When blogging, it’s the little things that will make the biggest difference. Sometimes these can be goals you have set for yourself, short term or long, big or small. Obtaining, reaching or achieving these millstones will help keep your attitude positive and your motivation high for continuing to move forward in blogging.
There’s something special about seeing results from our hard efforts when blogging. A lot of hard work goes into setting up our blogs, purchasing domain names, creating our hosting and so much more. The to do list for starting a blog is huge and we set out to accomplish everything needed in order to help with our success.
Your First Comment
Nothing feels better from a bloggers perspective then when we get our first sincere blog comment. Everyday we log in, moderate and delete spam comments and trust me when I say the task becomes cumbersome. There’s something special about writing content and having someone interested enough to leave a comment. Social engagement, in my opinion is a huge part of being a blogger.

Your First Re Tweet
Nothing beats seeing someone re-tweet or tweet one of your blog posts. There you are, writing a blog post every week for weeks, feeling alone and out of no where, boom your first social engagement on social media! These are exciting times for any blogger! It’s time to build connections and it’s time to expand our reader base.

Being Consistent
Many bloggers may find blogging consistently part of their regular routine and that’s great, but some of us struggle and have great difficulty being consistent with releasing new blog content. If you set a goal to write blog posts with some form of consistency and you reached that goal, good on you this is a big deal and brings forth great motivation. Continue to set these goals and to reach these new millstones, never stop challenging yourself in life and in blogging.

When we add up all these little things we realize they amount to one amazing thing and that’s us blogging, having fun and crating something that is special to us. Success is measured in so many ways and the relevance is typically based on perspective so don’t let anyone tell you, you are not doing amazing because you are.
You are doing amazing things!