Published Blogs

Joint Family Vacation ~ The Silva’s Maui Beach Portrait

Posted By karmahill on Photography - We had the best time starting our day with a Maui Beach Portrait session! It was made even more enjoyable because we got to work with this fun crew. These sisters decided to come on a joint vacation, for some fun in the sun before the winter cold sets in back home in the windy […]The post Joint Family Vacation ~ The Silva’s Maui Beach Portrait appeared first on Karma Hill Photography.

Why We Should Avoid Non-Organic Meat and Dairy

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - Please be forewarned, I am not a radical vegetarian environmentalist trying to convert you over to my side of the camp. However, you might want to come over yourself when you realize that there is an ever-increasing chance that each bite of non-organic dairy or meat you consume, could be coming from a cloned animal since the FDA requires no labeling as such. Check out this article from Organic Consumers Association to learn more about this very important issue. I don't know about you but the idea of drinking any dairy product from a cloned cow or goat kind of freaks me out.

FrankenFish/Pigs/Cows/Crops...where Does It End?

Posted By Enerhealth on Health - What is the world coming to? Frankenfish/pig/cow/horse/people maybe? I can't see the sense in messing around with mother nature, she has been good to us for tens of thousands of years and no one knows what will happen if these 'genetically' engineered animals get into the 'natural food chain. That they will is a certainty.
It wasn't but 15 years ago or so that Monsanto told the FDA that there was no chance of cross-contamination or any sort of catastrophic effects from the look at it, there are tons of cross-contamination cases where Monsanto is suing farmers for using their seeds, even though they haven't...and now we have superweeds that can't be controlled! This is not to mention what is being done to the collective digestive/genetics of the human population that consumes this garbage!
We can build whatever animal you want to eat, say scientists. Tinker with the genetics of salmon and maybe you create a revolutionary new food source that could help the environment and feed the hungry.
Or maybe you're creating what some say is an untested "frankenfish" that could cause unknown allergic reactions and the eventual decimation of the wild salmon population.
The US Food and Drug Administration hears both arguments this week when it begins a two-day meeting on whether to approve the marketing of the genetically engineered fish, which would be the first such animal approved for human consumption. The agency has already said the salmon, which grows twice as fast as conventional salmon, is as safe to eat as the traditional variety. Approval of the salmon would open the door for a variety of other genetically engineered animals, including an environmentally friendly pig that is being developed in Canada or cattle that are resistant to mad cow disease.
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"For future applications out there the sky's the limit," David Edwards of the Biotechnology Industry Association said. "If you can imagine it, scientists can try to do it."
AquaBounty submitted its first application for FDA approval in 1995, but the agency decided not until two years ago to consider applications for genetically engineered animals - a move seen as a breakthrough by the biotechnology industry. Genetic engineering is already widely used for crops, but the US government until now has not considered allowing the consumption of modified animals. Although the potential benefits - and profits - are huge, many individuals have qualms about manipulating the genetic code of other living creatures.
Genetically engineered - or GE - animals are not clones, which the FDA has already said are safe to eat. Clones are copies of an animal. With GE animals, their DNA has been altered to produce a desirable characteristic.
In the case of the salmon, AquaBounty has added a growth hormone from a Chinook salmon that allows the fish to produce their growth hormone all year long. The engineers were able to keep the hormone active by using another gene from an eel-like fish called an ocean pout that acts like an on switch for the hormone, according to the company. Conventional salmon only produce the growth hormone some of the time.
In documents released ahead of the hearing, the FDA said there were no biologically relevant differences between the engineered salmon and conventional salmon, and there is a reasonable certainty of no harm from its consumption.
Critics have two main concerns: The safety of the food to humans and the salmon's effect on the environment. Because the altered fish has never been eaten before, they say, it could include dangerous allergens, especially because seafood is highly allergenic. They also worry that the fish will escape and intermingle with the wild salmon population, which is already endangered. They would grow fast and consume more food to the detriment of the conventional wild salmon, the critics fear.
A wide range of environmental, food safety and consumer groups have argued that more public studies are needed and the current FDA process is inadequate because it allows the company to keep some proprietary information private.
Ron Stotish, the chief executive of AquaBounty, has countered that the company has more than addressed the concerns and his product has come under much more scrutiny than most food. "This is perhaps the most studied fish in history," he said. "Environmentally, this is a very sustainable technology."
The company has several safeguards in place to allay concerns. All the fish would be bred female and sterile, though a small percentage may be able to breed. They would be bred in confined pools where the potential for escape would be very low.
Read more.
Please support locally grown produce, eggs, and meats. Avoid anything that has been genetically modified.
Update September 21, 2021: The inaugural harvest of genetically modified salmon took place in June of this year. Several tons of salmon headed to restaurants where labeling as genetically engineered was not required. 

The Pantry Storage Solution That Will Change Everything. 

Posted By investedparents on Creative Lifestyle - We have all seen pictures and videos of amazing kitchen pantries, spotlessly clean, perfectly organized visions of shiny canisters or decorative mason jars with stylish...

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From Their Own Mouths: Trump Supporters

Posted By Thecameronjournal on News -

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The post From Their Own Mouths: Trump Supporters appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

12 Shocking Signs Your Parent is a Cheapskate!

Posted By Thefrugalexpat on Finance - Did you grow up within an extremely frugal household that bordered on cheapskate? Have these experiences affected the way you think of money? Many parents will do things to save money. Here are 12 signs your parent is a cheapskate. ... Read More

Purple Dead Nettle: The Wild Food In Your Backyard

Posted By Davin on Home - It’s amazing how many wild and free foods are available to us. You may be surprised to hear that many of the scornful weeds you have growing in your backyard are edible and medicinal. That’s right; with a keen eye and plant identification knowledge in your tool belt, you can start foraging for food and medicine without ... Read more

French Black Copper Marans: Friendly Chickens With Unique Eggs

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Philodendron White Wizard: Care Guide for this Rare Magical Variety

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The Best Monitoring Cameras for Elderly Care (and Peace of Mind)

Posted By grayingwithgrace on Personal - Choosing the best monitoring camera for elderly care requires reviewing features such as camera resolution, night vision capabilities, two-way audio communication, and privacy measures. Our senior product expert shows you how to select the ideal solution for your specific situation and create a safer, more connected environment for your elderly loved one.

A Life on the Road with Brent Antonson

Posted By Thecameronjournal on News -

Brent Antonson is a world traveller and one of those genuinely interesting people.Come along with us as we explore his many travels and his new book.
The post A Life on the Road with Brent Antonson appeared first on The Cameron Journal.

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