Finding Your Blogging Consistency

We are all creatures of habit and one thing consistent, we do not like change. Regardless if change brings forth new opportunities and successes we as humans simply do not like change.

Naturally being consistent with content creation on your blog has a direct impact on retaining your current readers and growing your future reader base. Being consistent with content creation has a direct impact on the success of your blog.

What is Consistency?

As a blogger we can break consistency down into two fundamental elements. We first have consistency with content creation and secondly with content topic and relevancy. Please do see my previous post regarding giving your readers what they want.

Content Creation

As bloggers we can focus on consistency by blogging on a specific day. For example, every Friday your blog will release a new post. If you can be consistent with this Friday post you will start to gain readers who actually visit your site every Friday anticipating your next post. Consistency in content creation on specific dates is extremely important to the success of your blog.

Content Relevancy

Creating consistent and on topic content will be key to the success of your blog. Remaining on topic will allow you to funnel like minded blog readers and increase the success of your blog. I do my best to stay on topic here on Blog Engage keeping our blog posts relevant to blogging for you, our blog readers.

src: theedublogger

I am a terrible example of what it means to be consistent as blogger, and perhaps you are as well. With that said I do have the knowledge and experience from my 14 years of online marketing to say consistency is key to success with blogging. Some of the greatest and most popular bloggers have found success by following these simple but effective strategies for blogging.

Ways To Remain Consistent

  • Prepare multiple blog posts in one sitting
  • Write and schedule the content ahead of time
  • Be committed and serious
  • Write content on the go
  • Schedule and manage your daily tasks
  • Set smaller obtainable goals

As I sit here writing this post, I truly believe I have never once been an actual blogger. I have grown Blog Engage into a great community with thousands of members, but not once have I truly engaged the audience with blogging content. It’s time for that to change, I have a wealth on knowledge that I want to share with you, to help your blog have a better chance of success.

Give Them What They Want Blogging 101

One of the easiest ways to create a successful blog is to give your readers what they want. People love content, and even more so love content that’s engaging and on topic to the readers interest.

The most successful online bloggers give the readers exactly what they are looking for, perhaps you’re curious as to how they do this everyday? Creating on topic and engaging content is not easy but it is possible.

Start The Research

Understanding your readers is key to creating engaging and on topic content. For example I’m not going to write about sports cars and the manufacturing design that goes into the process. I know my readers are bloggers, hello we are on Blog Engage right ?

Typically when starting a blog you’re going to pick a niche in which your blog will create content for. This can be anything from sports to social media marketing. The challenge to stay within this niche and to provide content that is consistent to one topic for your readers is difficult.

Blogging Burnout Is Real

Lots of bloggers face a point in blogging where they become exhausted of the content they are required to create. Let’s face it, blogging about sports everyday for years can become quite cumbersome. In fact at times, blogging can start feeling more like a job rather than a hobby.

Regardless of these challenges you need to remain focused and on topic. Your readers demand this of you and as mentioned have expectations of the content they will be reading on your blog, try not to sway to far off topic.

Creating New Opportunities

Perhaps its time for you to venture into a new niche? If you find yourself exhausted and lacking motivation to create new content you may benefit from starting a second or even third blog! Expanding the topics you can cover can easily be achieved by creating a new brand new blog.

This is one of the most wonderful things about blogging, you’re never limited to one topic when it’s so easy and affordable to own multiple blog sites! Don’t limit yourself, expand into new ideas and new topics, let your mind grow and reach for success.

How Blog Engage Markets Content for Upgrades and DTFP Clients

Hello my blogging friends. Today I bring you a short, well relatively short video on how Blog Engage helps you our blogging customers market your blog content. If you “Upgrade” your blog post, or sign up to our DTFP marketing package in the video below is what I will do to help market your content.

I use my social media accounts and subscriptions to multiple platforms to help distribute your content into several social media websites, pages and groups. If you don’t have time to push your content our into the world wide web then hire me to do it for you!

During the content distribution I do my best to ensure hashtags are using specific to your content, facebook pages are tagged to help build more awareness for your content and brand.

Your Blog Sucks! Here’s How To Fix It

If you want to have a successful blog you need to get serious and you need to create a business plan. Having a clear understanding of your audience and direction of your blog is vital to making it become a success. You need interesting and helpful articles for your readers and you need to make them fun and entertaining to read.

By no means is blogging easy, in fact being the owner of Blog Engage I’ve seen hundreds of bloggers come and I’ve seen hundreds of bloggers quickly go. One thing consistent among the bloggers that remain is they understand their visitors and provide them with what they want to read.

They also love what they do.

There is no trick or fast way to produce quality content, I’m sorry you will have to actually try and you will have to do your research. But it’s not all research, and in today’s post I’m going to share with you ways to ensure your visitors want to return to your site and enjoy their time on it while reading your latest blog posts.

