, the treVolo U enables elderly listeners to comfortably enjoy conversations, music, TV, and other media through simplified Bluetooth connectivity with smartphones, computers, tablets, and more.

10 Reasons The Phrase “Once a Cheater Always a Cheater” Could Be Wrong

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - Many people believe in the saying “Once a cheater, always a cheater,” suggesting that individuals who have cheated in the past will continue to do so in the future. However, it is important to recognize that human behavior is not always so straightforward. There are compelling reasons to challenge this notion and consider alternative perspectives....

Revealed: The Best (and Worst) Cities in the US for Owning a Cat

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - A recent Forbes Advisor study has examined the best and worst cities in the US for owning a pet, including cat ownership. With over 66% of US households owning a pet, it’s essential to consider where the best places in the country are for pets and their owners and which are genuinely pet-friendly cities. The...

14 Things to Do in York That Are Free and Cheap

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - If you're visiting York in the UK for the first time, get ready to be blown away by its rich history. The city is filled with old buildings and sites from Medieval and Roman times, all kept in great shape. York has a history that goes back 2,000 years. It's been under Roman, Viking, and ... Read more

Best TV Headphones for Seniors & the Elderly (5 Wireless Options)

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - The best TV headphones for seniors are wireless over-ear headphones that connect to a transmitter plugged into the TV. These allow seniors to hear the TV clearly at their own volume level without disturbing others. See my top recommendations.

Pros and Cons of Using Gray Grout

Posted By thethriftyapartment on Home - While the traditional choice of grout has long been white, gray offers a new modern look and perspective to tile designs. Let’s imagine white tiles paired with dark gray grout or gray tiles with light gray grout; it’s the perfect pairing and a departure from the ordinary white grout. Gray grout is not just a...
<p>The post Pros and Cons of Using Gray Grout first appeared on The Thrifty Apartment.</p>

10 Cat Lover Opinions: Is The Stereotype About Orange Cats Real

Posted By Floppycats on Pets - Orange cats are more likely to be males than females, but are they the airheaded species of the feline world? Many hilarious videos of cat antics can be credited to fuzzy, ginger kitties, but can the urban legends be true? Can their sweet, affectionate, and simple nature be attributed to genes?  Real Reviews Let’s delve...

Movie Theater Hacks: 10 Ways to Save Money on Tickets, Snacks, and More

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Who doesn't love a good movie night? But let's face it, those ticket prices and snack costs can add up. What if I told you there are ways to enjoy your favorite flicks without breaking the bank? In this blog, we'll share 10 easy, money-saving hacks for your next trip to the cinema. From scoring ... Read more

12 Things Boomers Like to Do That Millennials Don’t Understand

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Each generation has its preferences and interests, and it sometimes can be beneficial for us to get out of our comfort zones and explore different activities from other generations. Boomers, which refers to people born between 1946-1964 are especially known ... Read More

14 Mind-Blowingly Stupid Things People Actually Believed Are Real

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - I recently saw an online question asking, “What is the dumbest thing people thought is real?” Have you ever wondered how people could believe it’s real? Here are the answers that got the most votes. 1. Photos on Facebook The most upvoted comment on the topic is something about Facebook photos with the statement:  “I will not allow Facebook to sell my photos.” The commenter noted this somehow makes their terms of service invalid. That’s not how it works, of course.  Another user added that this is also ... Read more