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It's A Cult.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Cult: a quasi-religious organization using devious psychological techniques (mind control) to gain and control adherents. A group with socially deviant or novel beliefs and practices. A highly manipulative group which exploits and sometimes physically and/or psychologically damages members and recruits.Today's Democratic Party behaves more like a cult than a legitimate political organization. Their members live in fear of imaginary diseases, wear slave masks to protect them from viruses that have never been proven to exist, believe there are more than two genders, are obsessed with the 45th President, and strangely think that almost every problem can somehow be traced back to Russia. They also adore socialism despite its endless failures and think that next time, it'll work. And they promote social unrest and violence while deluding themselves into thinking that when cities burn it's somehow the fault of Donald Trump (part of their obsession with the 45th President). Nothing is ever their fault: they'll remind you constantly of that.If you or someone you know is a victim of the Democratic Party cult, please seek help from a qualified psychologist or a Constitutional Sheriff before it's too late. Freedom and sanity can be yours!

Need To Hire a Lawyer for Your Business? Here Are Some Things To Consider

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Sometimes we all need legal advice in business. Here are some helpful ideas on how to hire the right lawyer for your situation and get the advice you need without spending a small fortune.
The post Need To Hire a Lawyer for Your Business? Here Are Some Things To Consider appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

We Could Lose The War Against The Globalists. Here's Why.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - It's not over till it's over, but I'm seeing storm clouds ahead that aren't forming in our favor, and we need to be concerned. If we don't change our tactics, the globalists are going to defeat us. What am I talking about?We're in a war. There are powerful, intelligent people, the so-called global elites, who want us either dead or enslaved. They want the riches of the world for themselves and their robotic servants. They only need enough of us around to keep the robots running, until the day comes the robots can repair themselves, and then they won't need us at all. We'll truly become useless eaters, at least in the opinion of the elites, and we'll be quickly disposed of.Of course it doesn't have to end that way. We are the majority and we can easily stop their evil plans if we come together and fight them, united as brothers & sisters determined to live in freedom instead of slavery.But that's where the storm clouds begin to form.The globalists, generally thought to be led by Klaus Schwab of the World Economic Forum, are playing a long game with several different strategies, but the main one being used right now is "divide and conquer": Win by getting one's opponents to fight among themselves. It's a simple strategy that's been used in war for centuries. Rather than confront one large enemy, divide it by race, sex, age, nationality, religion, or any other trait we self-identify as, then attack each small group one by one until no one is left to fight.I'm seeing quite a bit of this going on now. Social media sites and podcasters have been hot spots for divide and conquer. Some examples: Mike Adams of Health Ranger, Natural News, and Brighteon posted the statement above accusing gay men of spreading monkeypox despite there being no credible evidence to back his claim. Adams posted a link to The Hill, a far left propaganda site, to support his assertion. Why would he do that? On any other subject I doubt he'd reference that source, but because it props up his prejudices, it suddenly became a credible news site. If that isn't bad enough, The Hill uses claims from the World Health Organization as support for its article. Adams has been a very loud critic of the WHO and generally dismisses everything they say, but not when they say something that stigmatizes a group of people Adams seems to hate. He actually wrote that gay people have "filthy, disease-spreading lifestyles". That's the sort of language the Nazi's used to justify killing Jews. Maybe he's just not very bright since he implied that monkeypox could be controlled if gay people stopped having anal sex. Ignore all the other, more common, ways monkeypox can be spread so that the hate can flow. And actually, it's never been proven that monkeypox or any other disease is caused by viruses. Adams knows that, I'm sure. He should also know that skin blisters are a known side effect of the covid vax, meaning reported cases of monkeypox are very likely to be ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) or VAIDS (vaccine-induced acquired immune deficiency syndrome). So who's side is Mike Adams on? We, the people, defending ourselves against the globalists? Or is he helping the globalists by creating divisions that make us weaker? Next we have this post found on GAB. Best I can figure, it's a Christian going after the "alt-right". It's a minor skirmish, but it's another example of the resistance fighting among itself instead of focusing on the real enemy.Here's another dose of divisive hate, again found on GAB:The division and hate seem to have no limits. Jews, Catholics, atheists, Mexicans, Asians, Russians, Democrats, Libertarians, gays, lesbians, doctors, teachers, and almost anyone else you can think of have been attacked while the global elites sit back and laugh at our ignorance. We're going at each other like little kids on the playground and everything is being taken from us while we fight. We're being manipulated by the elites to do this. They plant the seeds of hatred all over the place and wait for them to grow. The transgender movement is an example of this. It's a very divisive issue and the elites know it. That's why they made sure it became a part of the gay and lesbian rights movement, even though many gays and lesbians wanted no part of it. Drop in "Drag Queen Storytime" and hints that gay men want to rape children and instantly you've turned millions of people against each other. These same elites are using the Black Lives Matter movement to divide white against black, and they're behind the current unrest surrounding the abortion issue. In fact, on just about any issue that separates us, the elites are creating the separation for their own selfish benefit.Why can't people see what is being done to us? Why are people falling into the globalist's traps? Is it ignorance, or do they know they're helping the enemy and simply don't care?Whatever the reason, it has to stop. Freedom fighters of all types are going to have to unite and work together to stop the depopulation effort and the totalitarian prison society that is being built all around us. And that means reaching out and finding common ground with people we've been told are our enemies.I'll leave you with this famous statement by Patrick Henry:"Let us trust God, and our better judgment to set us right hereafter. United we stand, divided we fall. Let us not split into factions which must destroy that union upon which our existence hangs."