Photo by Ryan Snaadt

Terrible Content

There’s nothing worse then visiting a blog post that is filled with terrible content. Take your time to do some research on your subject before you start to write. Terrible content also includes no structure to your posts, no clear direction or focus on the topic and poor quality of information gathered and represented. The most popular bloggers have a clear format within their articles. The most successful bloggers have a good understanding of what they are writing about.

Too Many Ads

I don’t know anything else in the world that makes me leave a website faster than too many advertisements. Nothing destroys even the best of content then a website full of unwanted ads in the face of a reader. If your website or blog is filled with ads then guess what? You suck and so does your blog. Chances are bloggers with tons of ads will not be around long, they are in it for the money and that is it, reality is 90% of all bloggers do not make money! So they quickly quit blogging and loose interest.

Source: NeoMam

Lack of Visual Elements

I am so bored, this post is nothing but words and then more words! Did you know readers following directions with text and illustrations do better than people following directions without illustrations by a shocking 323% This same ideology can be applied when trying to keep your readers attention, visuals add an exciting element to every blog post.

Source: NeoMam

The differences between a blog that sucks and a blog that’s great are huge, but with that said you can make the changes needed so your blog has a chance at becoming great too. You need to understand blogging is NOT easy and requires a lot of work, dedication, research and commitment. Do you have what it takes to ensure you have great content, less ads and more visuals? Perhaps your blog will be great someday too.

MeWe New Alternative for Content Marketing and Blog Traffic

If you haven’t heard yet, you have now. MeWe is a social media platform that allows content creators to share content, interact, add friends, create business pages and more. In today’s screen cast I give you a tour around the site, explain what I’m doing with the community and how I’m using this tool to drive traffic!

The community has several familiar features like Facebook but they claim it’s without the invasion of privacy and ads. The community is powered by it’s subscriber user base and allows for no 3rd party advertisements.

Since joining the community I have two subscriptions, one was for my Blog Engage page and the other was for premium services! This site is something I have been using to market my DTFP customers content! If you want me to market your content make sure to purchase our DTFP subscription today.

Creating Key Relationships With Blog Commenting

To this day nothing works better when building new relationships online than blog commenting! Its a vital process to creating a successful online brand and identity. Blog Engage helps you do this and in an extremely efficient and productive manner. In today’s screen cast I share some of my techniques on how I’m using Blog Engage to meet new people and drive traffic to my blogging community.

In order for blog commenting to work you have to be genuine in your comment and interest of topic. I suggest searching Blog Engage published and new sections for content you may have an interest in. Once you find some posts, visit the site, read the content and leave a comment.

Blog commenting on the right blog posts can lead to a direct increase in blog traffic, tweets, likes and blog income! As you continue to do this activity daily your traffic and over all blog activity will also increase. This is a natural result in your blog commenting and relationship building efforts. This is not easy work, but becoming a successful online blogger isn’t easy to start with so why should this be any different?

Earn Recurring Commissions With Blog Engage

That’s right! When you refer Blog Engage a new customer using Affiliate Lights we pay you %50 Recurring Commissions. This means as long as your referral remains a subscribed client you will continue to get paid monthly. The entire process is extremely easy and can be done within minutes for most bloggers.

Our program is free to join, it’s easy to sign-up and requires no technical knowledge. Affiliate programs are common throughout the Internet and offer website owners an additional way to profit from their websites. Affiliates generate traffic and sales for commercial websites and in return receive a commission payment.

How Does It Work?

When you join our affiliate program, you will be supplied with a range of banners and textual links that you place within your site. When a user clicks on one of your links, they will be brought to our website and their activity will be tracked by our affiliate software. You will earn a commission based on your commission type.

Real-Time Statistics and Reporting!

Login 24 hours a day to check your sales, traffic, account balance and see how your banners are performing.

Where to Market Your Blog Posts Once Published

The Blog Engage DTFP Marketing offers the most bang for your buck! If you’re looking for a way to generate more traffic, social shares and engagement let Blog Engage do the work for you. When you post, we start marketing your blog content and you sit back and watch the results.

Blog Engage distributes your blog posts on all the most popular networks such as Facebook Twitter, VCB, Guest Crew, Buffer, LinkedIn and more. Our job is to put your content in front of the eyes of potential blog readers. With a monthly RSS Subscription you can focus on more important factors such as building key relationships with other bloggers. When you post, we syndicate, it’s as easy as that, no hassle, no fuss. The higher the package the more social media marketing and authority your blog will start seeing.

Blog Engage DTFP Benefits

  • Drive Traffic
  • Social Shares
  • Backlinks
  • Content Distribution

An Introduction to Blog Engage

When you first sign up to Blog Engage it may feel a bit overwhelming. Understanding how the community works is vital to your success when using it. Blog Engage first of all is a community for bloggers and content creators. This is a place for you to share your own blog content.

Blog Engage has several features that allow you to connect with one another, send messages, status updates, comment and more. With that said welcome to our community, let’s take you on a mini tour and chat about what Blog Engage has to offer.

  • Build Relationships
  • Drive Blog Traffic
  • Increase Authority
  • Automate Your Marketing