Published Blogs

10 Worst Frugal Fashion Fails That Are All Too Relatable

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - One great way to cut costs is to purchase less expensive clothing and take advantage of really good sales. However, sometimes trying to be frugal can lead you to fashion failure. Have you done any of these frugal fashion mistakes? ... Read More

The Democrat's Shocking Slide Toward Violence And Depravity.

Posted By timomalum on Politics - It's not your imagination. The Democratic Party really has lost its way. The political party of peace-loving hippies, John F. Kennedy, and Jimmy Carter has become the home of angry, immoral, irresponsible goons. They hate freedom, they hate America, they hate you, and they even hate themselves. They love big government, depravity, and violence.They make fun of religion, but they worship authority, technology, Big Pharma, and anything sexual.Their destructive terror troops call themselves ANTIFA, yet they're the real Fascists, trying to scare us into silence and compliance. They're the useful idiots for the wealthy elites who are financing the enslavement of humanity.The Democratic Party has been hijacked by left-wing extremists. No moral, self-respecting person should support the cesspool that is has become.

10 Worst Investments People Made for Themselves That Didn’t Turn Out Well

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Smartly investing in yourself is one of the most rewarding things you can do for a happy, balanced life. Whether it's simply making a purchase that improves your quality of life or making a move that will set you up ... Read More

9 Ugly Flowers That Stand Out for All the Wrong Reasons

Posted By Davin on Home - Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and while many flowers are celebrated for their vibrant colors and delicate petals, there are some that challenge our conventional notions of beauty. We’ll explore some of the ugliest flowers in the world, delving into their unique characteristics and the reasons behind their peculiar appearances. Whether you’re ... Read more

Can’t Find Happiness Within Yourself (and in the now)? Here’s Why.

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Happiness is a desirable state. Yet, for many of us, it feels elusive. If our necessities for survival are met, and we’re not dealing with severe physiological and mental health issues, it boils down to how we think and perceive. If you’re struggling to find happiness within yourself, it could be because of one or... 
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The post Can’t Find Happiness Within Yourself (and in the now)? Here’s Why. appeared first on The Dream Catcher.

Things To Look For When Buying A Used Forklift For Sale In Atlanta

Posted By forklift1120 on Automotive - One of the most common cost-effective solutions for your business is to buy a used forklift truck, as opposed to purchasing a brand new one. This solution enables your company to have the equipment it requires to handle daily operations and grow, without spending too much money. However, it is important to thoroughly check the …
Things To Look For When Buying A Used Forklift For Sale In Atlanta Read More »
The post Things To Look For When Buying A Used Forklift For Sale In Atlanta appeared first on Accurate Forklift.

Whale Fin Snake Plant: The Must-Have Plant of the Year

Posted By Davin on Home - Whale Fin Snake Plant, or Mason’s Congo Snake Plant (Dracaena masoniana, syn. Sansevieria masoniana) is a rare plant compared to its Snake Plant cousin (Dracaena trifasciata, syn. Sansevieria trifasciata). Instead of narrow spires, its huge upright leaves are flat, wide, and paddle-shaped and can grow 3 to 4 feet high and up to a foot ... Read more

How Improve Your Fitness Website Loading Speed & Rank Higher On Google

Posted By dansalcs on Marketing - People’s attention spans are short and waiting for a personal trainer’s webpage to load for too long will all but guarantee that the visitor to your site will navigate away without waiting to hear about all the ways you can help with their goals. This can negatively affect your bounce rate, how quickly a website visitors lands on and the leaves your page and even how you rank on Google. Larger web pages take longer to load because it takes the browser time to download th [...]

Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Unveiling the Advantages of Women-Owned Minority Businesses

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - In a world where diversity and inclusion are increasingly important, women-owned minority businesses are making waves. These powerhouse entrepreneurs are not only breaking through the glass ceiling but also shattering stereotypes and forging the way for future generations. In this article, we will ...

The 12 Tips You Need to Strike It Rich and Live Like a King!

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Do you dream of being wealthy, retiring early, and living life on your terms? The idea of getting rich quickly can be enticing, but the reality is that it takes hard work, dedication, and in many cases, a bit of ... Read More

Average Retirement Savings By Age: Are You Normal?

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - There is a lot of confusion around retirement, and particularly recommended retirement savings by age. How much should you have saved by age? And how much do you need in retirement? Did you know the #1 method people use to estimate how much money they need for retirement is guessing? (According to a study done...

The Ultimate Guide To Working From Home With a Toddler

Posted By motherhoodtruth on Creative Lifestyle - Looking for tips on how to navigate the challenges of working from home with a toddler in tow? Look no further! Our ultimate guide has all the advice, tricks, and creative solutions you need to thrive both as a parent and professional. Get ready to conquer the work-from-home balancing act like a pro!

Looking for a Financial Advisor for Women over 50?

Posted By wealthtender on Finance - Women in their fifties and sixties have a lot to look forward to as they transition from careers and raising families to a more leisurely lifestyle in retirement. Spending time with friends and family, traveling, and pursuing new hobbies are just a few of the activities many women envision in their...

The Ultimate Guide to Building Wealth: Top 10 Tips From Millionaires and Billionaires

Posted By hashtaginvesting on Finance - Building wealth and saving money can be difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing. Taking the first step towards

8 Famous Activists Who Changed History

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Activism is all about acting to bring about social change. It establishes fairness when we sense an imbalance of power that impacts society. There are no perfect activists, and everyone can use their unique skills to contribute if they do so from a place of passion. These stories of some of the most prominent famous... 
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The post 8 Famous Activists Who Changed History appeared first on The Dream Catcher.

Women: 10 Significant Sentences You Can Speak That Will Stay With a Man Forever

Posted By simplyrealmoms on Creative Lifestyle - Several reports show that online dating is becoming unfairly balanced. In short, most women are chasing a minority of men, which means this male minority...