Creating unique and valuable content requires hard work. Good tips are actionable and thus they solve real world problems. Creating such useful content requires time and money.
The good news here is that we already have plenty of such content in our blog but the sad part is that most such content is just a onetime thing. We post it and then promote it and the content slowly dies into the achieves. Valuable content deserves more than just a few days worth of notice. It needs to be consumed in more than one way.
This is where content repurposing comes into play. You can make use of the content that you already have and let your audience consume it in several different formats, making it more accessible and easily digestible in a format that the users prefer.
Here’s the top ten ways in which content can be repurposed.
1. Convert to Video: YouTube is a huge social network where video is the only content format which is supported. When videos trend they receive millions of views. Even for normal users that do not have a huge channel, can receive decent amount of views if their videos are good.
As a blogger you already have good content. Simply convert these blog posts into video format and leverage the power of YouTube for your marketing needs.

2. Make Slides: Slide share is a very popular website today that supports slides in the form of content. There’s plenty of competing sites too which allow the upload of slides.
Blog posts can be easily converted into slides and then they can be uploaded to these slide based platforms for easy consumption.
3. Infographics: When we talk about the visual media, then infographics tops the list. Visual content is much easy to consume. It is easy to skim through, all the information is easily displayed with the help of graphs and charts. The display of infographics is colorful and thus it is easy to consume.
Most blog posts can be easily converted into infographic and then these infographics can be republished in many blogs where people like to link back to the source.
4 Email Newsletters: Reaching your audience’s inbox is one of the best ways to gain trust of your readers. Convert your blog posts into email newsletter and send them to your email subscribers as auto-responders. Most new readers never really bother to check old posts but if they are sent these posts automatically by email, they will read it and consume it in their leisure.
5. Ebook: There are many benefits of having eBooks, like they can be used as a gift for subscribing to newsletters. EBooks can be sold from sites like Amazon or distributed freely from just about anywhere. Yes, getting an ebook ready can be costly however the content is already available in the form of blog posts, so just converting it into eBook format is mostly free.
6. Quora: When it comes to question and answers, Quora is the biggest site on the planet. However, it is more than just a question and answer site; it is almost like a social network. The main thing here is the content in the form of answers. As bloggers and marketers we already have so many of these answers in our blog posts that can be repurposed and answered in Quora. One can even link to their existing blog posts if the answer requires further explanations.
7. Repost on Medium and Linkedin: Yes, reposting can create duplicate content, no matter how things are presented but if the content is posted in the same way as-is, then yes, it will create duplicate content. This is the reason why even while posting the whole post on platforms like Medium or Linkedin Pulse, it is best to make some changes, or post a part of the content as a teaser.
8. Edit and Refresh old blog posts: Old blog posts are valuable pieces of content and they have served their purpose in the past. If they are part of the evergreen posts that ranks in the search engines then they are best left alone. However, for most blog posts, that is not the case. They are simply excellent pieces of content which is simply being wasted, like rotting and unloved.
Such pieces of content needs to be edited. If the articles are a 10 point article, make them 25 or more. Upgrade those pieces of content and re-post them as fresh content. Keep the URL of the post same so that they retain all the link juice and benefits of being an old blog post.

9. Make quotes: There’s plenty of useful pieces of content in our old blog posts that can be converted into quotes. These quotes can be made beautifully using sites like Canva so that they stand out and people even link to them. Such quotes can be used in interviews, roundups, social media snippets and in many other places. People like to use quotes but they just don’t want to take up the effort to create one. If things are readily available, then they will use it.
10. Micro Blogging: There’s plenty of social media sites out there and all of them requires posting multiple updates a day. If one wants to create fresh and unique content for such updates, brainstorming for such content ideas alone is an impossible job. However, most blog posts have these small pieces of updates and they just needs to be extracted.
Old blog posts are a gold mine for social media updates. They already have several relevant images added and there’s so many small sentences, some of them are catchy too which are ready to be posted into the social networks with minimum effort.
A bloggers main work is to produce content, whether this content goes into the blog itself, or for guest posts, interviews, roundups, forums, Quora and for any other purpose. This effort of creating unique content is a difficult work and content repurposing makes this process easy.
Over the years a blog slowly and steadily becomes a gold mine of information. There’s an endless supply of content that are waiting in the achieves of the blog. Such content has already served the audience and is now waiting in the dark pages, perhaps never to be bothered with again. If such content is repurposed then it will again see the light of the day and people will consume it again.