Top 12 Tips to Build a Personal Brand Online

A business needs to sell. It needs to build a customer base, a recurring income and ultimately make money from the various activities it does. But there is a personal side to every business. A side that connects well with the customers on an emotional level. It works because a business is raw and robot …

Top 12 Must Have Skills for Blogging Success

As a blogger your work will mostly revolve around writing content, making it more readable and search engine friendly and once you are done with your content, you will have to start outreach and networking for getting yourself heard and your content consumed. On the face of it, everything seems easy but once you start …

15 CTA – Call to Action – Buttons to Include in your Blog

Blogging can be done for fun; it can be your hobby. One can blog without really expecting anything to gain out of it. If you are blogging without any purpose of gain then CTAs aren’t a big concern for you. However, most people and businesses blog to get some sort of benefit out of it. …

How to Build a Gardening blog in 2023

There was a time when starting a blog was enough to get the traffic flowing. All you had to do was to make it and the audience came searching on their own. Unfortunately, those days are long gone and now making a blog isn’t enough to capture the audience, one need to work hard to …

18 of the Best Niches to Start a Profitable Blog

To create a profitable blog, one needs a niche which is both low competitive and highly searched. If the niche is important and there’s plenty of people who are searching for it and the advertisers are looking to tap into that audience, then you have found yourself a good niche to start blogging. Such niches …

Top 11 Must Have WordPress Plugins for a Successful Blog

In a wordpress blogging system, plugins are a way to add functionalities and design elements to your blog. A basic wordpress blog has just enough features and designs to do the basic work. It does not have social sharing options, does not track traffic, and does not even have an option to include advertisements and …

Top 13 Blogging Tools to use in 2023

Moving towards the New Year 2023, it is important that bloggers get ready for the fierce competition that awaits them as more and more digital marketers and bloggers enters the blogging space every year. To make the blogging process easy and staying competitive in this dynamic blogging ecosystem, it is important to start using some …

Top 8 Influencer Marketing Tips for 2022

When you think about influencer marketing, the first thing that comes in your mind is usually celebs and other popular people from the field of acting, sports or politics. While these people are truly influencers but they all have one fundamental issue. They are all very difficult to reach or they are too costly to …

8 Steps to Start a Blog in the Right Way

There are many ways to start a blog. Niche blogs are started differently, blogs made for contextual ads or affiliate marketing is made in a different way. Depending on what you intend to achieve, you need to take a plan of action. Today, we are going to discuss a blog starting guide where you will …

Top 10 Tips to Monetize your Blog

Running a profitable blog is like having a business on auto-pilot. It is one of the best ways to make money online. The work is relatively easy as much of the hard work can be outsourced and your profits can be scaled quickly. All this sounds good when you have a good flow going. For …