4 Things You Should Do Before Starting a Business

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Here are 4 helpful ideas to get your next business idea off the ground! Most businesses fail within 5 years, don't let yours...
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What To Think About When Looking To Invest

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

If you're looking to take advantage of the market by investing here are some helpful ideas on how to invest.
The post What To Think About When Looking To Invest appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

5 Ways To Turn Your Mistakes into Life Lessons

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

We all make mistakes, it's how we recover from them that matters. Here are five ways to turn things around.
The post 5 Ways To Turn Your Mistakes into Life Lessons appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Multiple Sides: Interview with a Cross Dresser

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Some might find an interview with a crossdresser a little too far but I would encourage you to give this video a try.
The post Multiple Sides: Interview with a Cross Dresser appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Interview with the Roma

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

More colloquially known as “gypsies” the Roma people are well known for their colorful clothing and their nomadic lifestyle. Although reduced in population due to the Holocaust, there are still 30 thousand of them left in the world. They have a unique language and unique culture. In this video, we’re going to learn more about […]
The post Interview with the Roma appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

How To Grow Your Finances In Your 20s

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Getting your finances together in your 20s will make your 30s and 40s far easier. You can get ready for owning a home, buying a new car, or even have children.
The post How To Grow Your Finances In Your 20s appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Buying a Used Car? Here’s How To Get The Best Deals

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Are you looking for a used car? It can be tough in this market but thanks to this helpful guide, we have some helpful tips for you to get the best deal!
The post Buying a Used Car? Here’s How To Get The Best Deals appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The Problems Of The World Are Caused By Your Obedience.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - It's easy to blame the psychopaths for all the oppression and chaos we're seeing today. But the problems of the world aren't caused by insane politicians. They're caused by our obedience to them.Fascism and tyranny cannot exist without our compliance.Mass non-compliance will set us free.

How to Pursue a Positive Mindset and Be More Productive

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

It's important to keep an even keel these days. Here's how to improve your life and stay positive in these tough times.
The post How to Pursue a Positive Mindset and Be More Productive appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

How To Bring In More Foot Traffic To Your Business

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

In these tough business times, one of the best things you can do is get more foot traffic into your business. Here are some helpful tips to get people coming into your business.
The post How To Bring In More Foot Traffic To Your Business appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Fascist News Media Lies To Protect Big Pharma.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - [image source: David Avocado Wolfe via Telegram]If you've been reading my blog for a while, you know the covid jabs have caused tens of thousands of deaths and injuries. Even Pfizer's own documents reveal nine pages of known side effects (intended effects?) of the experimental goo many have called a bio-weapon. But the fascist news media, owned by the same billionaire globalists who own the pharmaceutical companies and most world governments, is working overtime to mislead the public about all the deaths we're now seeing among the vaccinated. The media's new buzz phrase is "sudden adult death syndrome", used to describe the now all too common instances of people dropping dead for no apparent reason. But rather than tell the truth and put the blame where it should lay, the media is suggesting everyday, ordinary activities are killing people. At first their lame disinformation was merely annoying, but now it's reached the level of total ridiculousness. The image above is a collage of the some of the craziest claims being made to explain away the many tragic deaths that appear to be directly linked to the covid jabs. We laugh to keep from crying.

Where Should I Be Spending My Money When Running A Business?

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

When you're in business, making sure your capital is properly deployed is key. Find out how best to spend money in your business for maximum return!
The post Where Should I Be Spending My Money When Running A Business? appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The 5 Best Benefits Of Learning Martial Arts As An Adult

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Looking for a new, fun activity? Give martial arts a try, there are plenty of health benefits from your brain to your feet!
The post The 5 Best Benefits Of Learning Martial Arts As An Adult appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Train to be a Flight Attendant for Pan-Am

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Ever wondered what it was like to be a flight attendant on a 727 flying for Pan-am in the mid-1980s? I thought so! This video is what you would have watched at training!
The post Train to be a Flight Attendant for Pan-Am appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

5 Ways to Get Extra Cash and Fight Inflation

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

If inflation and these gas prices are squeezing your budget, then it's time to make some extra money! Here are some helpful ways to earn some extra cash.
The post 5 Ways to Get Extra Cash and Fight Inflation appeared first on The Cameron Journal.