Published Blogs

15 Tax Deductions For Your Small Business

Posted By PlayLouderBlog on Business - Ordinary and necessary business expenditures are the types of costs that can be deducted from taxes. The taxpayer's taxable income drops by the permitted amount by taking the deduction. To illustrate, let's say a company earns $200 in sales and pays $60 in wages to make that sale happen. The company's taxable income is $200 […]

4 Strategies To Stay On Top Of Your Finances As A Business Owner

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - It’s no secret that running a business is hard work. It takes a lot of effort and passion to succeed … 4 Strategies To Stay On Top Of Your Finances As A Business Owner Read More »

Transform Guy Furniture To Girl Furniture With Fuchsia Paint And White Drawer Pulls

Posted By pjunktion on DIY - completely change the look of a piece of furniture with paint. That's what I did here and now I'm doing the happy dance. This all-wood chest of drawers was completely masculine and now it is definitely feminine. I layered two colors of paint for a custom look and added bright hardware. I made a video...
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The post Transform Guy Furniture To Girl Furniture With Fuchsia Paint And White Drawer Pulls appeared first on Petticoat Junktion.

7 Elements of Culture and How it Shapes Our Life

Posted By seline101 on Self Improvement - Culture is the shared language in a community. The holidays celebrated, the religions practiced, the way we communicate, and the food we cook all fall under the umbrella of culture. But knowing a culture on a surface level can lead us to stereotypes and a belief that everyone in a group is alike. One way... 
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The post 7 Elements of Culture and How it Shapes Our Life appeared first on The Dream Catcher.

Growing up in an International House

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

In this next installment of the Travel Series, we're talking about growing up with a parent who traveled and how it changed my perspective.
The post Growing up in an International House appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Save Money By Winterizing Your Home's Interior and Exterior

Posted By pjunktion on DIY - As we get closer to winter, preparing your home for colder months by winterizing your home's interior and exterior is a necessary and practical. Winterizing your home is an excellent way to safeguard it against the harsh effects of cold weather and to cut down on high energy expenses. It's an annual routine that shouldn't...
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The post Save Money By Winterizing Your Home's Interior and Exterior appeared first on Petticoat Junktion.

127.9K People Love This Video: Making Homemade Aloe Vera Gel

Posted By Davin on Home - Aloe vera gel can be hard to find without chemicals. The solution? Make your own gel from the plant. That’s what one TikTok user: Luloskin did, and 127.9 thousand users have loved the video. It’s surprisingly easy to do and has many benefits. It is an antioxidant and anti-inflammatory with many uses. The TikTok creator ... Read more

Conversations on Photography with Sean Hartgrove

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Personal - This is a conversation I've been wanting to have for nearly a decade. Welcome my dear friend and world-famous photographer Sean Hartgrove.
The post Conversations on Photography with Sean Hartgrove appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Marble Queen Pothos Takes The Crown: Plant Care Guide

Posted By Davin on Home - When you’re shopping for houseplants, it can seem like there are as many varieties of pothos as pots to put them in. But among them all, the Marble Queen pothos takes the crown. What makes Marble Queen special? Simply put: the foliage. The leaves of Marble Queen pothos are decorated with creamy light yellow to ... Read more

FU Money: What Is It And How Much Money Is Enough?

Posted By investedmedia on Finance - One of the most defining moments of your life can be realizing you have reached a state of having “FU Money.” It’s money that leaves you feeling comfortable, with less worry about the state of the economy, and gives you an “out” if something were to happen to your income.  Unfortunately, traditional jobs are something […]

Talking Autism with Martha Engber

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Personal - In this wide-ranging conversation, I talk with Martha Engber and her experiences as the daughter of an autistic father and how it changed her whole family. We talk about her book and her experiences.
The post Talking Autism with Martha Engber appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

Americans Are Moving to These States in Droves To Save Money

Posted By adimesaved on Finance - With record-high inflation and cost-of-living increases, many Americans are looking for ways to save money. According to a report from the personal finance website WalletHub, Americans are moving to states with the lowest cost of living to find a better quality ... Read More

She Brags About Being a Breadwinner, But Can’t Contribute Anything Financially

Posted By theparentportfolio on Finance - A Reddit user shared that he and his fiance decided to move in together and agreed to split the housework and bills 50/50. And although the fiance earns more, she lives paycheck to paycheck and hasn’t been able to keep up her end of the bargain. They Rented A Space From The Fiance’s Parents The...

6 Smart Ways to Protect your Finances

Posted By Thecameronjournal on Politics -

Here are six ways you can manage your money better and fight off this terrible inflation that we're having right now. Here are six quick tips.
The post 6 Smart Ways to Protect your Finances appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

How TMS Therapy Improves Anxiety

Posted By holisticmomma on Parenting - Anxiety disorders are prevalent in our world today. Statista reports that around 27% of American adults had anxiety disorder symptoms between April 27 and May 9, 2022. And the National Alliance of Mental Illness says over 40 million U.S adults have an anxiety disorder.  As the number of anxiety patients increases, scientific research to discover...