Published Blogs

10 Mother’s Day Thank You Messages For Mom

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Surprise Mom on Mother’s Day this year by showing her the appreciation she deserves. Take time to write your mom a thoughtful thank you note or letter.  This can be done in addition to any ...
The post 10 Mother’s Day Thank You Messages For Mom appeared first on Tons of Thanks.

Six Numbers to Know if You Want to Feel in Control of Your Finances

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - We’ve probably all heard that you should “measure what you treasure” which is just another way of saying that if something matters to you, it’s worth keeping track of. Way too many of us, though, simply don’t monitor our finances that closely, which is why we often feel out of control. Knowing thes...

Making Money With Retail Arbitrage [Ultimate How To]

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Retail arbitrage is not a new concept, but it has evolved into a massive industry due to lucrative deals available … Making Money With Retail Arbitrage [Ultimate How To] Read More »

15 Ways Being a Minimalist Can Improve Your Life

Posted By ThankYouLady on Self Improvement - Many people are turning to a minimalist lifestyle to help improve their mood, boost their productivity and build stronger relationships with their family and friends. Minimalism is a wide-ranging concept that doesn’t have a rigid ...
The post 15 Ways Being a Minimalist Can Improve Your Life appeared first on Tons of Thanks.

Top 15 Easy Jobs That Pay Well This Year

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - Top 15 Easy Jobs That Pay Well This Year was written by Marjolein Dilven and originally appeared on Wealth of Geeks. It has been republished with permission. Can you imagine working comfortably at your own pace and earning a good income? This doesn't have to be a pipe dream. Everyone can have easy jobs that […]

Rakuten Review 2021 [A Waste Of Time Or Worth It?]

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Before authoring this review, my wife and I both installed and started using Rakuten on our phones and desktop computer. … Rakuten Review 2021 [A Waste Of Time Or Worth It?] Read More »

10 Ways To Save Money on Groceries When Everything Is So Incredibley Expensive

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - With all that inflation, groceries cost so much now! Many Americans are struggling and find it hard to save on their grocery bill. People with families and children are finding it really hard to make ends meet and afford groceries. ... Read More

The Pandemic Psy-Op Has Brainwashed People Into Believing The Unbelievable.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - If you spend any time on conservative social media sites it's easy to get the impression that people are "waking up" to the covid pandemic nonsense and that victory over the globalist psychopaths is right around the corner. It's certainly true that greater numbers are aware of the scam today than in 2020. The so-called elites have overplayed their hand in many areas and their attempts to lock down the world in a disease-fearing digital prison have been exposed. But they're still winning, and that's a serious problem.It seems the majority have completely bought in to the pandemic psy-op and all the tyrannical accessories that come with it.During a recent trip to a grocery store, at least half the customers were wearing face masks, despite there being no mandates to do so. We're two and a half years into this madness and people still think they need masks? How much longer will they wear them? Forever? Aren't these people "vaccinated"? Don't they trust the vaccines to actually do something other than be a tool for virtue signaling?I went out to dinner with a triple vaxxed friend. In the small restaurant where people were close together, my friend didn't wear a mask. But after dinner we both stopped at the same large grocery store to buy ice cream. On the way into the store he put on a high-filtration N-95 face mask. The grocery store had less people in it than the restaurant, making my friend's behavior totally illogical. I asked why he put on the mask to go to the grocery store and he wouldn't explain it. He probably couldn't explain it. Brainwashing has that effect on people.I saw my neighbor holding a covid "quick test" that a drug store delivery driver had just brought. He said his brother had tested positive for covid so he was testing himself to be safe. I explained to him that viruses don't cause diseases. He replied, "Oh, I know that", yet he was still going to test himself to see if he'd been exposed to a virus that has never been isolated and proven to exist. Meanwhile another neighbor was standing on the sidewalk waiting for her Uber driver to arrive. She was wearing a mask.I spoke to my mother and she said her church has cancelled all services this week because almost everyone in the church has covid. The church congregation is mostly older people who are most likely vaccinated. My mother didn't understand when I tried to explain that the congregation probably has vaccine side effects rather than covid. Or maybe they just have allergies or one of the many respiratory conditions that senior citizens are prone to get. But I guess simple things like that aren't allowed in the psy-op. Every illness has to be covid. There is nothing else.My stepmother has been in the hospital for a couple of weeks. She's been unresponsive, unable to talk, walk, or eat. The doctors didn't know what was wrong with her but never suggested she was suffering from a vax reaction. She eventually got better but now they say she's tested positive for covid despite being triple jabbed. She has to stay in the hospital nine more days at a minimum unless the useless PCR test comes up positive once again and then she'll have to stay even longer. Strangely, my dad has been with her every day and his test came up negative. This is not the first time my triple jabbed stepmother has been told she had covid. She had flu symptoms a couple of times earlier but recovered as one does from the flu. My dad, fully on-board with the psy-op, repeated the words from the official cult script: "If she hadn't been vaccinated, it would have been worse."I bet you could tell similar stories about your family and friends. The pandemic psy-op has been so successful that intelligent and educated people are willing to believe the unbelievable. The endless propaganda from compromised news media sources, government officials, and bribed medical professionals has switched off the public's ability to do any critical thinking. What began as fear-based obedience is now just blind obedience. Rather than questioning what they see they wait until an authority figure tells them what it is they're seeing. The obedience is so intense, if they've been told the sky is pink and you try to correct them by saying the sky is really blue, they'll argue you down, unable to accept what is right before them. That's the power of the psy-op.If we don't learn how to break through it and free more minds, the world will soon become a very grim and joyless place to be, an open-air prison where the wealthiest psychopaths are the wardens.

