Published Blogs

21 Lego Storage Ideas for Easy Clean Up & Organization

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - You will likely find Legos in your house at some point in your parenting journey. Whether you purchased them for your kids yourself, or they were gifted them, or they just magically ended up in your child’s bedroom. While they are a super fun toy, they can be frustrating to store. This article contains Lego...

6 Student Debt Forgiveness Programs: Are You Eligible?

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - The United States is going through a student debt crisis. Current outstanding student loan debt has reached $1.76 trillion, and … 6 Student Debt Forgiveness Programs: Are You Eligible? Read More »

Can You Afford to Retire Early?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Does the idea of early retirement sound appealing? It’s a lifelong dream for millions of Americans, but it could also become a reality when you make smart money moves at the right times. Achieving early retirement often requires sacrifices throughout your life. In your working years, you’ll n...

The 7 Elements of Successful Branding

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Successful branding is one that encompasses particular elements. Read further to find out the seven elements that you need to incorporate in your branding strategy.
The post The 7 Elements of Successful Branding appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

The Democrat's Shocking Slide Toward Violence And Depravity.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - It's not your imagination. The Democratic Party really has lost its way. The political party of peace-loving hippies, John F. Kennedy, and Jimmy Carter has become the home of angry, immoral, irresponsible goons. They hate freedom, they hate America, they hate you, and they even hate themselves. They love big government, depravity, and violence.They make fun of religion, but they worship authority, technology, Big Pharma, and anything sexual.Their destructive terror troops call themselves ANTIFA, yet they're the real Fascists, trying to scare us into silence and compliance. They're the useful idiots for the wealthy elites who are financing the enslavement of humanity.The Democratic Party has been hijacked by left-wing extremists. No moral, self-respecting person should support the cesspool that is has become.

How to Avoid Getting Laid Off

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - The odds you’ll lose your job are increasing. Learn how to effectively prepare yourself now. My last job ended (many years ago) when my employer laid me off. That was the first job I’d ever lost, as opposed to leaving when it was time. There wasn’t a recession. Unemployment wasn’t especia...

Sir Stevo Timothy Has a New Condition

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Sir Stevo Timothy has a new condition and in this video he tells us all about it. Wait until the end for the special surprise.
The post Sir Stevo Timothy Has a New Condition appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

What You Need to Know About Emotional Labor

Posted By investedparents on Creative Lifestyle - The concept of emotional labor is essential to a happy, healthy household ecosystem. When we fail to recognize its importance, we open the door to frustration, exhaustion, conflict, and resentment.

The Boring Way to Become a Millionaire

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - I’m not an advocate of “get rich quick” ideas. There are tons of gurus who will promise to teach you “their way” to get rich quick . It may work for some but to me, the best way to build wealth and keep wealth is a slow, boring process that requires discipline through good times and bad. Ta...

10 Ways To Make Sure Your New Business Is Built To Last

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Building a strong foundation in your business from the start will allow you to have the long-term success that will make your business shine and be incredibly profitable.
The post 10 Ways To Make Sure Your New Business Is Built To Last appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

11 Types of Investment Accounts You Have To Consider

Posted By inthegameinvesting on Finance - There are four key types of investment accounts you need to know about: employer-sponsored plans, individual retirement plans, taxable investment accounts, and tax-advantaged investments. For most people, these four key types of investment accounts will be what you need to look for to make the best investments for your lifestyle.  Employer-Sponsored Plans  Your employer-sponsored retirement...