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When I’m 64 – Let’s Start Investing

Posted By lynx on Finance - Once you’ve built an emergency fund, and perhaps even while you are building it (I will get into more detail on that in a future post), it’s time to do ...
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Taxman – The Tax Comes Due

Posted By lynx on Finance - About half way through 2008, the housing market bubble was revealed for the house of cards it was, and it imploded. Taking the economy, and business number 3, with it. ...
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Take the Money and Run – The Online Savings Account

Posted By lynx on Finance - Where do you keep this emergency fund you’re establishing? Our recommendation at this time is to keep the bulk of it in an online savings account.* This is where interest ...
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Ain’t No Sunshine – Cutting Expenses

Posted By lynx on Finance - When Scott got laid off near the end of 2013, we were in trouble. He made about 60% of our income. He was able to collect unemployment for 6 months, ...
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Make A Stash – Your Emergency Fund

Posted By lynx on Finance - So, how much money do you need to save? Again, I’m not here to dictate an amount or a percentage to you. You have to decide for yourself what your ...
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Born to be Wild – 401(k) And Roth IRA Accounts

Posted By lynx on Finance - Fair warning, this may be the driest post I’ve ever written, so you may want a caffeine boost before you settle in. Exploring the differences between 401(k) and Roth IRA ...
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I Love To Live So Pleasantly – Stop The Spending

Posted By lynx on Finance - In 2007, life was amazing. We were complete morons, but hadn’t come to that realization yet, and as they say, ignorance is bliss. Right up until the light bulb snaps ...
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Medallion Fund Literally Printed Money In the Last 30 years

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - We all know that the secret to getting insanely rich is to accumulate assets and avoid liabilities. The tricky part is knowing … Medallion Fund Literally Printed Money In the Last 30 years Read More »

Should I Get A Personal Loan To Pay Off Credit Card Debt?

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - In an ideal world, no one would be in debt, let alone consider getting a personal loan to pay off … Should I Get A Personal Loan To Pay Off Credit Card Debt? Read More »

6 Ways To Save More Money While You’re Still In College

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - It can be challenging to make ends meet while you’re still in college. Especially since the cost of higher education … 6 Ways To Save More Money While You’re Still In College Read More »

Go Your Own Way – Retirement Accounts 101

Posted By lynx on Finance - So, now you know the main options for retirement accounts. But what do you invest in? Determining your risk threshold is an important first step. How comfortable are you with ...
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Startup 101: 7 Things You Need To Know When Starting A Business

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - You’ll be hard-pressed to find anyone who doesn’t aspire to start their own business and work for themselves. And for … Startup 101: 7 Things You Need To Know When Starting A Business Read More »

Qube Money App Review – Digital Cash Envelopes!

Posted By arrestyourdebt on Finance - Qube Money is turning the traditional cash envelope system on its head by creating digital cash envelopes. As financial technology … Qube Money App Review – Digital Cash Envelopes! Read More »