10 of the Most Dangerous Places in the World

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Are you tired of playing it safe, and have you been craving a thrill that takes you to some of our planet’s most dangerous places? These destinations are not for the faint-hearted; they come with significant life-threatening risks you should ... Read More

The 13 Absolutely Best Netflix Original Series of All Time

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - Netflix’s rotating lineup of excellent shows aside, their impressive original series and programming collection are not to be missed. These are Masterpieces on the Screen. These are the best shows that have captivated audiences, and you should watch them ASAP! ... Read More

Fascist Propaganda Media Is Using The Sandy Hook Trial To Destroy Alex Jones' Character.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - Alex Jones is on trial in a defamation case launched by the parents of the children killed in the Sandy Hook shooting. Trials and other legal proceedings bore me so I won't go into details about the case. There's plenty of information available elsewhere if you want to learn about what is, in my opinion, a very biased and unfair trial against Jones. What I'm focused on today is the mind control disguised as journalism that is being forced upon the public. The Fascist propaganda news sites are using the trial as an excuse to churn out endless false statements about Alex Jones in an apparent effort to destroy his character and ultimately his InfoWars empire. Jones is certainly a polarizing character, but whether you love him or hate him, he still deserves to be written about impartially by people who claim to be journalists. Unfortunately that has not happened. A few examples: NewsNation, a part of the left-wing news conglomerate Nexstar Media, called Jones a "conspiracy theorist". CNET described Jones as a "radio host and accused conspiracy-theory peddler" and that he was making "baseless claims" about the Sandy Hook shooting. By now we know that when the media trots out the phrase "baseless claims" what they really mean is they've done no research and they don't want you to do any, either.Globalist-owned Reuters called Jones "the U.S. conspiracy theorist".CNN called Jones a "right-wing conspiracy theorist". That's not surprising. Anyone to the right of Chairman Mao is a right-wing conspiracy theorist to the radicals at CNN.The left-wing extremists at MSNBC said Jones is a "conspiracy theorist and right-wing grifter". I have to give them a little credit: if anyone knows what a conspiracy theorist is, it would be MSNBC. They've had several on their payroll for many years. Rachel Maddow, are you listening?Breitbart, which pretends to be a conservative news media site, took the easy way out and regurgitated a story from the Associated Press which unsurprisingly labeled Jones as a "conspiracy theorist". NBC News also ran the Associated Press story rather than do any real reporting. CBS News did the same thing.The SF Gate, owned by the globalists at Hearst, described Jones as "one of America’s most influential and destructive conspiracy theorists".Finally, the Marxist rag The Huffington Post called Jones "a notorious conspiracy theorist". The Huffington Post is owned by the notoriously biased left-wing media company BuzzFeed.(Fox News and Newsmax are ignoring the trial.)I could keep going but I think you get the idea. All of the mainstream media outlets covering the trial have described Jones as a conspiracy theorist. They want to create the image that everything he says is crazy and should be ignored. But keep in mind that the term "conspiracy theorist' was first used by the CIA to psychologically manipulate the public into not believing things that eventually turned out to be true. And as any long-term or even occasional viewer of InfoWars can tell you, most of what is reported by Jones and his crew is later found out to be completely factual, no matter how extreme it seems at first.But the globalists and their fake news puppets don't want you know that. Don't look behind the curtain. Just believe the official narratives and feel safe in the delusions they've created for us, delusions interrupted by bursts of fear when they want us to give up our money or our freedom.[ is hosted outside the jurisdiction of the United States and the E.U. Shouldn't your site be too?]

What Can I Pawn for $100: 15 Best Items To Pawn Today

Posted By theradicalfire on Finance - Looking for some extra bucks? Do you need a few dollars for an investment and or a purchase? If you have some stuff lying around or unwanted things in your house, you might ask yourself: what can I pawn for $100? Pawning is when you borrow money from a pawn shop in exchange for a valuable asset. With such collateral, a pawnbroker will give you short-term cash loans with no credit check based on the appraised value of the item you bring to the pawnshop.  When you pawn ... Read more

10 Animals That Would Be Money Motivated If They Understood the Concept of It

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Humans are highly motivated by money. The ability to earn, save, and spend currency can often be the driving force … 10 Animals That Would Be Money Motivated If They Understood the Concept of It Read More »

6 Reasons To Consider A Fixed Annuity For Retirement

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Retirement planning includes saving and investing throughout your career to ensure you have sufficient funds in retirement. You have a … 6 Reasons To Consider A Fixed Annuity For Retirement Read More »