What Matters Most When Blogging?

Isn’t this an interesting question ? What does matter the most when blogging? If you ask one person perhaps content will be the suggestion. If you ask another they may claim consistency is key to success. If we continue to get different suggestions on what matters most when blogging, then perhaps it’s a matter of …

Finding Inspiration Wherever We Can

Blogging everyday must become cumbersome. Finding ways to be motivated and inspired is fundamental to maintaining any type of consistency with your content creation. Personally I’ve never successfully blogged on a daily basis, so I’m only assuming it becomes more and more challenging to write new content. Where Do We Find Inspiration? Inspiration has to …

Finding Your Blogging Consistency

We are all creatures of habit and one thing consistent, we do not like change. Regardless if change brings forth new opportunities and successes we as humans simply do not like change. Naturally being consistent with content creation on your blog has a direct impact on retaining your current readers and growing your future reader …

Give Them What They Want Blogging 101

One of the easiest ways to create a successful blog is to give your readers what they want. People love content, and even more so love content that’s engaging and on topic to the readers interest. The most successful online bloggers give the readers exactly what they are looking for, perhaps you’re curious as to …

Your Blog Sucks! Here’s How To Fix It

If you want to have a successful blog you need to get serious and you need to create a business plan. Having a clear understanding of your audience and direction of your blog is vital to making it become a success. You need interesting and helpful articles for your readers and you need to make …